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Posts posted by Wild-Tiger

  1. Off US Blacklist, Italy Begins Torrent Site Blackout, No Trials Needed

    Last December, Italy announced new regulations that would allow a telecoms administrative body to decide whether Internet sites should remain accessible in the country. With several sites such as The Pirate Bay previously blocked by court order, the AGCOM regulator has just ordered the blocking of its first four torrent sites, no complex legal wrangling needed.

    censored.jpgAfter coming under intense and sustained US-pressure to change its attitudes to online piracy, earlier this month it became clear there had been an Italian breakthrough. After being firmly planted on the USTR’s Watch List in the Special 301 Report, Italy was notably absent from the USTR’s 2014 edition.

    “Italy’s removal from the Special 301 List reflects the significant steps the Government of Italy has taken to address the problem of online piracy, and the continued U.S. commitment to meaningful and sustained engagement with our critical partner Italy,” the USTR said in a special announcement earlier this month.

    What Italy had done to deserve these compliments was fairly extraordinary. Instead of legislating to make a piracy crackdown easier or more effective, the government handed AGCOM, the Italian Communications Regulatory Authority, the power to deal with infringement.

    Without need for costly and drawn out legal cases and court-ordered injunctions, from March 31, 2014, AGCOM had the power to order the removal of infringing content or the blocking of allegedly copyright-infringing domains. Remember, these are regulations calling the shots – not legislation.

    Now, a little over two months since the start of the new system, AGCOM has been flexing its muscles against what many people believed to be the framework’s primary targets – torrent sites.

    In four decisions made public this week by AGCOM, LimeTorrents, TorrentDownload.ws, Torrentz.pro and TorrentDownloads.me were all deemed to be infringing and as a result will end up blocked by the country’s ISPs. The decisions, published on AGCOM.it, also reveal who made the complaints and when.

    The LimeTorrents case was reported to AGCOM by local anti-piracy group FPM representing Sony Music, Warner Music and Universal Music. In their evidence the labels provided links to torrents that linked to their works. After a review AGCOM agreed that the labels’ complaints were genuine. Attempts to contact LimeTorrents’ owners failed so they were disallowed from involvement in the process.

    In conclusion, and “in compliance with the principles of proportionality”, on May 5 Italian ISPs were given just two days to block subscriber access to LimeTorrents. In general terms the complaints against the other sites were similar and featured both music and video focused anti-piracy groups working on behalf of several movie studios. Those sites will also be blocked.

    Notable is the streamlined nature of the process. All complaints were filed mid-April and today, less than three weeks later, the blocks should already be in place. Little wonder the USTR is pleased.


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  2. PassThePopcorn (PTP) : NEWS

    It's not often that huge groups of people are able to come together and collectively change the expectations, expanses, scope, and face of their world. Even less often are individuals capable of catching the moment when it happens. We are lucky in both respects, we've all come together, faced disagreements, forged allies, made enemies, and come together to fight common enemies when it was necessary. Through it all we had a singular vision, a driving focus that guided every decision, every choice, and every action of us all. We wanted to build the worlds largest library. We chose not to compete within the realm we started, we chose to be more than just a torrent site, we chose to compete against the mainstream, to take on Amazon Video, to go head to head with Netflix, and, we chose to do it through the power of community. Now, because of this fantastic, amazing, dedicated community of intelligent, innovative, and driven people, we've been lucky enough to touch the face of history, and in some small way, change the way the game is played.

    Thank you PTPers, through your brilliance, and your stamina, we've decimated Amazon's stream (approx 17,000 titles), we've matched and surpassed Netflix's stream (approx 60,000 titles), and we've done it all as a group, as a dedicated community of people who love film in all it's forms. This is what makes this occasion so monumental, so insanely crazy and huge, not just the count on the front page, or the ease of searching, but majesty of this beautiful monster we've all created, the beauty of the impact that our community has created on the expectations of what a digital delivery system can provide, most of all, the beauty that this whole big thing revolves around relying on each other and building bigger because we're doing it together.

    Congratulations PTP, you're absolutely fucking amazing!

    Now for the celebrations!

    First, please welcome Forseti our newest Assistant Director, they've come aboard at a pretty magical moment in our history, and believe it or not, they've played a pretty big role in it as well.

    Next, we've tried to line up a bunch of goodies for everyone as a way of saying thank you, and job well done. Our developers have been working tirelessly to bring you all an amazing array of new features and general awesomeness that should melt some faces:

    New features:

    Movie view mode switcher on all pages

    Compact list view mode

    More sorting options in Snatched Torrents

    Posters for Notifications Page

    Mouse over posters on home page - show detailed info

    Sortin with icons on bookmark page

    Add Topics I've Created or My Topics

    Subscribe to comment sections on movie pages.

