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  1. Twitch Prime's Indie Amplifier promotion is putting eight indie games in the spotlight for the next couple of weeks and, following a vote from the community, all Prime members will be granted a free copy of one of the titles. The folks at Twitch this week announced a unique promotion meant to draw attention to indie developers and the games they have created. Between now and March 15, the Indie Amplifier program will boast streams of a collection of eight games, as well as interviews with the teams that made them. The games include: Tomb of Annihilation (Dungeons and Dragons), from Bkom Studios Tumblestone, from Quantum Astorphysicists Guild Treadnauts, from Topstitch Games High Hell, from Devolver Digital I, Hope, from Double Plus Good Games Shadow Tactics, from Daedalic Games Kingsway, from Cartoon Interactive Steamworld Dig 2, from Image & Form Over the next couple of weeks, Twitch's Giantwaffle and bacon_donut will help steer the content, offering loads of streams featuring the eight games and heart-to-hearts with the developers. These will be part of the Twitch Prime Indie Amplifier programming. At the same time, Simcopter1 and DizzyKitten will also be streaming the eight participating titles, giving viewers a chance to learn more about each title and make a better-educated decision about which game they would like to receive for free. At the same time, we figure folks will be getting some cool behind the scenes peeks at development from an indie perspective and, as we're sure is the intent of the promotion, maybe even convince some folks to pick up a game or two along the way. Voting will be open through Sunday, March 11, with the winning game being offered free of charge to all Twitch Prime members on Thursday, March 15. To vote, just head to the official Indie Amplifier page and pick one of the games. Obviously, it might make a bit more sense to hold off on voting and tune in for some of the streams to learn more about the games. Games like Tomb of Annihilation and Steamworld Dig 2 are pretty well known at this point, but some of these games are fresh blips on our radar. Again, that's kind of the whole point; spreading info about potentially overlooked games from dedicated, smaller teams. As an added bonus, Twitch Prime isn't just giving away a bunch of free copies of the winning game. Whichever developer proves victorious will also earn a $175,000 prize pool, so that's certainly a nice incentive to get involved. So, you've got a couple of weeks, folks. Watch some streams, make a decision, cast your vote and, come March 15, everybody will be receiving a free game. If you've got a particular game you want to sell us on, feel free to add your thoughts to the comments below.
  2. Ubisoft has announced that the test server for Rainbow Six: Siege has added Operation Chimera to the fold, giving gamers an opportunity to play-test the upcoming content from now up until March 2nd, exclusively for PC gamers. The test server is an alternate version of Rainbow Six: Siege where players are able to play through the content and experience upcoming updates before the general public gets its hands on the content. The Operation Chimera test server includes two all new Operators to the game, including Lion and Finka, the elite members from the CBRN Threat Unit (which stands for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear) designated for handling biological or chemical threats from potential terrorists or extraterrestrials. The two CBRN operatives come from France and Russia, and have biohazard specializations. They come with all new weapons and gadgets, and will be playable in both the standard competitive multiplayer modes in Rainbow Six: Siege, along with making an appearance in the special Outbreak event, which is set to run from March to April, starting next month on March 6th. For those of you who have been absolutely geeked about the Outbreak event, there's some really good news in the form of the event making a small appearance periodically throughout the test server phase, which is currently underway right now. The developers at Ubisoft will make the Outbreak event partially available off and on in order to test and fix some immediate issues that may pop up ahead of it getting underway on March 6th. The Outbreak event, for those of you who don't know, is a cooperative survival mode where players will work together to stop an infestation that takes over a town following the crash landing of an alien spacecraft. Lion and Finka are sent in to address the situation, along with the rest of the clean-up team, only to find that it's not quite as simple as they once expected. The Outbreak mode is designed to take the traditional Rainbow Six: Siege gameplay and expand it to the realm of Left 4 Dead-style PvE encounters. You'll still need to use team tactics, such as barricading the doors and blocking off pathways in order to prevent your team from being overwhelmed and crowded by the monsters. Your objective in the Outbreak mode is to reach reach a specific destination on the map and complete the objectives, not unlike the traditional Rainbow Six games of old. Much like Left 4 Dead there are different types of alien zombies to kill, and you'll need to use different tactics to take them out. Gamers who play the game on PC will be able to play-test the new map and the additional weapons and Operators that will come along with it. The objective-based map also still features the same kind of destructibility and bullet penetration as featured in the other multiplayer mode, so it should prove to be a different kind of gameplay experience with a lot of the same elements present from the standard modes. You can check out the Operation Chimera portal over on the official website for Rainbow Six: Siege to learn more about how to get in on the PC test server and check out the upcoming updates due for release.
