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  1. We learned a lot about Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor today. The game is coming out earlier than expected (now set for September 30), and we have an in-depth interview with the developers about the game's story and where it fits into The Lord of the Rings lore. And at a panel for the game at SDCC, we learned the team looked to the Batman: Arkham series for inspiration. When asked about the similarities between Shadows of Mordor and the Assassin's Creed games, Mordor's design director Michael de Plater said, "The main thing to say is to play it. I think there's two things: One is we're a third-person, open-world action adventure game, and there's just not that many of them. So I guess the comparisons become inevitable. "The game that definitely was a big inspiration for us, within Warner Bros. and at the studio, was Arkham." -- Michael de Plater "Two: The game that definitely was a big inspiration for us, within Warner Bros. and at the studio, was Arkham--that combination of stealth, combat, and incredible gameplay. But the short version is just to play it; it's a very different game." Another panelist from the development team pointed out how he felt the game's Nemesis system (which you can learn more about here), works to set the game apart from other adventure games. In the Nemesis system, the stats, appearance, and personality of some of the primary enemies you face are unique to each player. What do you think? Without trying the game yourself, it's impossible to make a concrete comparison, but has the game set itself apart from what you've seen, or does that even matter to you? Let us know in the comments.
  2. Today at an SDCC panel for Street Fighter, executive producer for the Street Fighter series, Yoshinori Ono, teased some future announcements at next year's Comic-Con. Ono said, "I'm sorry, but I don't have anything to announce today, but next year, I will, so please wait." It should be noted that that doesn't guarantee an entirely new game next year, after all, the retail version for Ultra Street Fighter IV isn't coming until August, however, you can read our review of the downloadable version here. The Street Fighter panelists also revealed that a second series is in the works for their live action series. This one will be set during Street Fighter II and will have the subtitle The World Warrior.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=fIqwcpcgHwY Legendary Pictures, the production company behind Guillermo del Toro’s giant robot versus giant monsters action movie Pacific Rim, has used the Oculus Rift to create Pacific Rim: Jaeger Pilot, a virtual reality experience that puts you inside one of the movie’s mechas. The VR experience, which is currently being demoed at Legendary’s San Diego Comic-Con booth (#3920), was developed in Unreal Engine 4 by visual effects company Reel FX. Using original film assets from Industrial Light & Magic, it puts you inside the movie’s Gipsy Danger Jaeger (Pacific Rim’s name for the giant robots) in a battle against a kaiju (giant monster) named Knifehead. Note that Legendary is careful to use the term “virtual reality experience” as opposed to “game,” as it doesn’t sound like Pacific Rim: Jaeger Pilot offers much interactivity. It reminds me of the Game of Thrones “Ascend the Wall” VR experience that HBO created in cooperation with Framestore. Created to promote HBO’s show, it similarly offered little interactivity, and instead just allowed you feel like you were inside the world. Legendary hasn’t said if and when it will make Pacific Rim: Jaeger Pilot available to the public. The Pacific Rim Xbox 360 game released alongside the movie received a bad score of 3.5 in GameSpot’s review. Legendary pictures also previously announced that the sequel, Pacific Rim 2, is set to hit theaters on April 7, 2017.
  4. As part of Epic Games' most recent Unreal Tournament live stream, the developers of the new shooter showed off a look at what art director Chris Perna calls a "working concept art." Effectively, we get a tour of a work-in-progress level which shows off some gorgeous artwork that stands out from many of the shooters that currently dominate the market. Perna says he was "try[ing] to come up with a look that can kind of drive direction across the project." It's by no means a finished project, and consists of pieces from previously created work, but Perna says, "I think the overall look is clean; it will allow characters to pop off the background. When checking out the video (jump to the 1:31 mark to see the level), keep in mind that the game is still very early, hence the great deal of screen tearing that can be seen. Also of note is the fact that what's seen in the video is not necessarily indicative of what the rest of the game will look like. "This is not the look for the entire game," Perna says. " This, in my mind, represents kind of the sci-fi/industrial look. We could go grimier with this." Perna also talked about the overall look he wants to have in the game, drawing on the Batman films to illustrate his point. "To me, Unreal--and the entire franchise--has always been, I used to use this term a lot, a Tim Burton Batman-type of caricature of itself," Perna explains. "And where I'd like to go with the new franchise is more of a Chris Nolan kind of Batman Begins… just something a little more polished, a little more realis[tic], but without going over the top and doing kind of like what we did with Gears [of War] or [unreal Tournament 3] and making everything dark and grimy and grungy. I think you can still have detailed environments that look amazing, and add color, and have visual clarity--and have your cake and eat it, too, basically." The new Unreal Tournament was announced back in May. It will be developed by a small team and will be completely free when it's released. To make money, Epic will take a cut of sales through a store it will offer that allows modders to sell content to players. Epic has been doing regular live streams featuring discussions with its developers, who are working with the game's community to design the game. What do you think about the look of this map and what Perna's vision is for the game? Let us know in the comments.
  5. Developer BioWare’s panel at San Diego Comic-Con 2014 mostly reiterated what it said when it gave us our first look at Mass Effect at E3 2014, but it did reveal that the game will see the return of the Mako vehicle from the first game in the series. The all terrain vehicle looks a little different this time, and is apparently much faster than it used to be. BioWare said that the new Mass Effect will have an emphasis on exploration, and that the Mako will allow you to travel faster on alien planets. BioWare said that since you’ll spend a significant of time in the vehicle, it’s also considering allowing players to customize how it looks. Repeating its statements at E3, BioWare said that the next Mass Effect will feature a human protagonist who is not Commander Shepard, the hero of the previous games. It did not say where or when the story will take place in the Mass Effect universe. We still don’t know if we’ll see returning characters, but BioWare did say that we’ll definitely see returning alien races. The new Mass Effect does not yet have a release date, nor has publisher Electronic Arts indicated what systems it will be released for. The Mako was a divisive feature in the first game. A lot of players thought that it was a chore driving it around huge, barren landscapes, and that it controlled poorly, mostly because of some silly, low gravity physics. I happen to like it a lot, and missed it in the sequels. It wasn’t a fully realized feature, and often pretty broken, but Mass Effect never felt as big as when you were free to land on a planet and drive around as you please. For a game that’s all about exploring a vast universe, the Mass Effect sequels felt a little confined without it. What do you think about the Mako and its return to the next Mass Effect? Let us know in the comments below.
