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  1. Tracker's Name : FinElite Genre : General Sign-up Link : http://finelite.org/login.php#register Closing date : N/A Review's Link : FinElite | FNT | General | 2016 Review Additional information : FinElite (FE) is a Finnish Private Torrent Tracker for Movies / TV / General Releases.
  2. Tracker's Name : SkTorrent Genre : General Sign-up Link : http://sktorrent.eu/torrent/account.php Closing date : N/A Additional information : SkTorrent is a Slovak Private Torrent Tracker for Movies / TV / General Releases.
  3. http://i.imgur.com/BCmTmZ7.png Due to the lack of donations and since 2014 the staff team have paid the hosting services from their personal wallet, Despite of the exclusive upload and high quality content , there is no donations to support the site. Now the staff team can't afford the hosting costs anymore and announce that they will shutdown soon
  4. An in-depth analysis of billions of worldwide visits to torrent, streaming and download sites has revealed that Europe is a hotbed for piracy. The piracy rate is the highest in Latvia, where nearly half of the population visits pirate sites, and the entire global top ten is made up of European countries. Despite the growing availability of legal options, online piracy remains rampant. Every day pirate sites are visited hundreds of millions of times. Piracy tracking outfit MUSO has documented the piracy landscape with data from 14,000 of the largest global piracy sites. In total, the company recorded 141 billion visits to pirate sites last year alone. But where are these pirates coming from? In absolute numbers the United States clearly comes out on top. With nearly 10 billion visits to streaming portals and over 3 billion to torrent sites, the U.S. beats all other countries. Perhaps not a surprise, as the U.S. is one of the largest countries in the world with a high Internet penetration. Things get more interesting, however, when we look at the piracy rate based on the number of Internet users around the world. Data MUSO exclusively shared with TorrentFreak, shows that different countries float to the top when the Internet population is taken into account. A comparison of the top 50 countries with the most piracy traffic shows that Europe in particular has a persistent piracy problem. In fact, all of the 10 countries with the highest online piracy rates are in Europe. Latvia comes out on top with a massive 46% of the Internet users visiting pirate sites, followed by Bulgaria, Lithuania, Croatia, Spain and Greece. The top 10 piracy havens is completed by Serbia, Ireland, Romania and Sweden. The first non-European country in the list is Australia, with a piracy rate of 16%, followed by Israel. Canada is the first North American country, located in the middle of the bunch, with a piracy rate of 11%. When taking the size of the Internet population into account, the United States is actually one of the countries with the lowest piracy rates, just under 5%. The UK also has a modest piracy rate with nearly 8%. Most surprising, perhaps, is the low piracy rate in Germany, where less than 2% of the Internet population are considered to be “pirates.” Vietnam closes the list with just over 1%. The dataset includes visits to both international and local pirate sites, and MUSO believes that it’s an accurate overview of the global piracy landscape. The current list is based on data from 2015 and it will be interesting to see if these rankings will change over time. Below is the top 50 in reverse order. China, Japan and Korea were excluded as MUSO didn’t have sufficient sites representing these countries to accurately include them. TOP 50 PIRATE COUNTRIES BY RELATIVE PIRACY RANK. - https://torrentfreak.com/images/country1.png https://torrentfreak.com/images/country2.png https://torrentfreak.com/images/country3.png https://torrentfreak.com/images/country4.png https://torrentfreak.com/images/country5.png
  5. DTians, Please join me to congratulate Team DUS on their 8th anniversary. They have maintained great consistency all these years and have provided enjoyment for countless people everywhere. On this occasion all the Movie sections of DT will be on Freeleech till August 15th.
  6. Tracker's Name : Speed.CD Genre : General Sign-up Link : http://speed.cd/login.php Closing date : Signup is Open for a week for summer Holidays! Review's Link : Speed.cd | Speed | General | 2016 Review Additional information : vERY friendly and good general tracker , totally a good one to have! N'JOY!
