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  1. A new report details three recent incidents when intruders gained unauthorized access to Nuclear Regulatory Commission employees' computers. Unspecified foreigners and a third unknown person or group are to blame for three computer hacks over the past three years at the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, according to a new report. The body that governs America's nuclear power providers said in an internal investigation that two of the hacks are suspected to have come from unnamed foreign countries, the news site Nextgovreported based on a Freedom of Information Act request. The source of the third hack could not be identified because the logs of the incident had been destroyed, the report said. Hackers, often sponsored by foreign governments, have targeted the US more frequently in recent years. A report (PDF) on attacks against government computers noted that there was a 35 percent increase between 2010 and 2013. Intruders used common hacking techniques to get at the NRC's computers. One attack linked to a foreign country or individual involved phishing emails that coerced NRC employees into submitting their login credentials. The second one linked to a foreign government or individual used spearphishing, or emails targeted at specific NRC employees, to convince them to click a link that led to a malware site hosted on Microsoft's cloud storage site SkyDrive, now called OneDrive. The third attack involved breaking into the personal account of a NRC employee. After sending a malicious PDF attachment to 16 other NRC employees, one person was infected with malware. NRC spokesman David McIntyre said that the NRC computer security team "detects and thwarts" most hacking attempts. "The few attempts documented in the OIG (Office of the Inspector General) cyber crimes unit report as gaining some access to NRC networks were detected and appropriate measures were taken," he said. http://www.cnet.com/news/nuclear-commission-hacked-3-times-in-3-years/
  2. The move is designed to add variety to your timeline and introduce you to new accounts, but some users have already given it the thumb's down. Your Twitter timeline may start to get a bit more crowded -- with uninvited guests. Under a new plan, the microblogging site may now show you tweets from accounts that you don't follow. That's a significant change from the usual scenario in which you see only tweets from accounts you follow as well as retweets and promoted tweets. In an update to a Help Center Page called What's a Twitter timeline?, Twitter described the timeline tweak and explained the reasoning behind it: The move has its pros and cons. You may find interesting accounts you didn't know existed. But depending on the volume of tweets from accounts you don't follow, you may find your timeline more crowded than you like. And your ability to personalize your timeline will face an added challenge since you could now bump into tweets you didn't ask for and don't like. Additionally, when we identify a Tweet, an account to follow, or other content that's popular or relevant, we may add it to your timeline. This means you will sometimes see Tweets from accounts you don't follow. We select each Tweet using a variety of signals, including how popular it is and how people in your network are interacting with it. Our goal is to make your home timeline even more relevant and interesting. Some Twitter users have already chimed in with a negative reaction to the new initiative. One user in the UK complained after Twitter displayed a tweet to him from his stepfather, who died last June, according to The Guardian. Other users have registered more general gripes about the change, with one person tweeting: "Hey @twitter! Can you please fix my timeline? I don't need to see people's favs, that's what retweets are for!" as reported by The Independent. Here's another tweeted reaction: "Get used to tweets from people you don't follow: bah, Twitter. this is NOT where your value lies." And another: "Dear twitter: I don'twant to see tweets from the people the people I follow are following. You're intruding my carefully curated timeline." The initiative started a couple of weeks ago, according to The Next Web, seemingly as an experiment. But it now seems to be official for all Twitter users, at least based on this week's update to the help page. CNET contacted Twitter for comment and will update the story with any further information. http://www.cnet.com/news/twitter-to-display-tweets-from-accounts-you-dont-follow-like-it-or-not/
  3. AT&T announced Wednesday that Cupertino will be the first community in Silicon Valley that will get its U-verse with GigaPower 1Gbps broadband service. AT&TAT&T has announced the first city in Silicon Valley that will get its 1Gbps fiber service. On Wednesday, the company said that Cupertino, the home of tech giant Apple, has been added to the list of cities that will get its ultra-high speed broadband service in the coming months. AT&T is already offering the broadband service, which delivers 1Gbps downloads as well as 1Gbps uploads, in Austin, Dallas and Fort Worth, Texas. And it has confirmed plans to deploy the service in 11 additional cities: Cupertino, Charlotte, Greensboro, Houston, Jacksonville, Fla., Miami, Nashville, Overland Park, Kan., Raleigh-Durham, San Antonio, and Winston-Salem. In total, AT&T has said it plans to expand the 1Gbps GigaPower service in up to 100 candidate cities and municipalities across 25 markets nationwide. Other Silicon Valley and Bay Area communities are still on the list for consideration, including, San Jose, San Francisco, and Mountain View, home of Google, AT&T's biggest rival in delivering 1Gbps fiber broadband. Even though most communities in the US could benefit from a super high-speed network, such as AT&T's, delivering this kind of speed to residents and startups in the nation's technology and innovation hub is likely to be a guaranteed hit. And it could spawn new ideas, technologies and businesses that will benefit the entire technology ecosystem as residents and startups in the area put the high-capacity network to the test. "Cupertino is leading the way in creating an environment that fosters innovation," the city's mayor Gilbert Wong said in a statement. "And the deployment of ultra-high-speed broadband service will further support innovation in our community, spur our local businesses, and result in even greater economic development in our city." The attractive customer base is also one that Google is considering. Google included San Jose and its hometown of Mountain View in its list of nine metro areas that it will evaluate for deploying its own 1Gbps download service. So far, Google is still deploying service in Kansas City, home of its first Google Fiber network. And it's still working on deployments for Austin and Provo, Utah. AT&T didn't provide specifics on pricing or when it would start building the Cupertino network. Currently, the company charges $70 a month for the 1Gbps high speed Internet service. This is also the same price that Google charges for its 1Gbps serice. http://www.cnet.com/news/at-t-to-deliver-1gbps-broadband-to-silicon-valley/