  6. When developer West Games launched a Kickstarter campaign for a spiritual successor to S.T.A.L.K.E.R., it caused an internet-wide investigation that resulted in accusations of fraud and the eventual suspension of the Kickstarter. Before it was canceled, the project met its goal, but not one day of its month-long campaign went by without suspicion and uncertainty. Called Areal, the game seemed ambitious and interesting. But between widespread criticism from journalists and developers, a mysterious note purporting to be from Russian president Vladimir Putin, and several big donations that pushed the total money raised over the $50,000 mark, the Areal Kickstarter could never escape its controversy. But how did this Kickstarter come to be so inflammatory? You've got to go all the way back to the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. days to understand. Concept art from Areal. Pictures in this article are from Areal (via its Kickstarter) unless otherwise noted. The Collapse of GSC Game World After the release of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, Ukrainian developer GSC Game World went to work on a sequel. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 was originally scheduled to be released in 2012, but the game hit a huge snag when CEO and founder Sergei Grigorovich decided to close the studio for personal reasons in December 2011. Fans of the series rejoiced when, in January 2012, the studio announced that it was moving forward and continuing to work on the project. But GSC was in dire straits: the team desperately needed funding and worked hard to secure a backer for the project. Concept art from Vostok's SurvariumBut time caught up with the team, and in April 2012, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 was officially canceled and the studio shut down. The team worked without pay for four months, and no investor came to the developer's rescue. The team members moved on to other things, with the majority joining Vostok Games to work on an MMO first-person shooter called Survarium. Many of the other developers went on to help make Metro: 2033 and Metro: Last Light at 4A Games. They generally stayed in Ukraine. Fast forward to 2014. Another group of ex-S.T.A.L.K.E.R. developers began a Kickstarter campaign for a game entitled Areal. Called West Games, this team wanted to create a successor to the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series, but it didn't have enough money. So they turned to crowdfunding. Here's where things get weird. A Tumultuous Beginning to the Kickstarter In June, the West Games team launched a Kickstarter for their ambitious project. It aimed to be an open-world, post-apocalyptic shooter with a divergent and player-driven storyline. The developer described the gameplay as driven by the absence or presence of a material called "Metamorphite," which creates both mutant, malevolent creatures and gives you special abilities. "Areal is the culmination of everything that we want to see from a post apocalyptic game," the developer stated on its Kickstarter. The developer set the goal of a 2016 release on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Wii U, and it asked for $50,000. West Games wanted only $50,000 to make an open-world shooter with a player-driven story.At first glance, the campaign seemed normal and even exciting. Fans of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. immediately jumped onto the promise of a similar game, and West Games' goals were lofty. West aimed to combine the best of Fallout, Metro, and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. into a new title. But then, people started questioning the price. How, under any circumstances, could a developer fund a project of that scope on current-gen systems with only $50,000? For comparison, open-world action game Grand Theft Auto V is estimated to cost $266 million to make. West Games' Many Reasons for Only Seeking $50,000 West Games quickly addressed the issue of the seemingly insignificant budget by saying that it was necessary to attract attention from bigger companies. It appeared that the developer, then, was searching for an angel investor to sweep in and support the project to completion. That's at least what founder Eugene Kim claimed earlier in 2014 in an interview with Russian website Games-TV. But Kim's story changed when the Kickstarter launched and the criticism began. On the Kickstarter homepage, the developer explained that crowdfunding actually covered the costs left after the team used its own resources. "We've pooled all of our savings into making Areal, and don't have funds to go any further," West Games wrote. "Unlike most companies, every one of our employees has invested their time and money into making Areal. The budget that we've pooled together covers salaries and some aspects of game development. We need the Kickstarter and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. community to support us by helping us cover the rest." Eugene Kim provided three different explanations for where the rest of the development money would come from.Then he provided yet another reason to Kotaku, saying that the team already had investors and a pool of resources to draw from. "We have a set sum of investment, but I cannot give you exact figures at this time," he said. "What I can say is that Microsoft has reached out to us and is interested in our project. With that said, we will remain independent in any case and will release on all the platforms we listed. Of course we need people's support to help us get the game out there, and of course, the more people contribute, the more resources we have." With so many conflicting explanations, it's understandable that skepticism would arise around the game. But all the team had to do to assuage concerns was provide some proof that Areal was real and the team was actively working on it. Accusations of Fraud and Missing Assets When the Kickstarter went live, West Games found itself in the spotlight. Unfortunately for the developer, it wasn't friendly. Only a few hours after the campaign began, the team came under fire and was accused of being fraudulent. This is what we in the industry call guerrilla PR... We are taking appropriate measures to combat this. Vostok Games--the first developer to come out of the ruins of GSC--called out West Games for misleading the public by claiming it was composed of ex-S.T.A.L.K.E.R. team members. According to Vostok, West cannot claim that lineage at all. A Vostok spokesperson took to the developer's forums to dissuade people from supporting Areal, saying, "We have contacted GSC's lawyers regarding this fraudulent claim of being the developers of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and Metro Last Light. Please do all you can do [to] ensure people know these claims are false." Of course, West fired back with accusations of its own. Mere hours after introducing its Kickstarter, West posted an update addressing Vostok: "We have contacted Vostok Games about their supposed claim that we are fraudulent. They say that they have no relation to that claim and have since deleted the forum topic wherein a moderator accused us of being fake." The Vostok post was removed, but that didn't stop the controversy, especially after Reddit users debunked a supposed official apology on the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Facebook page and showed that it was not from Vostok. At the same time, Misery Ltd., creators of one of the most popular S.T.A.L.K.E.R. mods, took to the comments of Areal's