  7. Tracker's Name : AppzUniverse Genre : Other Sign-up Link : http://www.appzuniverse.org/signup.php Additional information : Great sites for Apps
  8. Tracker's Name : FemdomCult Genre : XXX Sign-up Link : https://femdomcult.org/register.php
  9. Kickass Torrents (KAT) is still down but the ongoing case could be thrown out soon as Kim Dotcom's lawyer has been chosen as The Pirate Bay (TPB) and Extra Torrent rake in more traffic. Megaupload is set to take on the filesharing and possibly the media piracy industry as well in 2017 especially now that Kickass Torrents has been recently taken down. However, pirates need not to fear as the lawyer who successfully saved Kim Dotcom from the legal threats will also represent KAT's Artem Vaulin. For now, users are still flocking to the up and coming Extra Torrent and The Pirate Bay to download their much needed torrent files. Some users are already expecting pirated versions of the upcoming Suicide Squad movie and The Secret Life of Pets which is set to be released across the rest of the world in August. Kim Dotcom's lawyer Ira Rothken will represent Vaulin in the cases against him filed by the United States authorities, Inquirer has learned. Megaupload could still have KAT as competition besides TPB and Extra Torrent if Rothken will be able to quickly throw out the case against Vaulin before 2017 even hits. Rothken said that their defense could be focused on explaining that Kickass Torrents is nothing but a glorified set of hyperlinks to torrent files which has become as one of the The Pirate Bay alternatives over time. The Megaupload creator lawyer said that the U.S. was just trying to attack BitTorrent technology through baseless criminal laws. Meanwhile, TPB co-founder Peter Sunde recently said that the piracy industry needs to step up in terms of innovation. Sunde said that the KAT takedown and the persistent moving of TPB proves that the torrent ecosystem relies too much on the large torrenting sites, University Herald reported. In order to survive the ongoing onslaught against torrent sites, Sunde believes that pirates should embrace new tech such as IPFS and Zeronet. If not, The Pirate Bay and Extra Torrent could be the next to be taken down along with the recent Kickass Torrent. KAT alternatives such as TPB and Extra Torrent are still in danger of being taken down by the authorities. Users are currently searching for other torrent sites besides The Pirate Bay and Kickass Torrents to fuel their pirating needs but the lawyer taking the case for the alleged owner could mean that the site can go back online soon.
  10. Movie Studios ‘Take Down’ Popular KAT Mirror One of the most popular KAT mirrors has had its domain name taken down following pressure from the major Hollywood studios. The Armenian .AM registry was quick to disable the KAT.am domain, but that doesn't mean that the mirror site operator is throwing in the towel just yet. More than a week has passed since KickassTorrents (KAT) was shut down by the U.S. Government, following the arrest of the site’s alleged owner. Soon after the official site went offline various mirrors and copies were launched to take its place. While none of these sites have anything to do with the original site, they do attract hundreds of thousands of users. One of the more popular mirrors is KAT.am. The site was featured in several news reports with some suggesting that it’s an official reincarnation of the original KickassTorrents site. While that is certainly not true, the instant success of this ‘copyKAT’ was enough to get Hollywood worried. Especially because its operator also started to add new torrents to the site. It therefore came as no surprise that the Motion Picture Association, representing Hollywood’s major studios, sent KAT.am’s owner a stark warning. “This Notice requires you to immediately (within 24 hours) take effective measures to end and prevent further copyright infringement. All opportunities provided by the Website to download, stream or otherwise obtain access to the Entertainment Content should be disabled permanently,” MPA’s email reads. Part of MPA’s mail https://torrentfreak.com/images/katmirrormail.png TorrentFreak spoke to operator of the mirror, who informed us that he has no intention of backing down. However, he noted that the MPA(A) pressure did lead to a suspension of the domain name. “The MPAA coordinated with the Armenian registry and got the domain deleted,” KAT.am’s operator said. “We are making continuous attempts to bring it back, utilizing all the legal channels available.” At the time of writing KAT.am remains offline. However, the mirror has already launched two new domains, kickass.cd and kickass.mx, from where it continues to operate. KAT? https://torrentfreak.com/images/katmirror.png Operating a KAT mirror is not without risk, given the fact that the original site is the target of a criminal investigation by the U.S. Government. That doesn’t seem to bother the operator in question though. “We are not worried, because if it’s not us, someone else will keep the game running. If not the alleged owner, it