  4. Policy revamp comes a week after Robin Williams' daughter abandoned Twitter after gruesome images of her late father were sent to her on the social network. Twitter said Tuesday it will remove images and videos of deceased individuals from the social network at the request of immediate family members or authorized individuals. "In order to respect the wishes of loved ones, Twitter will remove imagery of deceased individuals in certain circumstances," the microblogging service said in a policy revamp announced on a support page. Twitter said it would consider removal of images of deceased individuals that are taken "from when critical injury occurs to the moments before or after death." The policy update comes a week after Zelda Williams, daughter of entertainer Robin Williams, announced she was abandoning her Twitter account after gruesome Photoshopped images of her late father were sent to her on the social network. "Mining our accounts for photos of dad, or judging me on the number of them is cruel and unnecessary," she wrote on Twitter before departing the social network. Twitter responded by blocking a pair of accounts that sent many of the images and said it would review its user-protection policies. "We will not tolerate abuse of this nature on Twitter," Del Harvey, Twitter's vice president of trust and safety, said in a statement to The Washington Post. "We have suspended a number of accounts related to this issue for violating our rules and we are in the process of evaluating how we can further improve our policies to better handle tragic situations like this one. This includes expanding our policies regarding self-harm and private information, and improving support for family members of deceased users." However, Twitter said that while reviewing removal requests, it will take in to account public interest factors such as the newsworthiness of the content and may not honor all requests. http://www.cnet.com/news/twitter-to-delete-images-of-deceased-family-members-on-request/
  5. Microsoft and Google are converging on a way to bring real-time video and audio chat to the Web, and a new draft standard helps pave the way. The future of Skype-like communications on the Web appears more secure with reconciliation in a standards debate that pitted Microsoft against Google and Mozilla. On Tuesday, authors of a Web technology calledObject Real-Time Communications (ORTC) published a draft of their specification they believe to be mature enough to be built into browsers. Microsoft has long been an ORTC fan, so its support is no surprise. But Google, which backed a rival technology called WebRTC, is also an ORTC co-author that helped create the new technology. Microsoft announced the new ORTC draft Tuesday. Google and Mozilla declined to comment, but at the Google I/O developer show in June,Chrome team member Justin Uberti said he sees an ORTC-infused WebRTC essentially as WebRTC 1.1. "Is this going to be a schism between the two churches of WebRTC?" he asked. "I wanted to head that off. ORTC will be integrated into WebRTC 1.1. Your existing code is going to keep on working...It's the best of both worlds." Unifying two competing standards may sound like something only programmers care about. But for regular people, it hastens the day that they'll be able to use their browsers to set up a video or audio chat link by, for example, clicking on a name in a contact list. That makes Internet-based communications easier without jumping through software installation hoops or making sure something like Microsoft's Skype or Apple's Facetime is installed. And with Microsoft on board, it means more browsers and devices will be able to communicate than just those running Chrome or Firefox. Google has pledged to build some aspects of ORTC called RTPSender/Receiver into Chrome. One key part of the reconciliation is sidestepping a technology called Session Description Protocol(SDP) that was used to establish a communication link between two devices. SDP already was developed through a different standards body, the Internet Engineering Task Force, but ORTC uses a different approach called RTPSender/Receiver that Google said it'll build into Chrome 38 or 39. "The SDP Offer/Answer approach in WebRTC 1.0 has proven to be difficult to get standardized in IETF and challenging to get truly interoperable in the browsers. ORTC simplifies the connection 'handshake,' and there is a growing consensus that its JavaScript-based approach is more future-proof," said Michael Champion, a Microsoft member of the ORTC effort, in a statement to CNET. JavaScript is the programming language that lets programmers make Web sites interactive. Microsoft also said SDP has had problems with simulcasting, in which the same video stream is sent to multiple recipients, and adapting to different video quality. With the ORTC standard itself settling down, software to actually build it into browsers or other programs will follow suit, said ORTC co-author Erik Lagerway, who works for a mobile communications firm called Hookflash that's developing open-source ORTC software. "Now that this last publication of the ORTC spec has essentially reached a "Public Draft" state, we should see things should move a bit quicker," Lagerway said. http://www.cnet.com/news/reconciliation-draws-closer-for-skype-like-chat-on-the-web/
  6. The social network tries to ease confusion between real news and joke news that shows up in users' feeds. The top story on parody news site The Onion on Monday was titled "Area Facebook User Incredibly Stupid." It was a spoof story about a Facebooker that appears "frequently frustrated" but is really just "incredibly stupid." While any reader on The Onion site would know this story was a joke, apparently some Facebook users are confused by real news and satire when such stories appear on their News Feeds. It's become so much of a problem that Facebook revealed Monday it's testing a "satire" tag for articles from parody news sites. Apparently, a handful of parody stories have brought on angry comments from Facebook users who weren't aware the articles were satire, according to the BBC."We are running a small test which shows the text '[satire]' in front of links to satirical articles in the related articles unit in News Feed," a Facebook spokesperson told the BBC. "This is because we received feedback that people wanted a clearer way to distinguish satirical articles from others in these units." For example, an Onion article titled "Tips For Being An Unarmed Black Teen," which published after a Ferguson, Mo., police officer shot an unarmed 18-year-old last week, got 233 comments on Facebook in two days. Much of the response was critical of the article and many users were seemingly unaware it was meant to be satire. It's unclear which parody news sites Facebook is targeting or if it will roll out the tag to all of its users on a permanent basis. CNET contacted Facebook for comment and we'll update the story when we have more information. http://www.cnet.com/news/facebook-testing-satire-tag-for-parody-news-in-the-feed/
  7. The subscription service will reportedly be called YouTube Music Key and offer ad-free music with audio-only and offline playback for $10 per month. It's been a long time coming for YouTube's rumored subscription music service, but word has it that the final details are being hammered out, according to Android Police. This new on-demand streaming music service will reportedly be called YouTube Music Key. It's said to have ad-free music with audio-only and offline playback, according to Android Police. The service will reportedly cost $9.99 per month and users will be able to test it out with a free 30-day trail. YouTube, which has more than 1 billion unique monthly users, is already the largest music service in existence, and for now it only makes money via ads. Throw in a subscription offering and it could be a game changer for music streaming.It was revealed last summer that Google was planning to launch a subscription music service for YouTube. The service is said to work like Spotify but also come with videos. It's supposedly taken Google awhile to get the service off the ground because the company had to make deals with music labels for the rights to play their songs. While YouTube Music Key is said to be on the horizon, Google is also reportedly rebranding Google Play Music All Access as Google Play Music Key. The $9.99 per month price for YouTube Music Key is said to include Google Play Music Key. CNET contacted YouTube for comment. We'll update the story when we have more information. http://www.cnet.com/news/youtubes-rumored-music-service-reportedly-gets-a-name-music-key/