Kickstarter to continue to inflame suspicions. Reddit joined in and gradually began to seemingly undermine the legitimacy of West Games. West responded by, once again, calling the team out in an update on its Kickstarter page. "As we've mentioned before, a former S.T.A.L.K.E.R. modder and current creator of a similar post apocalyptic Kickstarter project has been flooding our comments with negativity and misinformation," West Games wrote, "and then using various accounts to promote [its] game, called Project Seed. This is what we in the industry call guerrilla PR... We are taking appropriate measures to combat this." Vostok and Misery both accused West Games of fraud.Misery backed off from its attacks on the Kickstarter page and removed its accusations from its website. Eventually, however, it supposedly provided one last statement (which was removed and only exists now via Reddit). "Several friends at Vostok Games have emailed us directly to show their support in our parade against West Games fraud," a Misery team member wrote according to the Reddit user. "One contact in 4A Games has done the same. Eugene Kim's portrait has been found on Shutterstock. Our article of scam warning will be updated with these latest news. We refrain from posting on Kickstarter because some backer believe that we should have second agendas in all of this." But West Games didn't fold, and instead published a video of its members, including Kim, speaking to prove their existence. Soon after that, Vostok slightly revised its criticism, instead attacking the lack of Areal footage and art. Vostok's PR manager said to Eurogamer, "My biggest concern with West-Games is using the footage and assets of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and representing them as their own, which is not only illegal, but simply just not right." West Games responded to this with several more Kickstarter updates, posting more concept art and stating that the game was so early that the team couldn't reasonably provide more footage. But last week, West decided to post footage of a prototype build of the game. The one-minute video shows off a bit of the environment and the player walking around and firing a gun. This, however, did nothing but stimulate suspicion even further. In fact, images created by Kickstarter backers show how Areal's prototype video seems to feature stock assets from the Unity game engine. Further, images of Areal characters appear to be more or less lifted directly from S.T.A.L.K.E.R. screenshots. Backers claimed that the Areal prototype took from Unity engine stock assets.It seemed like the campaign couldn't get any more complicated. Almost every day, new accustations of fraud and theft would emerge, and West Games would respond. But those responses were almost immediately analyzed and seemingly debunked. It was a back-and-forth between the developer and the public, and neither side could sufficiently prove its arguments. The Letter Then, West Games posted the most unbelievable Kickstarter update of the entire campaign: the developer posted a letter in Russian, and it was signed "Vladimir Putin." Of course, the possibility of the Russian president actually sending a relatively unknown developer a direct message is extremely small. Making it even more far-fetched is that "Putin" actually invited the team to the Kremlin. The sender wrote, "If you give me the chance to play the alpha version of the game, when it is ready, then I invite you in advance to the Kremlin, to meet personally, be ready to play a little bit and talk about the interests of young people, the gamers of our country." West Games acknowledged its improbability, but also suggested that it might be valid. "We thought at first that there's no way that this is legit, because we are a Ukrainian studio for the most part, and it's probably the usual trolls trying to deceive us, but then when we looked at it closely, we started thinking that it might be real." "I invite you in advance to the Kremlin, to meet personally, be ready to play a little bit and talk about the interests of young people, the gamers of our country." But whether or not the letter was real became irrelevant as criticism reached a fever pitch and the Kickstarter came to an abrupt and screeching halt. The End of the Kickstarter Soon after West posted the alleged letter from Putin, several more websites produced articles outlining the problems surrounding Areal and suggesting that West Games might not have been completely honest. West followed up with a scathing update, pulling no punches in its critique of two of the companies responsible for criticism of their Kickstarter. They quickly apologized, but the attack is still published and visible. Then, it seemed like West Games finally had some good news. The Kickstarter reached its goal last weekend, surpassing the $50,000 mark and reaching over $64,000. But this, too, sparked controversy when Eurogamer and Kicktraq revealed that a jump of over $24,000 occurred with only a registered two new backers. This means that two massive donors jumped in and donated to the project, which isn't necessarily unusual on its own. What is unusual is that these donations came out of the blue, during a time when very few new backers were coming into the project. And suddenly, at the beginning of this week, Kickstarter suspended the project. Just like that, Areal's crowdfunding campaign was stopped dead in its tracks. At about $65,000 it was frozen, and the game was put on hold. When asked for comment, Kickstarter simply pointed toward its FAQ and the section that dealt with its terms of use. According to the crowdfunding website, it is explicitly prohibited for a developer to pose as a backer and donate to itself. Neither Kickstarter or West Games have provided an official reason for the suspension, however. Kickstarter suspended the Areal campaign this week.Eugene Kim has provided his thoughts on the matter, and he believes that the cancelation has to do with the extreme suspicion and criticism that the project drew. In a statement to Kotaku, he said, "The fact is that there are a lot of companies that make their livelihood on S.T.A.L.K.E.R., so when we showed up on the scene, they saw us as a threat and did everything that they could to stop us. "People also need to take into account that Ukrainians and Russians are in an information war right now, and as a Ukrainian developer, we were subject to constant hostility from Russian Kickstarter accounts (we even got death threats). There are over 16,000 comments on our Kickstarter, which is unprecedented for the amount of supporters that we have, and a lot of our comments are hate filled." What Now? Time will tell if Areal ever sees the light of day. Perhaps West Games will find an angel investor and the game will be made. Perhaps it will launch as the first-person, divergent narrative-driven game that the developer promises. Perhaps Areal will fade into history. But one thing's certain: West Games isn't giving up. It began a new campaign on its own website, which has raised almost $12,000 at the time of this writing. And Eugene Kim still strongly believes in its cause. "We know that we can make Areal even better than [s.T.A.L.K.E.R.], because of advances in technology, gameplay mechanics, and story," he said. There's no stated end to the new campaign, so we will see if West Games can eventually produce Areal some time in the future. Note: We asked West Games to comment on the suspension of its Kickstarter, and it hasn't responded. We will update this story if the developer provides a statement.