can be us. If we are not there, still there will surely be someone else. This never ends,” he tells us. For some KAT users the “mirror” situation is rather confusing. They believe that the mirrors are somehow connected to the original site and some may attempt to login, which isn’t possible as these sites don’t have a copy of the user database. Login attempts are risky, as some rogue mirrors may harvest personal information for nefarious purposes. Previously, the original KAT community team warned against such mirrors, urging former users to avoid these sites. The operator of the former KAT.am mirror says that his site is completely safe. He’s also considering adding a notice to clarify that it is not related to the original KAT, to clarify the situation. That said, just like those who operate the mirrors, former KAT users should consider themselves warned too. Source: Torrentfreak
  11. Ira Rothken has kept Megaupload founder free for years. Can he do it again? Just over a week ago, federal authorities announced the arrest of Artem Vaulin, a Ukrainian man that they say is the mastermind of KickassTorrents (KAT), which was the world’s largest BitTorrent search site until recently. Vaulin, 30, has retained Ira Rothken, the California lawyer who has successfully kept Kim Dotcom out of custody in New Zealand since 2012. Rothken serves as Dotcom's lead global counsel—his client still faces criminal charges over alleged massive copyright infringement on his now-shuttered site, Megaupload. American prosecutors have failed to get Dotcom extradited to the US. Vaulin was charged last week in Chicago federal court with one count of conspiracy to commit criminal copyright infringement, one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering, and two counts of criminal copyright infringement. “Artem Vaulin was allegedly running a worldwide digital piracy website that stole more than $1 billion in profits from the US entertainment industry,” Peter T. Edge, the executive associate director of Homeland Security Investigations said in a statement last week. “Protecting legitimate commerce is one of HSI’s highest priorities." In a phone interview with Ars on Wednesday evening, Rothken said that the underlying issues in Dotcom’s Megaupload and KAT are essentially the same—in that there is no American criminal law for secondary copyright infringement. After all, Rothken argued, both sites provided a mechanism to access content that may have turned out to be infringing, he said, but KAT, unlike Megaupload, did not even host anything. "It is a glorified set of hyperlinks, very much like you would get from a search engine like Google," he said. "This case of KickassTorrents, we’re not able to find any cases especially criminal case where a hyperlink was considered direct wilful infringement. We believe that the US case here is without merit and ultimately the folks involved with that will win as a matter of law." He argued that a case like KickassTorrents should follow the Grokster standard and be adjudicated under civil, rather than criminal, law. Sit tight Rothken also said that he has yet to speak to his client directly, who remains in a Warsaw jail but has been able to relay messages through Vaulin’s Polish counsel, Katarzyna Dąbrowska. "This case by the US is an attack, using the criminal laws, on BitTorrent technology generally," Rothken continued. "The US is involved in experimental criminal litigation, and it’s designed to have a chilling effect on people using BitTorrent technology. If one were to go out and spider all the BitTorrent files they could find online and give a search engine, the same allegations could be made against that search engine, and we believe that’s improper use of the prosecutorial power. We believe that this case will ultimately be dismissed." While Rothken has successfully resisted Dotcom’s extradition so far—an appeal is pending later before the High Court of New Zealand later this summer—he may have a tougher time keeping Vaulin in Europe. Unlike the extradition treaty between the United States and New Zealand, the extradition treaty between the United States and Poland states that "an offense shall be an extraditable offense if it is punishable under the laws in both Contracting States by deprivation of liberty for a maximum period of more than one year or by a more severe penalty." Presuming that money laundering and criminal copyright infringement carry a penalty of more than a year, it may be easier to get Vaulin stateside. Still, Rothken seems to be confident that Vaulin won’t be appearing in a Chicago courtroom any time soon. "It does appear to require dual criminality, like New Zealand," he said. "And we have taken a preliminary view that this theory, this criminal theory of secondary copyright infringement, does not exist in Poland and does not exist in the US, and we think that if a dual criminality analysis ever gets done, an extradition would have to be rejected." Rothken said he plans to head to Warsaw to meet his client for the first time in the coming days and hopes to get him released on bail soon.