  8. If you’re the kind of moviegoer that gets rankled by casual references to Youtube, Facebook and Twitter in films then Jason Reitman’s upcoming drama Men, Women and Children is probably going to be a bit of a minefield. Based on the novel of the same name by Chad Kultgen, Men, Women and Children explores the ways in which the growth of the internet and social media has changed the way that families interact. After all, teens who want to learn about sex or self-image can now turn to their smartphones with far greater ease than talking to their own parents. Men, Women and Children is now set to premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival 2014 in September, with a limited theatrical release scheduled for October 3rd followered by a wider release on October 17th. In addition to this news comes the first teaser trailer for Men, Women and Children, which stars Adam Sandler, Emma Thompson, Rosemarie DeWitt, Jennifer Garner and Judy Greer amongits principle cast. The trailer overlays the physical world with the digital world as the various characters in the ensemble confess things in cyberspace that they don’t dare to say out loud. It’s definitely a drama made for the year 2014, andMen, Women and Children could either end up becoming very dated or only becoming more relevant as time goes on. Check out a couple of official stills from the movie below. The young stars of Men, Women and Children pictures above are Ansel Elgort and Kaitlyn Dever. Elgort played the male lead in this summer’s romantic tearjerker The Fault in Our Stars, played Tommy Ross in the recent remake of Carrie, and appeared in a supporting role in the latest young adult sci-fi franchise starter Divergent. Dever has a regular role in Tim Allen sitcom Last Man Standing, and also starred in the highly acclaimed drama Short Term 12 last year. Reitman himself co-wrote the screenplay for Men, Women and Children with Erin Cressida Wilson (Chloe), and although this teaser isn’t particularly engaging the director’s past work definitely make this new drama worth checking out. Reitman is known for blending comedy and drama well with films like Juno, Thank You For Smoking and Young Adult, and Men, Women and Children certainly has a premise that’s worth exploring. Men, Women and Children will receive a limited release on October 3rd, 2014, followed by a wider release on October 17th. http://screenrant.com/men-women-children-trailer-images/
  9. At San Diego Comic-Con last month, ABC and Marvel brought Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.to reflect on the series’ first season to tease what’s coming next. The show’s producers had promised in the back half of season 1 that they were taking efforts to make the program “feel more Marvel” by adding more characters from the comics into the show, and with season 2 they plan to to take that to the next level. One of these characters confirmed for an appearance for instance, is Mockingbird, who will be played by Adrianne Palicki. Palicki is no stranger to comics as a self-admitted reader and as someone who had the chance to play Wonder Woman on screen, albeit very briefly. Before Gal Gadot was cast as Wonder Woman in Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, and before the CW Network tried to bring Wonder Woman to the small screen in the canned Amazonproject, Adrianne Palicki was cast to play the iconic character in NBC’s Wonder Woman pilot. It didn’t get picked up and the episode never aired. The same sad story held true previously when she played a supporting role in the Aquaman pilot that never went anywhere. The Friday Night Lights star instead went on to play a variety of film and TV roles since, including the G.I. Joe movie sequel, and is getting another chance to play a comic book hero on the small screen this fall in season 2 of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.. It must be her destiny. THR has the scoop which confirms that Mockingbird (real name: Barbara “Bobbi” Morse) will appear as a guest character in episode 5 with the obvious potential and likelihood of popping up here and there afterwards. From the video above played at Comic-Con confirming Morse’s imminent introduction into the shared Marvel Cinematic Universe, we can safely say that even if Mockingbird is not quite an ally of Director Coulson and his team in her intro – as THR hints – she is ultimately a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. and a hero in Marvel Comics. Her history in Marvel Comics dates back to the early ’70s and she’s been involved in stories ranging from Man-Thing and research on replicating the super-soldier serum used on Captain America to S.H.I.E.L.D. and the New Avengers. Palicki, a high profile and proven action star, represents another character from the comics whose introduction could eventually spin into something far greater if fans love the character onscreen. Just like the characters coming to Netflix in the coming years (starting with Daredevil next summer), Mockingbird could feasibly find herself in the movies down the road as well. Most recently in the comics, Mockingbird is part of the latest Secret Avengers team led by Maria Hill (Cobie Smulders) which just so happens to include Coulson as well. She also marries Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) in the books so the character is a strong fit for future Avengers sequels. Like Hawkeye, Mockingbird is an elite agent who does not have super powers. Other actors joining the season 2 cast of Agents of SHIELD include Lucy Lawless(Xena) as a SHIELD officer Isabelle Hartly, Kyle MacLachlan as Skye’s dad, Reed Diamond (Dollhouse) as Hydra agent Daniel Whitehall, Nick Blood (The Bletchley Circle) as Lance Hunter, Simon Kassianides (Quantum of Solace) in an unspecified major role as the character Bakshi, Henry Simmons (NYPD Blue) as Alphonso “Mack” Mackenzie Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. season 2 premieres on Wednesday, September 23, 2014 on ABC. The Avengers: Age of Ultron releases on May 1, 2015, Ant-Man on July 17, 2015, Captain America 3 on May 6 2016, and unannounced films for July 8 2016 and May 5 2017, Guardians of the Galaxy 2 on July 28 2017, November 3 2017, May 4 2018, July 6 2018, November 2 2018 and May 3 2019. http://screenrant.com/adrianne-palicki-mockingbird-agents-of-shield/
  10. Hollywood dueling is alive and well, with this year having marked the release of both Millenium Films’ The Legend of Hercules and Paramount/MGM’s Hercules. The latter movie ultimately won at the box office, in no small part due to having Dwayne Johnson as the lead, but there’s already another set of movie twins on the horizon. Next in line to keep us all confused is Disney’s live-action rendition of The Jungle Book, directed by Jon Favreau, and Warner Bros.’ The Jungle Book: Origins, which will be directed by Andy Serkis and will make extensive use of the performance capture technology for which he is best known. Both films are based on Rudyard Kipling’s collection of short stories, in which a boy called Mowgli becomes lost in the jungle as an infant and is raised by a pack of wolves, a bear and a panther. Serkis’ The Jungle Book: Origins now has its first cast member in place as THRreports that Benedict Cumberbatch will play the grouchy, predatory tiger Shere Khan. Cumberbatch and Serkis have both recently played motion-capture characters in Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit trilogy; Serkis reprising his role as Gollum and Cumberbatch terrorizing dwarves as the fearsome dragon Smaug. Coincidentally, Cumberbatch also played another notorious villain called Khan in the sci-fi sequel Star Trek: Into Darkness. Benedict Cumberbatch films performance capture for ‘The Hobbit’ The script for The Jungle Book: Origins was co-written by Harry Potter screenwriter Steve Kloves and his daughter Callie Kloves, who was also recently tapped by Sony to adapt young adult sci-fi novel Seeker. Serkis has described the script as “quite a dark take” on the source material in which the jungle “is a Garden of Eden… but also is a place of fear and a place of threat.” Hopefully this darker take will help to differentiate Warner Bros. movie from Disney’s. Cumberbatch is certainly a great addition to the cast and his voice is perfectly well suited to Shere Khan’s purr, but not everything about Warner Bros.’ adaptation has instilled confidence. For starters, the title is kind of awful and doesn’t make much sense unless the movie will be entirely about Mowgli’s baby years (or unless it’s being retooled as a superhero movie). Jungle Book: Origins will also be Serkis’ feature directorial debut, and the project has already been through a few development woes – with both Alejandro González Iñárritu and Ron Howard having been in talks to direct previously before turning it down. If nothing else, The Jungle Book and The Jungle Book: Origins will make for a fun comparison after both movies have been released. Cumberbatch himself will be facing off against Idris Elba, who voices Shere Khan in Disney’s version. That’s going to be quite an epic battle of the voices. The Jungle Book: Origins releases in theaters on October 21st, 2016. http://screenrant.com/jungle-book-origins-benedict-cumberbatch-shere-khan/
  11. After a delay and a tumultuous series of headlines surrounding the departure of Ant-Man director and writer Edgar Wright and the rushed search for a director and writers to take his place at the last minute, production of Marvel’s next superhero origin story is back on track. Ant-Man begin shooting yesterday in San Francisco and today we already have our first official photo from the shoot. Disney and Marvel Studios just sent out the first official still which features star Paul Rudd, not suited up in the Ant-Man costume quiet yet, but also not dressed as his usual clean cut, handsome self either. Hoodie up with battered face, black gloves and a leather bag, Rudd plays Scott Lang in Ant-Man and is an underdog – the person you’d least expect to take on the responsibilities of being a hero and putting himself in danger to save the world, let alone being recruited as a member of The Avengers. He’s an ex-con and a thief and the image above hints that he may be in the act of delivering stolen goods. In the comics Lang was a thief, doing wrong for (mostly) the right reasons, first to support his family financially, later to save the life of his daughter. We don’t quite yet know the details on Lang’s character in the adaptation but in the books, he’s also an electronics expert which makes him quite well-suited to master the high-tech suit and bypass security systems. We do know that Ant-Man is a high-tech heist film with a strong focus on the mentor-mentee relationship between Michael Douglas’s character, Hank Pym, and Rudd’s Scott Lang. Pym is the original Ant-Man in the comics and creator of the size-altering tech, and we’ve long heard of Wright’s ideas (back when he was writing the screenplay) to have a small portion of the film take place in the ’60s with a young Pym working as an agent during the Cuban missile crisis. Given the recent casting of John Slattery to play Howard Stark again after playing him in Iron Man 2 (along with other potentially spoilery details), and that seems to still be the case. Official Ant-Man synopsis: Armed with the astonishing ability to shrink in scale but increase in strength, con-man Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) must embrace his inner-hero and help his mentor, Dr. Hank Pym (Michael Douglas), protect the secret behind his spectacular Ant-Man suit from a new generation of towering threats. Against seemingly insurmountable obstacles, Pym and Lang must plan and pull off a heist that will save the world. Excited to see Paul Rudd join the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Ant-Man is directed by Peyton Reed and stars Paul Rudd, Corey Stoll, Evangeline Lilly, Michael Douglas, John Slattery, Judy Greer, Michael Peña, Bobby Cannavale, David Dastmalchian and T.I.. The Avengers: Age of Ultron releases on May 1, 2015, Ant-Man on July 17, 2015, Captain America 3 on May 6 2016, and unannounced films for July 8 2016 and May 5 2017, Guardians of the Galaxy 2 on July 28 2017, November 3 2017, May 4 2018, July 6 2018, November 2 2018 and May 3 2019. Follow Rob on Twitter @rob_keyes for your Marvel movie and TV news! http://screenrant.com/ant-man-first-official-photo-paul-rudd/
  12. With Bates Motel and Hannibal both picked up for 2015, and series based onScream and The Omen heading our way soon, it would appear that the flood of TV dramas based on popular horror films will continue unabated. Next up on the adaptation block is 1997′s The Devil’s Advocate, which was itself based on a novel by author Andrew Neiderman. Directed by Taylor Hackford (Ray), The Devil’s Advocatestarred Keanu Reeves as smooth-talking Florida lawyer Kevin Lomax, a defense attorney seemingly incapable of losing a case. Lomax soon catches the eye of prestigious New York City law firm Milton, Chadwick & Waters, who make him an offer that he can’t afford to refuse. Kevin and his wife Mary Ann (Charlize Theron) then head to NYC to get a taste of the good life, only to discover that their newfound fortune comes with a price. Kevin’s new firm is headed up by the charismatic and fiery John Milton (a gloriously over-the-top Al Pacino), a man who never takes no for an answer, and can bend just about anyone to his will. Of course, he’s literally the devil himself, so his powers aren’t too surprising. With Milton’s satanic offer on the table, it’s up to Kevin to save not only his own soul, but his wife’s as well. The Devil’s Advocate was fairly well-regarded critically at the time, and more than doubled its production budget at the worldwide box office. With a premise that seems ready-made for the small screen, one wonders why turning The Devil’s Advocate into a TV series is just now being tried. The plot could easily be fleshed out well enough to play in a weekly format, with each new episode featuring Kevin working a new case for the firm, and steadily finding out more secrets about his demonic boss. Of course that’s only one possible path they could take with the series. Produced by John Wells and Arnold Kopelson for Warner Bros. TV, and written by Matt Venne (Bag of Bones), The Devil’s Advocate TV series has received a put pilot commitment by NBC. For those who don’t speak in TV industry terms, that means that the pilot is pretty much guaranteed to air, regardless of whether NBC picks up a full first season. There is no word on yet on who will assume the principal roles of Lomax and Milton, but casting will definitely be crucial here. For all of Reeves’ limitations as an actor, his performance in The Devil’s Advocate is arguably one of his better efforts, and NBC would be wise to try and cast as far away from Keanu’s type as they can find. If they cast too similar of an actor, the viewers will likely just wish Keanu himself was reprising the role. As for Milton, that will be an even dicier proposition. Pacino absolutely owned the role, delivering devilish monologues with a zest and vigor truly fit for the prince of darkness. Whoever takes over for Al will definitely have huge shoes to fill. Not everyone can believably bellow lines about god being an “absentee landlord.” The Devil’s Advocate TV series is in development, and has no current premiere date. http://screenrant.com/devils-advocate-tv-series/