  7. The New Poster for Left Behind, Starring Nicolas Cage Stoney Lake Entertainment has debuted the new theatrical poster for Left Behind which you can view below. Hitting theaters on October 3, the Vic Armstrong-directed action adventure stars Nicolas Cage, Chad Michael Murray, Cassi Thomson, Nicky Whelan, Lea Thompson, Jordan Sparks, Quinton Aaron and Martin Klebba. Left Behind follows Rayford Steele (Nicolas Cage) who is piloting a commercial airliner just hours after the Rapture when millions of people around the globe simply vanish. Thirty thousand feet over the Atlantic, Rayford is faced with a damaged plane, terrified passengers, and a desperate desire to get back to his family. On the ground, his daughter, Chloe Steele (Cassi Thomson) is among those left behind, forced to navigate a world of madness as she searches for her lost mother and brother. The movie is based on the New York Times bestselling book series of the same name, co-authored by Jerry B. Jenkins and Tim LaHaye.
  8. Fifty Shades of Grey: Watch the First Trailer for the 2015 Release! Focus Features has released the first trailer for Fifty Shades of Grey which you can watch below! You can also check out new photos in the gallery underneath. Opening in theaters on February 13, 2015, the Sam Taylor-Johnson-directed adaptation stars Jamie Dornan, Dakota Johnson, Jennifer Ehle, Luke Grimes, Victor Rasuk, Eloise Mumford, Max Martini, Rita Ora, Marcia Gay Harden and Callum Keith Rennie. Fifty Shades of Grey has become a global phenomenon and the trilogy has been translated in over 50 languages worldwide since its release. To date, the “Fifty Shades” trilogy has sold over 70 million copies worldwide in e-book and print, making it one of the fastest-selling book series ever. "Fifty Shades of Grey" (first published in 2011) follows the relationship of 27-year-old billionaire Christian Grey and college student Anastasia Steele. Subsequent novels in the series, "Fifty Shades Darker" (2011) and "Fifty Shades Freed" (2012) explore the couple’s deepening relationship. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfZWFDs0LxA
  9. At their Comic-Con panel today, Paramount Pictures gave a first look at SpongeBob: Sponge Out of Water, which hits theaters on February 13, 2015. You can check out the characters in the real world below! In the film, SpongeBob SquarePants, the world's favorite sea dwelling invertebrate, comes ashore to our world for his most super-heroic adventure yet. The movie is based on the series created by Stephen Hillenburg. Starring are Antonio Banderas, Tom Kenny, Clancy Brown, Rodger Bumpass, Bill Fagerbakke, Carolyn Lawrence and Douglas Lawrence.
  10. Warner Bros. Pictures is returning to Hall H at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time with a look at three movies and possibly some surprises? What we know for sure is that they are presenting Jupiter Ascending, Mad Max: Fury Road and The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies, but will they also feature Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice? Follow along with the live blog below! You can read the archived version of our live blog below: 9:50 ComingSoon.net: Welcome to our live blog of the Warner Bros. Pictures panel at the San Diego Comic-Con! The panel should be starting soon, so stay tuned. We are unable to provide video of the panel, but if the studio officially releases videos or promo material, we will feature them on the site. 9:51 Comment From Jaymie Here's hoping for some DC news! Maybe even some footage from Batman v Superman??? 9:51 ComingSoon.net: Hopefully! 9:51 Comment From Alejandro Will they release an official hobbit teaser online after the panel? 9:51 Spencer Perry-SHH: Films officially scheduled to appear on the panel are The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies, Mad Max: Fury Road, and Jupiter Ascending. Though Surprises are always a possibility :) 9:53 Comment From Koda How long is the Panel usually? 9:53 Spencer Perry-SHH: Two hours 9:53 Comment From Guest Thank you CS! If only we could be there. But your live-blogs are the next best. Much appreciated. 9:53 ComingSoon.net: You bet! 9:54 ComingSoon.net: One additional note. You guys' comments are coming in so quick, there's no way we'll be able to feature all of them. We will try to answer questions though. 9:55 Comment From Timothy Augello How deep into production is Batman Vs. Superman at this time? 9:55 Spencer Perry-SHH: They've been shooting about 2 months I believe 9:56 Comment From Ccb Anyone heard what the new release date for Jupiter Acesending is? 9:56 Spencer Perry-SHH: February 6, 2015 9:56 Comment From Josh Aside from DC, does anyone think they'll announce anything for Godzilla 2? 9:56 Spencer Perry-SHH: Check back for the Legendary panel later today for that :) 9:56 ComingSoon.net: Looks like Peter Jackson walked the Con in disguise - https://www.facebook.com/Pe... 9:58 Comment From Dominic Is two months of production enough time to put together something teasery? 9:58 Spencer Perry-SHH: Guardians of the Galaxy did it last year after only 10 days of production, so anything is possible! 9:58 ComingSoon.net: To answer all the questions, Legendary Pictures (who's films are distributed by Universal now) starts at 12:20 p.m. Pacific Time and Marvel Studios starts at 5:30 p.m. Pacific Time. 9:59 Comment From Test How long is the Marvel panel? 9:59 Spencer Perry-SHH: An hour I blieve 9:59 ComingSoon.net: Having filmed for a certain amount of time does not mean they don't have any footage available. A lot is done before filming usually starts. 