  12. Tracker's Name : RainbowNation Sharing (RNS) Genre : e-Learning Sign-up Link : http://rainbownationsharing.net/signup.php Review's Link : RainbowNationSharing | RNS | E-Learning | 2016 Review Additional information : RainbowNation Sharing (RNS) is a Private Torrent Tracker for EBOOKS / AUDIOBOOKS
  13. The alleged owner of KickassTorrents has retained lawyer Ira Rothken, who also handles the defense of Kim Dotcom and his indicted Megaupload colleagues. Rothken believes that Vaulin has a strong case against the U.S. Government and hopes to have the Ukrainian released from his Warsaw jail soon, so he can mount a spirited defense. Last week Polish law enforcement officers arrested Artem Vaulin, the alleged founder of KickassTorrents. The arrest resulted in the shutdown of the site, which came as a shock to millions of KAT users and the torrent community at large. The Polish authorities acted on a criminal complaint from the U.S. Government. In the indictment, the 30-year-old Ukrainian is charged with criminal copyright infringement and money laundering. These charges are similar to those lodged against Megaupload and Kim Dotcom. With this in mind, it doesn’t come as a surprise that Vaulin has decided to retain the same lawyer. Ira Rothken confirmed to TorrentFreak that he will lead Vaulin’s defense working in collaboration with local counsel. Besides his familiarity with criminal copyright charges, Rothken also knows the ins and outs of torrent sites, as he previously represented isoHunt in a civil case. While it’s still early days, Rothken believes that they have strong arguments to have the criminal complaint dismissed. “We believe the US criminal complaint lacks merit. Torrent sites and trackers are devoid of any content files. If any infringement occurs it happens offsite and leaves Kickasstorrents behind,” Rothken informs TorrentFreak. “This type of copyright theory is known as secondary copyright infringement and there is no United States criminal statute for secondary copyright infringement – that type of theory is at most a civil liability issue.” The same arguments are also being raised in the Megaupload case, which is still pending after nearly half a decade. Last December a New Zealand District Court judge ruled that Dotcom and his former Megaupload colleagues can be extradited to the United States. This decision was immediately appealed and a new series of hearings is scheduled to take place in a few weeks. As noted by ARS, who first reported the news, Vaulin remains in a Warsaw jail pending his extradition request. However, Rothken hopes that the alleged owner of KickassTorrents will be able to fight his extradition outside of jail. “We are working with local Polish counsel to try to get Artem out of the Warsaw jail so he can assist with his defense,” Rothken tells us. The KickassTorrents website, meanwhile, is still offline. Although there are numerous mirrors available, it is unlikely that it will come back in the near future. The KAT “community,” however, has been revived and remains active. Source: Torrentfreak.com
  14. The Pirate Bay co-founder Peter Sunde believes that the piracy scene needs more innovation if it aims to survive. This is his reaction on the current shutdown of the popular torrent site KickAssTorrents. Sunde suggests that more decentralization is necessary to provide more torrent sites to the users as the current torrent ecosystem relies too heavily on a few large sites. He believes that the shutdown of KAT proves how vulnerable the ecosystem is. The Pirate Bay co-founder discussed that torrent users rely on a very small group of torrent sites that, as he believes, are all major targets for law enforcement. The decentralization of torrent sites could be made possible by the new technologies such as Zeronet and IPFS. According to Sunde, IPFS is a real good site that uses new technology which can work as great with less centralization. He added that The Pirate Bay and KickAssTorrents were not able to integrate new technologies which may be the reason why they are now faced with problems, International Business Times reported. Sunde also suggests that a user database is necessary for the new technologies to catch on. He points out that the big torrent sites do not have an up to date user database experience and do not use new technologies at all. The Pirate Bay co-founder reiterates that this has been going on for around 15 years and there is no innovation at all. Today, millions of people just rely on The Pirate Bay and KickAssTorrents to be around, but that makes the ecosystem vulnerable without any incentive to innovate, Sunde explained. This is why he wanted to terminate The Pirate Bay on its 10th anniversary to work on something better. Sunde asks that they need new people, new voices, new activists and new ideologies in the piracy scene, Torrent Freak reported. Pirate Bay co-founder further discussed that he has been wanting for years for The Pirate Bay to rest and now that KickAssTorrents being shut down, he hopes it will bring inspiration to people to do something new and innovative. He concluded by stating that it is not really hard to run a torrent site or set up one.