    Subscribe to or notify new request comments

    Past Film Club Pick Link Stays on Movie Page

    Link discussion threads on movie pages

    link from torrent page to spoiler discussion thread

    Add an option to sort out our ratings.

    Top XX Snatched Artists

    Option to search by edition title and file name on the Need for Seed page

    Easy navigation between the user torrent pages (e.g.: snatches, uploads, seeding)

    and if that's not enough, as of right now it's


    Global Freeleech will last for the next 5 days (meaning it ends May 14th)

    In case you're wondering, this is the 100,000th movie: Una donna per la vita [2012] - XviD / AVI / DVD / 640x272 / Freeleech!


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  3. We continue to notice many users of newer µTorrent and Mainline Bittorrent clients experiencing severe problems. These problems include connection issues, issues with adding torrents, path issues, disk write issues and GUI issues. Users often don't notice the problems until they are in trouble.

    Versions that are affected:

    µTorrent 3.3.x

    µTorrent 3.4.x

    Mainline BitTorrent 7.8.x

    Mainline BitTorrent 7.9.x

    We recommend users of those versions to switch to another client. The following clients are similar to µTorrent and are recommended to µTorrent users who want to switch:

    Deluge 1.3

    Qbittorrent 3.1

    µTorrent 2.2.1

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  4. Now that Remy has some free time because of all your hard work during Food Month, he's feeling lonely. He wants to get a pet but there are too many animals to choose from! Help Remy decide on the perfect pet by uploading shows about animals. You can also help Remy by posting pictures of your pet.


    1) Uploads must be animal-related. Nature shows, pet shows, and reality shows like River Monsters would all count.

    2) For every episode you upload you will gain 1 point.

    3) For every season pack you upload you will gain X amount of points where X is the number of episodes in the season pack.

    4) Prizes will be awarded based on the point totals of each user on June 1st.

    5) The torrent must be alive at the end of the contest so keep seeding!

    6) Re-encodes / transcodes of existing torrents do not count. This includes portable encodes.

    7) You MUST post all entries in this thread using a single post formatted as per the example entry post. If you use multiple posts or a different formatting for your entries you may be disqualified.

    8) Read our Uploading Rules as ask any questions you might have before uploading. You may ask questions in #BTN-Support or a Staff PM. Uploads which violate our rules will not earn points.

    9) You cannot win any prize if you are warned.


    Main Prizes

    • 1st place will receive a 30 day SeedMyBox seedbox, 1,000,000 bonus points, a custom title, and 1000 lumens.

    • 2nd place will receive a 30 day SeedMyBox seedbox, 750,000 bonus points, and 750 lumens.

    • 3rd Place will receive a 30 day SeedMyBox seedbox, 500,000 bonus points, and 500 lumens.

    Random Prizes

    • Two randomly chosen entrants will receive voice in #BTN for a month.

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  5. Yes, you read that right ! The day is here again and the nest is still there, high up on one of the largest pines . Time flies when you're having fun , and that is exactly what we have here on Sparvar.org . As usual , we want to thank all of you who found your way here , crème de la crème of all users. We hope to continue to grow and be the side with the best selection and the best community so therefore - Thanks to all who have been with us from the beginning, and all newcomers, it is thanks to you. Over the years , we have stood firm through all the difficulties tracker operation entails.

    Yes oh how time flies when you're having fun , it feels like it was yesterday we wrote that the news but now it's gone for another year ! Maybe it has not happened so much new functionally for your users in the last year but do not worry , it is fixed and donas a lot even though you do not notice that we promise . May this brighten up many of repl dreary Monday we're starting the celebration , a week freeleech ! w00t

    We would once again like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who donated , without you it would not be possible , thank you ! love

    / / Staff king

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  6. Have you downloaded a series with a crap description? Did it lack tech specs, or screenshots? Do you want to contribute to the site without spending actual money or learning how to upload? Well, buy a lottery ticket, because you're having an incredibly lucky day.

    Reply to this thread http://tv-vault.me/forums.php?page=1&action=viewthread&threadid=2809#post44015 with better descriptions, tech specs, and screenshots, including a link to the series and season in question. Make sure you tell us which season you're upgrading. Some kindly Team member will come along and add your improvements to the torrent descriptions.

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  7. Welcome to iPT Music Compilation!

    Hot summer is ahead and we want to make a special music compilation made by no one else but our beloved members! Go wild guys and gals. Everyone gets to insert one song and once we hit 500 songs we will have a door of 24 hours for voting to pick the TOP 100 songs out of 500 and compile it into one awesome torrent. We hope to make an awesome collection so you guys not only surf iPT but listen to iPT aswell!

    Let's Do This!

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