10:00 ComingSoon.net: Provided we have Wi-Fi, the plan is to live blog Legendary, Sin City and Marvel Studios still today. 10:01 Comment From CJ That's weird that the Marvel panel would be an hour. Thought it would be longer. 10:01 ComingSoon.net: They usually cheat and go longer :) 10:02 ComingSoon.net: Here comes Silas, enjoy everyone! 10:02 Silas Lesnick: Hi everyone! We're just a few minutes from the start! 10:02 Comment From Igon Spencer Perry? I think i remember you and your bad jokes from last year 10:02 Spencer Perry-SHH: The same. 10:03 Silas Lesnick: They're making the usual "no taping" announcements at the moment. 10:04 Comment From Blank Also, will we get Warcraft here or is that Legendary? 10:04 Spencer Perry-SHH: Legendary 10:04 Silas Lesnick: As they did last year, the curtains on the side are opening, revealing two massive screens on either side of the main screen. 10:04 ComingSoon.net: You guys might break this thing. There's a lot of people watching! 10:05 Silas Lesnick: Wait, it's even BIGGER than last year! 10:05 Silas Lesnick: There are two MORE screens on either side! 10:05 ComingSoon.net: Whoa. 10:05 Silas Lesnick: Moderator Chris Hardwicke has come out (cosplaying as Marty McFly) 10:06 Silas Lesnick: The screens are all showing cityscape 10:06 Silas Lesnick: We're seeing 3D renders of Batman and Superman! 10:07 ComingSoon.net: I wonder if they'll be doing anything for Batman v Superman. :) 10:07 Silas Lesnick: Not actual footage, but pained concept art rendering in 3D 10:07 Silas Lesnick: VERY Frank Miller looking 10:07 Silas Lesnick: It was pretty quick, ending with the Dawn of Justice logo 10:07 Silas Lesnick: Zack Snyder has taken the stage! 10:08 Silas Lesnick: He says he couldn't be happier with the way production is going at the moment 10:08 Silas Lesnick: He says there's something they're going to show! 10:08 Silas Lesnick: "A teeny little thing," he says with a smile 10:08 Silas Lesnick: Be right back! 10:10 Silas Lesnick: Oh, wow that's cool :) 10:10 ComingSoon.net: Here's a pic of the Hall H screens - https://twitter.com/jonniec... 10:10 Silas Lesnick: Batman is standing on a Gotham rooftop in the rain 10:10 Silas Lesnick: His costume isn't what we've seen already. It's big and bulky, like his armor in The Dark Knight Returns 10:10 Silas Lesnick: His eye light up, solid white 10:10 Silas Lesnick: He's moving a tarp, revealing the bat signal 10:11 Silas Lesnick: He turns it on and the camera tracks up to the sky 10:11 Silas Lesnick: Superman is there, hovering in the light 10:11 Silas Lesnick: He doesn't look happy. 10:11 Silas Lesnick: His eyes light up with heat vision as he glares at Batman 10:11 Silas Lesnick: The title come up! 10:11 Silas Lesnick: Here come Henry Cavill, Ben Affleck and Gal Gadot! 10:12 Silas Lesnick: Unfortunately, that's it, it seems, although they're showing the footage again now... 10:13 Silas Lesnick: Posters are on the monitors now! 10:13 Silas Lesnick: WE can see Wonder Woman! 10:14 Silas Lesnick: I suspect these will be online very shortly, but she looks pretty great. Dark red, armor style costume 10:14 Silas Lesnick: She's carrying a shield and sword 10:14 Silas Lesnick: They're moving immediately into JUPITER ASCENDING with images of outer space filling all the monitors 10:14 Silas Lesnick: Channing Tatum has taken the stage 10:15 Silas Lesnick: Tatum says that he'll walk the floor in a mask. He jokes that it'll be Chewbacca 10:15 ComingSoon.net: Wonder Woman! https://twitter.com/benfrit... 10:16 Silas Lesnick: (I like that Wonder Woman costume a whole lot, personally) 10:17 Silas Lesnick: They're showing off some JUPITER ASCENDING footage, a lengthy montage of footage 10:18 Silas Lesnick: Tatum's charcter introduces himself to Kunis' 10:18 Silas Lesnick: He tells her how crazy it is to assume that mankind is alone in the universe 10:18 Silas Lesnick: 100,000 years ago the human race was seeded on Earthy by an alien race 10:19 Silas Lesnick: Now the rulers of that race want Kunis' Jupiter dead 10:19 Silas Lesnick: She's royalty and doesn't know it 10:19 Silas Lesnick: LOTS of neat special effects footage. This is definitely a visually stunning project 10:20 Silas Lesnick: Kunis' Jupiter is reborn with exactly the same genetic structure from time to time. That's why she's meant to rule. 10:20 Comment From kaleb http://i.imgur.com/NLzciTf.jpg 10:20 ComingSoon.net: Hopefully we'll get something official from the studio shortly. 10:20 Silas Lesnick: A neat fight between Tatum and a big, winged monster. Kinda like a winged Gorn from STAR TREK 10:20 Silas Lesnick: "I have more in common with a dog than with you," says Tatum 10:20 Silas Lesnick: "I love dogs," says Kunis. "I've always loved dogs." 10:21 Silas Lesnick: The logo comes up and the crowd seems pretty happy with it. 10:21 Silas Lesnick: Tatum is leaving the stage. It doesn't look like WB is doing fan questions. 10:21 Silas Lesnick: They're moving directly into... 10:21 Silas Lesnick: MAD MAX! 10:22 Silas Lesnick: Dust clouds have filled the monitors 10:22 Silas Lesnick: The logo is appearing on the all the screens 10:22 ComingSoon.net: They're flying through these for a 2 hour presentation. This is interesting. 