  15. Another happy hour!? Tonight from 9pm to 3am (UTC) everything on the site will be FreeLeech for all, but only during our EMP Happy Hour Party...!!! So, light it up, hit it hard, and grab all that you can...!!!
  16. 创新发布了H&R系统,具体的说明及规则请参见相关板块。 设立规则培养起良好的下载习惯是其中一个初衷,我们也将继续为打造最好的社区平台而努力。希望大家都能在本 站玩的愉快。 A novel H&R system is released. For the detailed instructions and rules, please refer to the relevant section. The cultivation of good habits is one of the purposes of operating this system. We will continue to work hard to build the best community platform. Hope everyone could harvest happiness in our tracker.
  17. Summer Night 2 feat. Mitomoro come see Mitomoro and more live in New England! tickets: https://event.gg/3774-zhuo%20re-summer-night-2 fb event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1151775734882662/
  18. Hello, We need your help to keep this tracker online, We have a new offer 10 Euro for Lifetime VIP, after donation send pm with transaction id to daniixxl. Without your help we can not provide a unique experience because the cost servers are very expensive to keep this tracker online. We accept Paypal, VISA and debit card . Enter here: http://last-torrents.org/love.php Thanks for all your support.
  19. Registration is currently closed, but is open every Saturday.
  20. Tracker's Name : RainbowNation Sharing (RNS) Genre : e-Learning Sign-up Link : http://rainbownationsharing.net/signup.php Review's Link : RainbowNationSharing | RNS | E-Learning | 2016 Review Additional information : RainbowNation Sharing (RNS) is a Private Torrent Tracker for EBOOKS / AUDIOBOOKS
  21. Tracker's Name : TwilightZoom Genre : General Sign-up Link : http://twilightzoom.org/signup.php Closing date : n/a Review's Link : n/a
  22. After Udta Punjab and Great Grand Masti became available on various illegal websites prior to their theatrical release, the makers of the forthcoming Bollywood film Dishoom are geared up to combat the threat by seeking a John Doe order against the movie's piracy. Dishoom, produced by Sajid Nadiadwala and Eros International Media Ltd, is releasing on 29 July. The producers are in the process of obtaining the John Doe order from the Bombay High Court. The order will direct Internet Service Providers (ISPs), telecom operators and other platforms to ensure that any illegal content from Dishoom is not made available on their services, read a statement issued on behalf of Kulmeet Makkar, CEO, Film and Television Producers Guild of India. In order to address the piracy issue, prominent Hindi film producers and studios met last week. They unanimously supported the need to take adequate measures to ensure that film content is safeguarded at every stage of its release process, including certification and supplies to worldwide distributors as well as digital operators in India. Makkar stated: "This issue should not be treated in isolation as piracy for films but the sheer impunity and brazenness with which this illegality is being propounded indicates a structured attempt to damage the industry on the whole and should be considered as a serious threat to the security of the nation's intellectual assets".