  13. Despite some issues with storytelling, Antoine Fuqua’s one-man-army film, Olympus Has Fallen, is a solidly entertaining action movie. The movie follows an ex-secret service operative fighting terrorists in the White House (not to be confused with Roland Emmerich’s White House Down about a wannabe secret service agent fighting terrorists in the White House). While both blockbusters performed well at the box office, Fuqua’s R-rated action film grossed more domestically and cost significantly less to create; thus, Olympus Has Fallen is the one that earned a sequel, titled London Has Fallen. However, Fuqua will not be returning to direct the followup, which was originally intended to begin production May 2014. Millennium Films has instead tapped a newcomer to helm London Has Fallen. THR reported Fredrik Bond (Charlie Countryman) is in negotiations with Millennium to direct London Has Fallen. The film is now aiming to begin production in October 2014 in order to meet the film’s October 2015 release date. Stars of Olympus Has Fallen, Gerard Butler, Aaron Eckhart, and Morgan Freeman, will reprise their roles for the sequel. Christian Gudegast (A Man Apart) wrote the most recent draft of the script. The sequel story follows secret service agent Mike Banning (Butler), U.S. President Benjamin Asher (Eckhart), and speaker of the House of Representatives Allan Trumbull (Freeman) who attend the funeral of the British prime minister in London, where a plot to kill the world’s leaders is revealed. Banning and Asher must work with an MI-6 agent in order to save the world’s most powerful leaders. London Has Fallen seems to be a standard followup to a conventional lone gunman film — a movie trope seen again and again in the action genre that has, arguably, been executed much better than what Fuqua accomplished in Olympus Has Fallen. With so many films following the same basic premise, it’s hard to create a new movie that stands out among the rest (although a drastic differentiation isn’t necessarily needed to do well at the box office). Perhaps Bond will be able to bring a unique eye to London Has Fallen and create enough interesting visual sequences so as to separate the film from others within the genre. Although reviews of Charlie Countrymen were mixed — and skewed more toward unfavorable — Bond’s feature-length directorial debut was at least visually interesting. Whether Bond will be able to translate the skills he demonstrated in his independent film (or improve upon them) in the blockbuster action sequel, London Has Fallen, remains to be seen and it not be worth speculating; although negotiations have begun between Millennium and Bond, the director has not yet signed on for the movie. London Has Fallen is scheduled to premiere October 2nd, 2015. http://screenrant.com/london-has-fallen-director/
  14. Pirates of the Caribbean 5, which directors Joachim Rønning and Espen Sandberg (Kon-Tiki) previously said will have the subtitle Dead Men Tell No Tales, secured an official Summer 2017 release date last month. Prior to that, Pirates franchise producer Jerry Bruckheimer was forecasting an early 2015 start date for production on Captain Jack Sparrow’s (Johnny Depp) latest adventure – and, according to a fresh update on the project, that still looks to be the plan. Inside Film is reporting that Walt Disney Pictures is in the midst of negotiations with Australia’s government to receive a 30% incentive to shoot a “big budget feature” in the country, beginning around the early part of 2015. Currently, the signs point to Pirates of the Caribbean 5being the blockbuster in question. Previously, Australia’s government offered the Mouse House a $21.6 million incentive to shoot a 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea remake in the country, but that project no longer has David Fincher lined up as director – and is, for all intents and purposes, dead until further notice. Disney, it seems, wants that same money applied to the fifth Pirates of the Caribbean movie, and then bumped even higher, to help cover the swashbuckling tenptole’s hefty cost (one that has reportedly already been streamlined in response to The Lone Ranger‘s under-performance at the box office). (Sidenote: THR is reporting that 20,000 Leagues is, in fact, the Disney project being eyed to begin shooting in 2015, but IF‘s article does not support this. Furthermore, the THR article includes a quote from the Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA), which says that it understands the incentive “originally reserved for 20,000 Leagues to be reallocated to this new production” – which, again suggests that20,000 Leagues is not the film in question.) Depp will be back as Captain Jack, while Geoffrey Rush is also lined up to return as (Hector) Barbossa in the fifth Pirates of the Caribbean feature. There’s also the long-standing rumor that Christoph Waltz will portray the main antagonist of the film, in addition to talk of Rebecca Hall (Iron Man 3, Transcendence) playing an astronomer whose knowledge results in her being accused of witchcraft. Mind you, the story/script by Jeff Nathanson (Rush Hour 2 & 3, Tower Heist) may also include actual witches. The fifth Pirates of the Caribbean movie will have a pair of up-and-coming directors (from outside the studio system) calling the shots, based on Nathanson’s script – but can they bring fresh creativity to this very profitable, yet increasingly tired Disney ride-turned movie blockbuster property? Feel free to let us know what you think, in the comments section of this article. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales arrives on July 7th, 2017. http://screenrant.com/pirates-caribbean-5-cast-filming-locations/
  15. Production delays can strike any movie at any time, and for countless reasons. Sometimes, movies are delayed for financial purposes, like when studios go into the tank for more funds or look for cost savings in their existing budgets. Other times, delays occur in the face of more heartbreaking circumstances, such as the loss of a cast member or an utterly shocking national tragedy. And, of course, every now and again someone gets injured during shooting. Welcome to the biz; nobody said making movies was easy. But every now and again a production pumps the brakes over positive turns of events, so chalk this up as a bit of good news/bad news: production on Resident Evil 6, Paul W.S. Anderson’s long brewing capstone entry to the most veteran video game adaptation franchise in film history, will be delayed until the ultra packed summer of 2015. But it’s not because anybody has been hurt, or because the money has run out, or because horrific world events dictate that any forward momentum on the project would be in poor taste. Instead, Resident Evil 6 is being held off because Anderson and his wife, star and career badass Milla Jovovich, are expecting their second child. That seems like a much more positive reason for a movie to be put a movie on hold. Jovovich made the announcement herself via her Facebook account earlier today; apparently, she’d originally intended on posting about flying to Cape Town to begin filming, but having run into a slight case of pregnancy, she and Anderson have chosen to focus on family first instead of globe trotting zombie mayhem. So Resident Evil enthusiasts will have to wait just a little bit longer to watch the continued adventures of Jovovich’s Alice in a world overrun by T Virus monstrosities. Their decision seems like a no brainer (terrible pun partly intended), but read on to hear it from Jovovich herself: So after a lot of discussion, we thought it would be in everyone’s best interest to wait till the baby is born before we set out to try and tackle an RE movie. Between the stunt work and what will become my ever-expanding belly, we didn’t think pregnancy and zombie killing are the best combo! Lol! I imagine the only thing I’ll be killing in the near future is an endless supply of cupcakes. Yikes… Sound logic. There’s more, too, including “thank yous” to the crew in South Africa that’s already put in work to get Resident Evil 6 rolling and, of course, to her fans for being patient and understanding. (Not