10:22 Silas Lesnick: "Fire. Blood. Oil." reads the tagline 10:23 Silas Lesnick: Charlize Theron has sent a video greeting. She can't be here because she's filming something in South Africa 10:23 Silas Lesnick: She's recalling her involvement with the project and how long it has taken to reach the screen 10:23 Silas Lesnick: "The idea of working with a filmmaker like George and attempting to reimagine this world was just an [amazing opportunity" 10:24 Silas Lesnick: They're doing a video recap of the franchise, showing off scenes of the three previous MAD MAX films 10:24 EDouglasCS: Hey, everyone! I'm not in Hall H but I think they're going to dedicate most of the panel to The Hobbit. Peter Jackson is a big fan of Comic-Con and they probably have a lot of the cast here. 10:25 EDouglasCS: Also, I almost guarantee they'll show or do something for Warcraft in the Legendary panel. I innocently asked Duncan if I'd see him at Comic-Con and he said he couldn't tell me :) 10:25 Silas Lesnick: Maybe, Ed. But it might also be that they've got so many surprises they have to rush through to fit them all in two hours :) 10:25 EDouglasCS: Well they can't fit the entire third chapter of the Hobbit into 90 minutes so that's not happening. :) 10:25 Silas Lesnick: Ha, the Mad Max footage just transitioned into footage from the new film! 10:26 Silas Lesnick: An incredible tracking shot, looking down a canyon, following a length of 20 or 30 MAD MAX vehicles 10:26 Silas Lesnick: George Miller has come on stage! 10:26 Silas Lesnick: He said that the story for the new film was like an imaginary friend. 10:26 Silas Lesnick: It popped into his head and wouldn't leave 10:27 Silas Lesnick: He says chase scenes are the "purest cinema" so he wanted to make a movie that was one giant chase scene! 10:28 Silas Lesnick: He's really proud of his cast and says Tom Hardy will blow people away with his performance 10:29 Silas Lesnick: This is Miller's first comic-Con and he's taking a picture on his phone to send his wife 10:30 Silas Lesnick: Miller boarded the film like one big comic-book before the screenplay came together! 10:30 Silas Lesnick: "People only speak when they have to," he says, saying that words aren't terribly important to FURY ROAD 10:30 Silas Lesnick: Miller will be answering fan questions in just a moment 10:31 ComingSoon.net: Official version you guys and gals! https://pbs.twimg.com/media... 10:32 Silas Lesnick: Miller says that the new film offers him the chance to return to the simple allegory of the original film 10:33 Silas Lesnick: He says he genuinely believed he would never make another MAD MAX film up until just a few years ago 10:34 Silas Lesnick: He said all the vehicles are based on what would actually exist if the world fell into chaos and we jumped ahead 45 years 10:34 Silas Lesnick: So the key vehicles are the most rugged that exist today 10:35 Silas Lesnick: A fan just asked Miller if his additional years are influencing FURY ROAD in a way that they wouldn't to a younger man 10:35 Silas Lesnick: He says that he's not entirely sure, but that he hopes so 10:35 Comment From Koda No Batman Poster? 10:35 Silas Lesnick: The Batman poster they showed was the same shot we saw of him with the Batmobile 10:36 Silas Lesnick: Same for Superman and that flying poster we've already seen 10:36 EDouglasCS: Silas, anything about Fantastic Four? Joke, joke... 10:36 Silas Lesnick: BTW, the flying Superman poster actually looks like it's from the moment in the teaser, minus the bat signal in the background 10:36 Silas Lesnick: Here comes FURY ROAD footage! 10:37 Silas Lesnick: It opens on a cliff face. Max is standing, out of focus, at the edge next to his car 10:37 Silas Lesnick: A two-headed lizard scurries away in the foreground 10:38 Silas Lesnick: "My name is Max," says his voiceover. "My world is fire. And blood." 10:38 Silas Lesnick: The cinematography is incredible. The images are clear and pristine, but the subjects are suitably post-apocalyptic 10:39 Silas Lesnick: There's a great balance between the beauty of the desert and the destruction that has befallen the world 10:39 Silas Lesnick: Lots of footage of cars, motorcycles over a song that I haven't quite placed yet 10:40 Silas Lesnick: Tornados in the desert and a chase through them! 10:41 Silas Lesnick: Hoult's character is driving through one of the tornados, pursued by a number of vehicles. Some of them are swept into the sky. 10:41 Silas Lesnick: Fire is everywhere. Bodies go flying. 10:42 Silas Lesnick: "The world belongs to the Mad," reads the tagline 10:42 Silas Lesnick: This is a big, big movie. The montage of footage keeps going with some incredible visuals. 10:42 Silas Lesnick: MAD MAX fans are in for a BIG treat. The applause is just as big as the BvS teaser 10:43 Silas Lesnick: Miller is talking about Theron's character now, Furiosa 10:43 Silas Lesnick: She's the boss of a war rig, moving across the wasteland. 10:43 Silas Lesnick: Max winds up getting pulled into their story, but his character largely just wants to be left alone
  11. First came Iron Man and Scarlet Witch, which were followed by Captain America and Black Widow. That is when fans started to realize all of these images fit together. Yesterday brought us Hawkeye and Quicksilver, with a guest appearance by The Vision, and now Marvel Studios has revealed the final pieces for their Avengers: Age of Ultron poster - The Hulk and Thor! Check them out all together below and individually in the gallery viewer! Opening in theaters on May 1, 2015, Joss Whedon’s highly-anticipated sequel stars Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Samuel L. Jackson, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Elizabeth Olsen, James Spader, Cobie Smulders, Thomas Kretschmann and Paul Bettany.