  23. Pirate Bay co-founder Peter Sunde says that the "piracy" scene needs more innovation if it wants to sustain itself. In the wake of the KickassTorrents shutdown, he argues that the current ecosystem relies too heavily on a few large sites. More decentralization is the key to solve this vulnerability. peter-sundeLast week the alleged owner of KickassTorrents (KAT) was arrested in Poland, where he faces an extradition request from the United States. The news came as a shock to many of the site’s users and also had a profound impact on the torrent ecosystem at large, particularly in the short term. TorrentFreak discusses the events and repercussions with several experts on a special episode of Steal This Show. Pirate Bay co-founder Peter Sunde is one of the guests, and he finds it quite odd that the long arm of the United States can reach deep into Europe. “For me, it’s weird that Poland is arresting someone on the orders of the United States where the person has not been,” Sunde says. “I have an issue with a country having that much power. I don’t care if it’s the United States, Russia or whatever, but one country shouldn’t be able to just grab people from anywhere in the world just because they do something on the Internet. That’s insanity.” Sunde and the other Pirate Bay founders had their own criminal prosecution in Sweden several years ago, for which they all served jail time. Their case was also spurred on by U.S. influence, he believes, but it was prosecuted on their home turf instead. Legalities aside, Peter Sunde believes that the shutdown of KAT shows how vulnerable the torrent ecosystem is. The majority of users rely on a very small group of torrent sites, which are all major targets for law enforcement. A more distributed system would be much better, according to Pirate Bay’s founder. “I think maybe people now understand that we shouldn’t just have a few sites. Because everything depends on these sites. That’s the thing I always wanted, a large hybrid of lots of smaller sites instead of one big target like KickassTorrents or Pirate Bay.” Just setting up basic mirrors isn’t going to cut it in this case. At the moment there are still dozens of KAT copies online, but since they don’t have access to the backend of the original site, uploaders can’t use their accounts. Also, many smaller torrent sites were relying on KAT’s database of torrents, and these have been faced with a similar problem since last week. A lack of new content. “If one of the big sites goes down a lot of smaller sites are hit as well because they are just a copy of the original database. We need lots of sites that federate all the data instead of having to depend on the higher-ups,” Sunde notes. So what’s the alternative? According to Pirate Bay’s founder, more innovation and decentralization is required. https://torrentfreak.com/images/ipfs.png There are already plenty of new technologies that could make torrent sites more decentralized. Zeronet and IPFS, for example. However, according to Sunde the large torrent sites such as TPB don’t really have the urge to innovate. “IPFS is really good and if everyone started using that instead it would be great. It would be working perfectly with less centralization. The problem is that the big sites like TPB and KAT are not really good at using new technology.” Without a userbase these new technologies don’t catch on, so that keeps the current status quo intact. The only way to change this is by bringing in something fresh, Sunde says. “If you look at the big sites, name one of them that has an up-to-date user experience or uses new technology at all. It’s the same shit that’s been around for 10, 15 years. There is no innovation whatsoever that’s visible on these sites. “We need new voices, new people, new activists and new ideologies in the piracy scene,” Sunde adds. Millions of people now rely on TPB and KAT to just be there for them. However, that makes the ecosystem very vulnerable without any incentive to innovate. This is why Sunde and others who were involved early, wanted to shut down the site on its 10th anniversary. To make room for something better. “I’ve been saying for years that I want The Pirate Bay to shut down, and now with KickassTorrents being shut down I hope this will actually inspire people to do something fresh, innovative and something new.” “To be honest, it’s not really hard to run a torrent site, or set one up,” Sunde says. —- You can hear more from Peter Sunde in the latest episode of Steal This Show (not all comments cited here appear in the episode), which was published earlier today. The episode also features isoHunt founder Gary Fung and U.S. Pirate Party founder Andrew Norton. https://torrentfreak.com
  24. Amateur Upload Contest Since we have been taking in a lot of new members lately, we thought it would be good to provide them with a unique opportunity. We will have an uploading competition for the next week. The prizes will be awarded by the amount of torrents uploaded this week starting at 27 July 2016 00:00 according to the GGn clock, ending 3 August 2016 0:00. First prize will be 300GB upload. Second prize will be 100GB upload. Third prize will be 50GB upload. Participation prize of 20GB (upload at least 10 torrents) Please ensure that you have read all the uploading rules. Any torrents not following the rules will be ignored. Ensure your torrent groups are done well and contain all possible information! If you have any questions regarding uploading, please ask (irc is usually the quickest way to get an answer). Please note that this competition applies only to users of Amateur class. If you'd like to participate, please post in the announcement thread so that we can track your uploads. Happy uploading!
  25. Maintenance Error loading page We will be back as soon as possible... But in the meantime have a cupcake! Refresh this page to retry or go back. You can always find us on IRC, connect at irc.empornium.me (SSL port 6697) on #empornium or use the webchat below.
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