that anyone should reasonably hold it against her for prioritizing motherhood over filmmaking.) The end result, though, is that the film is on ice for up to a year; for everyone who just wants the series to die, this is probably a pretty good turn of events, but it just delays the inevitable. In the interest of fairness, Resident Evil 6‘s shooting schedule has been totally wobbly from the word go; Anderson initially planned a rough starting time of fall 2013 for production, which would have given him all the time necessary to get the film in the can for its original projected September 12th, 2014 release. However, a handful of roadblocks, including a glacial screenwriting phase and post production travails on Pompeii, saw him fall on the back foot just a few months ago. So Anderson’s professional developments from this past year suggest that Resident Evil 6 wouldn’t be making its premiere date, pregnancy or no. With all of that said, we here at Screen Rant would like to wish Jovovich and Anderson all the best with the latest addition to their family. We’ll keep you informed on Resident Evil 6‘s progress as more info comes in. http://screenrant.com/resident-evil-6-filming-delayed-2015/
  16. The Expendables 3 opened in theaters this weekend, although you wouldn’t know it by looking at the top three grossing films. It was beat out by Let’s Be Cops and the second and third weekends for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Guardians of the Galaxy, respectively. The disappointing opening weekend box office haul for Sylvester Stallone and his crew of mercenaries continues the downward trend of the series’ financial earnings in their theatrical runs, potentially made slightly worse by online piracy. The Controversy: Piracy Unfortunately for Lionsgate, the box office appeal of The Expendables 3 potentially took an extra hit from online piracy. Somehow, a high quality screener leaked online on July 23rd, a full three weeks before the film was scheduled to release in theaters. The studio was able to get a little help from the U.S. District Court in rushing the process of uncovering the identities of websites they are now suing, for alleged responsibility in sharing the film online. Since many torrent and filesharing sites are overseas, there may be little the studio can do – and certainly nothing they can do to stop downloaders from seeking out the file. All of the headlines surrounding the leak only helped draw more attention – and potentially more pirates – to it. There’s no telling how much of an impact the leak had on the opening weekend for the film, as many of the downloaders may not have paid to see it in theaters anyway – or are in markets where it’s not available in theaters. We do know The Expendables 3 fell short of Lionsgate’s expectations. It made less than half of what The Expendables 2 did in its opening. According to “experts” (viaThe New York Times), only a smaller percentage of the total downloads occurred in North America, and had every one of those half a million viewers bought an opening weekend ticket, that would have only resulted in another $4 million or so – still making it the least successful opening of the series, by far. The Truth: Mediocrity The bigger issue is how The Expendables 3 falls short of fan and critic expectations, indicating that the biggest negative factors might simply be the quality of the film itself and franchise fatigue. On Rotten Tomatoes, The Expendables 3 sits with the lowest score of the three films, and it has the lowest average score according toMetacritic as well. If you couple that with lackluster marketing efforts in the film’sbland posters and trailers, there really wasn’t much going for the third film – especially when you take into account Nu Image, Millennium Films and Lionsgate dropping its “hardcore” R-rating to shift focus towards lesser-known youngsters instead of the franchise’s trademark of featuring older celebrities. That’s not going to help the already sour word-of-mouth. The film seemed to have lost sight of its selling points, trading screen time of veteran action stars for attractive fresh faces, while toning down the action for the PG-13 rating. Combining that with an overall package – which is clearly less appealing for existing fans – and the series is killing itself with its own attempt at pandering to younger viewers during a month where there’s stiffer competition. Piracy or not, The Expendables first needs to worry about headlines like this one from The Verge, which reads “I watched ‘The Expendables 3′ in theaters and I want my money back.” Ouch. We’ll have to wait and see if The Expendables 3 can perform nearly as well as its predecessors worldwide when it’s all said and done (they made $274-304 million each). Is there room for The Expendables 4 and should the series stick to its original target audience as a way to differentiate itself from the pack? http://screenrant.com/the-expendables-3-piracy-box-office/
  17. It is a bit odd, to realize that we’re about to get season four of Homeland. Showtime’s CIA drama/thriller series concluded the Nicholas Brody storyline last season, yet the show (from a narrative perspective) ended up having to do a whole lot of wheel-spinning and hitting the breaks to keep Brody in the picture forthat long. Enough so that, again, it sometimes doesn’t feel as though we’ve comequite as far as you would expect, after three seasons of a show that’s often a roller coaster ride to watch unfold. Regardless, season 4 is upon us, and with it comes a chance for the characters of Homeland – as well as the show as a whole – to, in many ways, start afresh. There’s more than a touch of irony there, seeing how the newest preview unveiled for season 4 (see above) focuses on the cyclical nature of war and violence in the world – and the corrosive effect it has on everyone, in particular the members of the intelligence community caught up in the thick of it. Both of the Homeland season 4 trailers released so far have skipped on revealing any explicit plot details for this new season, in favor of instead hinting at just what life is like for Carrie and her co-workers in “one of the most volatile and dangerous CIA stations in the Middle East.” Similarly, we’ve gotten somewhat vague, yet telling insight on the personal issues that certain of the show’s main characters are facing – be it Carrie Mathison (Claire Danes) having to leave her young child behind in the U.S. or black ops agent Peter Quinn (Rupert Friend) appearing to have reached a breaking point – for reasons that shall be revealed in time, no doubt. The latest Homeland trailer does, however, offer us a sneak peek at new cast addition Corey Stoll (The Strain), playing the CIA Chief of Station in Pakistan, Sandy Bachman – who, by the look of it here, gets himself into legitimate hot water, at some point. Another key cast addition for Homeland season four is Laila Robins (Bored to Death), portraying Martha Boyd, the U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan. As showrunner Alex Gansa told EW, people like Carrie and Martha are “the ones left on the ground when the military leaves, and it’s up to them to try and keep that country intact.” So far, this all looks and sounds pretty interesting – especially now that, again, we’re done with the soapy drama of the Brody family, including the late Nicholas (Damian Lewis), his widow Jessica (Morena Baccarin) and their daughter Dana (Morgan Saylor). If you’re still onboard the Homeland train, you may well end up being rewarded for your patience. Those who jumped off in the past – now might not be a bad time to hop back on and see where this ride goes next. Homeland season 4 premieres with two episode on Showtime on Sunday, October 5th, 2014 at 9 p.m. ET. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uf15BBlJw30 http://screenrant.com/homeland-season-4-trailer/