  12. The Trailer for Air, Starring Norman Reedus and Djimon Hounsou Comics publishing imprint Skybound Entertainment, founded by "The Walking Dead's" Robert Kirkman, has revealed the first trailer and poster for the sci-fi movie Air, starring Norman Reedus ("The Walking Dead") and two-time Oscar nominee Djimon Hounsou. The film is produced by Kirkman, David Alpert, Brian Kavanaugh-Jones, and Chris Ferguson, with a script from Christian Cantamessa and Chris Pasetto. Cantamessa is making his directing debut. In Air, when Earth's atmosphere is all but destroyed, humanity's last hope is the personnel cryogenically frozen in an underground bunker. Reedus and Hounsou play the caretakers of the facility whose sanity is tested as they struggle to survive in the last bit of habitable space on Earth. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=air+trailer
  13. Following two weekends ruled by apes, writer/director Luc Besson's Lucy took over the domestic box office with an estimated $44 million from 3,173 theaters. Starring Scarlett Johansson and Morgan Freeman, the Universal Pictures action thriller averaged $13,875 per theater and cost about $40 million to make. Coming in at second was director Brett Ratner's new action-adventure Hercules, which actually opened in more theaters (3,595) than Lucy but earned $29 million its first weekend, an average of $8,067. Internationally, the film debuted with $28.7 million for a worldwide total of $57.7 million. The Paramount Pictures and MGM release, starring Dwayne Johnson, cost $100 million to make. In its third weekend, 20th Century Fox's Dawn of the Planet of the Apes dropped to third place with $16.4 million for a domestic total of $172 million so far. Internationally, the Matt Reeves-directed sequel has earned $181.9 million for a worldwide total of $354 million. It cost $170 million to make. Universal's The Purge: Anarchy dropped two spots to fourth its second weekend, taking in $9.9 million for a sum of $51.3 million. Not bad for a film that cost just $9 million to make! Walt Disney Pictures' Planes: Fire & Rescue rounded out the top five with $9.3 million its second weekend and has brought in $35.1 million to date. It will be a struggle for the film to get back its $50 million budget, though it will likely be popular with its home release. Columbia Pictures' Sex Tape added just $5.98 million its second weekend in sixth place and has brought in just $26.9 million compared to its budget of $40 million. Also, Michael Bay's Transformers: Age of Extinction continues to perform strong around the world. The movie added $4.6 million domestically for a $236.4 million total, while internationally it earned another $37.5 million for an overseas total of $730 million (of which $301 million is coming just from China!). That means the film is now up to $966.4 million worldwide and should cross the $1 billion mark soon. Read more: Box Office Results: Scarlett Johansson's Lucy Beats Dwayne Johnson's Hercules - ComingSoon.net http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=121120#ixzz38hHEIzGf Follow us: @ComingSoonNet on Twitter | ComingSoon on Facebook
  14. At their Hall H panel at the San Diego Comic-Con, Warner Bros. officially debuted our first look at Gal Gadot in costume as Wonder Woman for the upcoming Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice! Check it out below! In addition, the first teaser for the film was screened and our own Silas Lesnick described it as a follows: "Batman is standing on a Gotham rooftop in the rain. His costume isn't what we've seen already. It's big and bulky, like his armor in The Dark Knight Returns. His eyes light up, solid white. He's moving a tarp, revealing the bat signal He turns it on and the camera tracks up to the sky. Superman is there, hovering in the light, and he doesn't look happy. His eyes light up with heat vision as he glares at Batman." Coming to theaters on May 6, 2016, the Zack Snyder-directed action adventure also stars Henry Cavill, Ben Affleck, Amy Adams, Laurence Fishburne, Diane Lane, Jesse Eisenberg, Jeremy Irons, Holly Hunter and Scoot McNairy.
  15. Warner Bros. Pictures and Village Roadshow Pictures have released the first trailer for George Miller's Mad Max: Fury Road which you can check out below! If you missed them yesterday, you can also check out four new character posters underneath. Mad Max: Fury Road is the fourth film of George Miller’s Road Warrior/Mad Max franchise and is co-written and directed by Miller. The post-apocalyptic action film is set in the furthest reaches of our planet, in a stark desert landscape where humanity is broken, and most everyone is crazed fighting for the necessities of life. Within this world of fire and blood exist two rebels on the run who just might be able to restore order. There’s Max (Tom Hardy), a man of action and a man of few words, who seeks peace of mind following the loss of his wife and child in the aftermath of the chaos and Furiosa (Charlize Theron), a woman of action and a woman who believes her path to survival may be achieved if she can make it across the desert back to her childhood homeland. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akX3Is3qBpw Also starring Nicholas Hoult, Hugh Keays-Byrne, Nathan Jones, Zoe Kravitz, Riley Keough, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Mad Max: Fury Road opens in 2D and 3D theaters on May 15, 2015.
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  23. How to speed up your computer Tutorial Speed up your processor, hard drive and Windows Here's how to get some more speed from your Windows PC Related stories 80 handy Windows XP tips, tricks and hints How to undelete a Registry key Samba 4: share filesystems between Linux and Windows The First Law of Computing states that, no matter how much money you spend on a PC, it's never quite fast enough. As a result, we're always looking for new ways to squeeze a bit more performance out of our systems. While there are plenty of speed-up guides available online, most deliver only minor variations on advice you already know: uninstall unwanted programs, disable any irrelevant services, clean up temporary files, defrag your hard drive and so on. These are all good, solid tips, but if you're an experienced user, there comes a time when you want to move beyond the basics - to crank up the volume and hear something new. Best computer: how to choose the right one Achieving this is easier than you might think, because your PC's OS includes a host of amazing ideas and technologies that rarely get much attention. Why? Sometimes they're too technical for the average home user. Interrupt Affinity, for instance, allocates a specific processor to handle demands from a particular device, like your network card. Microsoft says this can improve a PC's performance, but it may take some work to find the best settings. If you'd like to try it, check out Microsoft's guide (there's a discussion on real-life experiences available here). Calculated risk Exposing other technologies to public view may be seen as too risky. Windows 7 includes a new feature called the Fault Tolerant Heap, for example, which detects crashes caused by memory-handling issues and tries to fix them when the application is run again. It has Registry settings that you can tweak to improve stability or reduce resource use, but if you get this wrong you could end up making your PC worse, so it's not something Microsoft boasts about. If you're keen to take a look anyway, Technet has the details. Other ideas tend to get forgotten. Install some programs, for instance, and they may add variables such as pointers to files or folders. When you uninstall your apps, some of these may be left behind. While this isn't a big issue, it may waste a little RAM or slow down the odd disc access, so there's no harm in looking. The Rapid Environment Editor will highlight errors for you. In this article we'll reveal a little-known hard drive optimisation that could increase performance of some PCs by up to 50 per cent. We'll explain how you can persuade Windows 7's power plan settings dialog to reveal a host of CPU-related settings and tweaks. We'll talk about network performance