  18. The Doctor returns at last this Saturday, with the premiere of the eighth season of the modern Doctor Who TV series. Season eight’s debut episode, “Deep Breath” (watch the trailer), will properly introduce Peter Capaldi as the Doctor’s latest regeneration, after his brief appearance at the end of the 2013 Who Christmas special (and his forehead’s even briefer cameo in the Doctor Who property’s 50 anniversary special). To mark the occasion, today we can offer the full rundown of season eight, including each individual episode title plus the individual writer(s) and director involved. Current Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat has, in the recent past, expressed a desire to mix things up far more in season 8 than he did on his previous three seasons as the series’ head writer. Going by a more dramatic and darker trailer for this season, Capaldi’s “less human” Doctor is a far cry from Matt Smith’s boyishly absent-minded Doctor. As Jenna Coleman (who’s back for season 8 as the Doctor’s human companion Clara) has put it, “You can quite access him the same way.” As such, it feels all the more appropriate that Doctor Who season 8 was overseen by a number of directors who’re new to the Who-verse, yet are very much experienced at crafting more adult-oriented entertainment. Indeed, when you look at the films (A Field in England, Tank Girl) and TV series (Strike Back, Da Vinci’s Demons) on the collective resume for this season’s helmers, it’s an interesting mix of intense dramatic material and mature genre fare. Here is the complete list of directors for Doctor Who season 8 (via BBC One); we’ve also included some of their previous directorial efforts. Episod 801 and 802: Ben Wheatley (Kill List, A Field in England) Episode 803 and 806: Paul Murphy (Casualty, Hollyoaks) Episode 804, 805, and 809: Douglas Mackinnon (“The Sontaran Stratagem”,“Cold War”) Episdoe 807 and 808: Paul Wilmshurst (Strike Back, Da Vinci’s Demons) Episode 810: Sheree Folkson (Hit & Miss, Truckers) Episode 811 and 812: Rachel Talalay (Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare,Tank Girl) Equally intriguing is the fact that a handful of Doctor Who season 8′s directors know their way around horror territory - be it grounded in nature, like Ben Wheatley’s work, or more fantastical, like the Nightmare on Elm Street feature by Rachel Talalay (Doctor Who‘s first female director in some time). That is to say, the ominous tone of those initial season 8 teasers could prove to have been rather prophetic of what lay ahead. Bear in mind, saying that Doctor Who season 8 will be “darker,” we’re talking relative to recent seasons. As you can see below, the season’s episode titles alone indicate the show is not abandoning its identity as a whimsical sci-fi/fantasy adventure – since, really, an episode titled “Robot of Sherwood” can only be soserious. (“Mummy On The Orient Express”, though, now that sounds like an intense hour of viewing material… yes, I’m kidding.) It looks as though iconic Who villains The Daleks will be popping up as soon as the second episode this season, though we know there are other classic Who baddies waiting in the rafters for their turn to fight the Doctor once more. On that note, here is the full episode rundown for Doctor Who season 8 (along with the writer(s) for each one). The roster of newcomers to the world of writing forDoctor Who this year include Peter Harness (Case Histories), Jamie Mathieson (Being Human), and Frank Cottrell Boyce (The Railway Man). Episode 1: Deep Breath – Written by Steven Moffat Episode 2: Into The Dalek – Written by Phil Ford and Steven Moffat Episode 3: Robot Of Sherwood – Written by Mark Gatiss Episode 4: Listen – Written by Steven Moffat Episode 5: Time Heist – Written by Stephen Thompson and Steven Moffat Episode 6: The Caretaker – Written by Gareth Roberts and Steven Moffat Episode 7: Kill The Moon – Written by Peter Harness Episode 8: Mummy On The Orient Express – Written by Jamie Mathieson Episode 9: Flatline – Written by Jamie Mathieson Episode 10: In The Forest Of The Night – Written by Frank Cottrell Boyce Episode 11/12 Dark Water/Death In Heaven – Written by Steven Moffat One last thing to note – the BBC One‘s episode list confirms that Samuel Anderson (Doctors, Casualty) will be introduced to the Who-verse in the episode “Into The Dalek”. He will be playing Danny Pink, who is one of Clara’s fellow teachers at Coal Hill School – not to mention, someone who will occasionally be joining The Impossible Girl and The Doctor on their adventures through space and time. Whether or not Danny will eventually become the Doctor’s full-time companion once Clara’s run with The Doctor draws to a close (rumor is that will happen during the 2014 Christmas Special) – that very much remains to be seen. Generally, the human companions are only able to keep up with the Doctor for a couple seasons, at most, before their time is done; which is to say, even if she makes it past Christmas, it’s unlike that Coleman will remain on the show after season 9. One thing at a time, though, as we’ve yet to see how different (or not) life is, exploring the galaxy with Capaldi’s Time Lord. Doctor Who season 8 premieres on Saturday, August 23rd, 2014. http://screenrant.com/doctor-who-season-8-episodes-titles-directors/
  19. Paul Thomas Anderson’s name has become synonymous with “weighty character study” throughout his career, particularly in the late 2000s onward; There Will Be Blood saw him delve deep into the tumultuous life and times of rapacious oilman Daniel Plainview, while his 2012 follow-up The Master split its emphasis between impressionable lost soul Freddie Quell and magnetic cult leader Lancaster Dodd. Both films tower with gravity and purpose, taking on grand thematic scopes despite their otherwise intimate focal points. Neither is to be taken lightly. So Anderson’s latest, an adaptation of Thomas Pynchon’spsychedelic noir trip Inherent Vice, marks a significant change of pace for the filmmaker. Whereas his recent works bear more dramatic, serious countenances, Inherent Vice plays looser and comes prepackaged with an electrically off kilter vibe of paranoia; the story takes Anderson back to the 1970s for the first time since 1999′sBoogie Nights, where private investigator and career pothead Larry “Doc” Sportello tries to suss out truth amidst a gnarly tangle of inexplicable disappearances and drug fueled conspiracies. Quite the tonal shift, that, but Anderson is an adaptable filmmaker capable of working in whatever mode he so chooses, and nailing period details; for proof of this gift beyond The Master and Boogie Nights, look no further than the first officialInherent Vice image, seen below. Coming courtesy of the folks at EW, the snapshot keeps things minimal, showcasing a simple, uncomfortably tense moment of conversation between Sportello (Joaquin Phoenix) and LAPD detective Christian “Bigfoot” Bjornsen (Josh Brolin). Sportello, of course, is an free wheeling hippie while Bjornsen is a lawman of questionable ethics with a history of taking confessions at the business end of a police baton; he’s also disdainful of beatniks and flower children as a general rule, so one can only imagine that he’s not exactly trading pleasantries with his counter cultural foil here. Brolin’s profile makes him immediately distinct beneath the precise cut of his flattop, but you may need to take a moment or two to recognize Phoenix. No longer sporting his geekstache from Her, or the perpetual lip curl from The Master, he’s now rocking highly fashionable mutton chops and an unkempt ‘do; coupled with the denim jacket, Phoenix is every bit the spitting image of Doc, striking a far more relaxed contrast to Bigfoot’s buttoned up style. Pretty much the only thing Brolin’s missing here is a certain frozen treat that serves as the character’s trademark. EW also had a chance to catch up with Brolin (as well as newcomer Katherine