improvements introduced in Windows Vista and 7 that are turned off by default and will remain that way unless you know how to enable them. We'll discuss ways to remove unwanted drivers, disable an obscure, resource-hogging NTFS feature and squeeze the maximum power from your processor. Remember, these aren't your average tuning techniques. Some will deliver real results, but several come with risks attached. It's therefore vital that you protect your data by activating System Restore and backing up your important files before changing anything. Drivers Just about every PC optimisation guide will recommend you uninstall unwanted programs to save resources. Some will also suggest disabling any unnecessary Windows services. This is sensible advice, but if you stop there you'll be ignoring a huge amount of clutter. Drivers are installed by devices and many applications, but they're often left behind if you unplug the hardware or uninstall the program. Applications often install their own Windows services too, without you even realising. Most optimisation guides won't cover these because they're not standard Windows services, but if you're looking to get the most from your PC then it may be worth removing some of them. Culling these will only deliver minimal benefits. Removing failed (or multiple) driver installations can make your PC more stable though, and there's little more annoying than when you need to remove or replace a driver, but Windows keeps reinstalling it. Knowing how to kill a driver for good can be very useful. Device Manager The simplest way to begin culling unwanted drivers is with Device Manager. Of course 'simple' isn't always best, at least in this case: removing the wrong drivers can cause problems that might prevent your PC booting, even in safe mode. Don't try this unless you have a backup, and enough bootable recovery tools to cope if something goes wrong. For another view on your drivers, open a command window (right-click the 'cmd.exe' window and select 'Run as administrator' in Windows Vista or 7), and enter the command pnputil -e. This will display all your third-party drivers - everything you and your installed apps have added to Windows. For the most part, these won't be doing any harm beyond occupying a little hard drive space and maybe a few Registry references. If you find a driver that you know isn't system-critical and you want to delete it (so you can reinstall it more easily, perhaps), make a note of its 'Published name' and enter the command pnputil -d oem12.inf, where 'oem12.inf' is replaced by the file name on your system. If Windows tells you the device is in use, you can force deletion with the -f switch like this: pnputil -f -d oem12.inf. You need to be sure that Windows can cope without it. Third-party services are easier to review. Just launch 'MSCONFIG.EXE', click 'Services', check 'Hide all Microsoft services' and look for items you don't need. Apple Mobile Device and Bonjour Service, installed with iTunes, are good examples. If you don't have an iPod, iPhone or other Apple device and don't use Bonjour (a network discovery tool), they're unnecessary. If you spot something like this that's running and you're sure you don't need it, launch the Services applet ('services.msc'), then find and double-click it for more information. If you're positive that the service is unnecessary, set its 'Startup type' to 'Disabled' to turn it off when you next reboot. Clean up your system with Device Manager If you suspect that your PC is suffering driver problems, launch the Device Manager tool from Control Panel (or run 'devmgmt.msc' directly). If a device has a problem, its section will be expanded and it'll be highlighted with a yellow exclamation mark. Double-click the faulty driver, click the 'Driver' tab and use the 'Update driver', 'Disable' or 'Uninstall' button to solve the problem. Device Manager won't show you all the drivers installed on your PC by default, but a quick tweak will change that and you'll soon be removing any unwanted junk. 1. Setup Right-click 'Computer', select 'Properties' and click 'Advanced (system settings) | Environment variables | New'. Enter DEVMGR_SHOW_NONPRESENT_DEVICES for your variable name, 1 for the value and click 'New | OK'. 2. Hunt for junk Launch Device Manager, click 'View | Show hidden devices' and you'll see a 'Non-plug and play drivers' section. Expand this to see leftovers from past installations (we found 13 McAfee drivers on a PC with no McAfee software). 3. Clean up If you see a device that relates to something you've uninstalled (and nothing else), its icon is greyed out and your system is backed up in case of problems, then you can remove it. Right-click the entry and select 'Uninstall | OK'. How to speed up your internet connection Does your internet connection tend to be rather slow and unreliable? If so, Windows has a great selection of handy tweaks and technologies that might be able to help - if you can find them and put them to use safely. Network connections normally start transfers by sending small blocks of data, for instance, increasing these in size only gradually. Compound TCP (CTCP) ramps up your window size more aggressively, often improving performance. It's turned off in Windows Vista and 7 by default, but you can restore it by launching an elevated command prompt and entering netsh int tcp set global congestionprovider=ctcp. If you encounter problems, re-enter the command with =none to turn it off, or =default for the default value. Windows 7 also introduced Direct Cache Access (DCA), which reduces system overheads by allowing a network controller to transfer data directly into a CPU cache (if your system supports it). This is turned off by default, but can be activated with a netsh command: netsh int tcp set global dca=enabled. Use =disabled to turn it off if it doesn't help. You can use the same tool to activate Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) - a technology that helps your system cope with network congestion without dropping packets. Remember, if you're downloading big files and not suffering from congestion, this can slow your system down. Check your PC to see ECN's status. If it's off and your system supports it, entering netsh int tcp set global ecncapability=enabled will turn ECN on (=disabled will turn the technology off, and =default sets the default setting). Test your connection to look for improvement. All these features can give your CPU more work to do, but in many cases this can be minimised by allowing your network card's processor to handle the connection. This should be activated automatically, but it's not clear that this always happens. Even Microsoft recommends enabling the feature manually (if your network card supports it) so it's worth a try. Enter netsh int tcp set global chimney=enabled to turn the feature on, or use =disabled to turn it off. Registry tweaks to speed up your network There are plenty of brilliant network-related Registry settings available. Launch REGEDIT, browse to 'HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters', then consider some of these possibilities. Windows throttles traffic on networks with high latencies (delays), reducing timeouts but slowing you down. To disable this, add a DWORD value called 'Disable Bandwidth Throttling' to '\Lanman Workstation\Parameters' and set it to '1'. The system is equally cautious with TCP auto-tuning, disabling it if there's any chance your system won't support it. Add a DWORD value called EnableWsd and set it to '0' to disable these diagnostics and keep auto-tuning on regardless. Your home PCs cache data about files and folders they access. Increasing the cache size uses more RAM, but can reduce network traffic and improve speeds. Add FileInfoCacheEntriesMax, DirectoryCacheEntriesMax and FileNotFoundCacheEntriesMax DWORD values to '\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters', set them to values greater than their defaults (64, 16 and 128), reboot and see what happens. Be careful and if you have any issues, return to the Registry key you've added, delete it, reboot and your PC will be back to normal.
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