Waterston, playing Doc’s “ex old lady” Shasta Fay Hepworth), who for the second time praised the virtue’s of Anderson’s flexible approach to filmmaking. As Brolin put it to the magazine: “With this [film], there was a lack of pretense—a really strange lack of pretense. When something isn’t working, you can say, ‘This feels like a turd. Let’s cut the middle three pages. I’ll try to improvise and provide a bridge. How about some pancakes?’” Waterston, meanwhile, described Anderson’s process as “thrilling,” stating that,“The set felt really vital. Like you are going into a question together.” Seems like heading into production with a rough outline for how each day could go has served Anderson and his sizable cast well from a creative perspective, though maybe the environment of back and forth they’ve cultivated together will lead to audience and critic responses as divisive as those received by The Master. The film premieres at the New York Film Festival in about a month and a half (and opens in theaters in December, just in time to become awards season’s most unique offering), so expect reactions to start trickling in shortly. Inherent Vice debuts on December 12th, 2014. http://screenrant.com/inherent-vice-movie-images-josh-brolin/
  20. It’s always worth being nice to people who work in retail, because one of those people might just have a secret past as a black ops commando and a hunger for vigilante justice. That’s the case with Robert McCall (Denzel Washington), a calm-voiced Homemart employee with OCD who made a promise to his wife that he’d never go back to his old life of violence. For sadistic mob boss Teddy (Martin Csokas), however, Robert is willing to make an exception. The Equalizer, directed by Antoine Fuqua (Olympus Has Fallen) is loosely based on the 1980s TV show of the same name, and Sony is so confident in its potential that a sequel is already in development. If this goes ahead, with Washington’s involvement, it will mark the first time that the star has ever appeared in a direct sequel to one of his movies. First comes the task of getting people into the theaters forThe Equalizer, however, and so a new minute-long trailer for the movie has been released, which also offers a preview of upcoming single “Guts Over Fear” by Eminem and Sia, which is featured in the film. The trailer includes a few new clips, including a scene where Robert is asked by his curious colleagues about his life before Homemart. To top things off, there is an obligatory shot of Washington walking away from an explosion in slow motion. The Equalizer also stars Chloë Grace Moretz as Teri, an underage sex worker whom Robert meets during one of his usual late-night visits to his favorite diner, and who inadvertently draws him into a vigilante mission against the Russian mafia. The screenplay was penned by The Expendables 2 writer Richard Wenk. For more details about the story and production of The Equalizer, don’t forget to check out Screen Rant’s set visit report, as well as our interviews with producerTodd Black, director Antoine Fuqua and star Denzel Washington. Let us know in the comments if the combination of fast-paced action and the sweet sound of Eminem’s voice in this latest trailer have convinced you to check out The Equalizer in theaters next month. The Equalizer hits theaters September 26, 2014. http://screenrant.com/equalizer-trailer-preview-denzel-washington/
  21. We get another look at Boardwalk Empire season 5 via a new full-length trailer; Game of Thrones showrunners decide not to recast the role of J.J. Murphy, who recently passed away; HBO’s Westworld adds four more cast members, including Ed Harris; and NBC’s Bad Judge casts Ryan McPartlin in a recurring role.- Thus far, promotion for Boardwalk Empire season 5 has emphasized that no one will go quietly as the show comes to an end, and the first full-length trailer for the show’s final eight-episode run hammers that point home. Check it out below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDRcAWjyUYM Boardwalk‘s final season picks up seven years after the events of season 4 and shifts the setting from the Roaring Twenties to the dawn of The Great Depression. It’s safe to say change is indeed coming – as Lucky Luciano (Vincent Piazza) ominously points out in the trailer – for many of Boardwalk‘s central players. However, based on the trailer, what will clearly remain the same in season 5 is the constant threat of a bloody end for each of the show’s main players. With only eight episodes until the acclaimed series reaches its finale, viewers can expect things to move swiftly and decisively when Boardwalk Empire returns to HBO on September 7, 2014. Source: HBO- After filming for just four days on Game of Thrones season 5, new cast member J.J. Murphy sadly passed away at the age of 86. However, Thrones‘ show runners have decided not to recast his role. The veteran actor and Northern Ireland native was cast last month as Ser Denys Mallister, the oldest member of the Night’s Watch. While it’s unclear how the show’s narrative will handle the character’s sudden departure, GOT creators D.B. Weiss and David Benioff issued a statement saying they will not be looking for a replacement to finish Murphy’s season 5 scenes. “We will not be recasting J.J. Murphy. He was a lovely man, and the best Denys Mallister we could have hoped for. And now his watch is ended.” Along with his appearance on GOT, Murphy will be remembered for his roles in Caland Angela’s Ashes. He can also be seen in the upcoming horror feature Dracula Untold, which releases in theaters on October 17. Game of Thrones season 5 premieres on HBO in Spring 2015. Source: Deadline- After securing most of its main cast last week, HBO’s upcoming sci-fi drama series Westworld added four more actors to its roster this week, including four-time Academy Award nominee Ed Harris as the show’s central villain. In the adaptation of Michael Crichton’s classic 1973 film, Harris will play The Man in Black, who is described as “the distillation of pure villainy into one man.” With the show being described itself as “a dark odyssey about the dawn of artificial consciousness and the future of sin,” we can bet Harris’ character – while providing some opposition to the show’s protagonists – will be far from the only baddie to contend with. Along with Harris, the show also added Ptolemy Slocum (Looking), Miranda Otto (The Lord of the Rings) and Thandie Newton (Crash) this past week. The foursome joins a cast that already includes a bevy of heavy Hollywood hitters, including Jeffrey Wright (Syriana), Rodrigo Santoro (Lost), Shannon Woodward (Raising Hope), James Marsden (X-Men), Kyle Bornheimer (She’s Out of My League), Anthony Hopkins and Evan Rachel Wood. With J.J. Abrams executive producing and Jonathan Nolan (Interstellar) co-writing the pilot, Westworld has some talented big names behind the camera as well. Look for the series on HBO sometime in 2015. Sources: THR, /Film NBC’s upcoming sitcom Bad Judge secured a second love interest for its titular judge (played by Kate Walsh) this week, casting Chuck alum Ryan McPartlin in a recurring role. McPartlin will play Billy the Fireman, who, when not putting out fires by day, sparks a flame with Walsh’s foul-mouthed Rebecca. Little does he know – but we expect he will find out – that Rebecca has another man in her life in Gary, played by Ryan Hansen (Veronica Mars). Known for playing live savers in shows such as Chuck (Dr. Devon Woodcomb) andMystery Girls (Detective Duane Freeman), McPartlin joins a cast that also includes John Ducey (Sabrina, the Teenage Witch), Tone Bell (Whitney) and Miguel Sandoval (Medium). We’ll see just how bad a judge series creators Adam McKay and Will Ferrell have crafted when Bad Judge premieres on NBC on October 2, 2014. http://screenrant.com/boardwalk-empire-final-season-trailer-westworld-cast/
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