  3. It looks like plans for the Super Mario World Universal Studios attraction might be changing, with the latest rumors shifting the main destination to a new location. Over at Theme Park University, via Attraction Magazine, they're reporting that no activity has taken place with the planned Universal Studios Florida attraction themed after various Nintendo properties, which could mean that the attraction is undergoing some significant changes. For starters, rumors have started circulating that the USF location is no longer planned to be the central hub for the U.S. version of the Nintendo-themed attraction. That doesn't mean that the Florida location won't receive a Nintendo world, just that it might no longer be considered the prime destination for Mario and his pals. The reasoning behind this makes a heck of a lot of sense. Based on the report, outside of some general retooling of the park around where Super Mario World was supposed to be under construction at the end of 2017, no actual progress has been made at the Universal Studios Florida location. Apparently, that's because the involved parties are considering moving the main attraction to an upcoming new park for Universal Studios. So, why is that important? Because if it's planned in the initial stages of the park, it can be built with future expansions already in the blueprint. The Florida campus operates on a limited amount of space, which means that a Nintendo-themed attraction would only have so much room to grow in the coming years. If Universal Studios makes Super Mario World a key component of their next park, it can be designed with plenty of room left to expand. Still, as the initial report points out, that doesn't mean that the Florida park, or other Universal Studios locations, won't be getting Nintendo-themed attractions. It's likely that the Florida location will still move forward with Super Mario World plans, but maybe not based on the original designs. Another benefit of opening Nintendo sections at multiple parks is that they could create a destination draw for dedicated fans. In other words, while the main attraction at the new Universal Studios location will likely feature a central hub based on Super Mario Bros, it could break off into wings dedicated to, say, Kirby, Yoshi and Zelda. The Orlando park could then have a similar hub world, but with nodes dedicated to Donkey Kong and Pokemon. Yet another destination could focus on Pikmin and Mario Kart. These are only examples and everything here should be taken as a rumor at this point, but the original sources seem pretty convinced that an alteration is in the works. Couple this with the recently announced Super Mario Bros. animated film, and it's pretty clear that Nintendo and Universal Studios are looking to grow their relationship by leaps and bounds.
  4. It's been a while since Burnout Paradise held the crown for the best racing game on the block but, come March 16, the king returns to reclaim the throne. Get ready for Burnout Paradise Remastered. Much like a new rival making a challenge within the game itself, Burnout Paradise Remaster pretty much came out of nowhere to take everyone by surprise today. EA kept this one pretty quiet throughout development, with today's official reveal trailer launching just a couple of weeks before the game itself. The best thing about a stealth launch like this is that we aren't left thinking, "Boy, I can't wait to play this in six months." Instead, anyone looking forward to getting behind the wheel all over again will be able to do so on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One come March 16. For those who missed out on Burnout Paradise last generation, it's held by many (including yours truly) to be one of the best racing games to ever hit the virtual speedways. The game is set in the fictional Paradise City, boasting crowded city streets, beachfront thoroughfares, winding mountain paths and enough secret locations, hidden items and unlockables to keep the pedal to the metal for an obscene number of hours. Most intersections on the open map are used to serve as event starts, allowing the player to pick and choose what kind of activity they want to take part in simply by driving up and revving their engine. You can play with friends, solo or with a group of randos, with races and challenges popping up on the fly. Based on an announcement from EA, all of those features will return in the remastered version of Burnout Paradise, including the "mugshot" feature that takes a quick photo of any opponents you manage to ram off of the course. Even better, all of the game's DLC will be included in the initial package, with the whole shebang going for $39.99. You'll be able to pick up Burnout Paradise Remastered either physical or digital, including the core game along with Big Surf Island, the Party Pack, Burnout Bikes, Boost Special, Legendary Cars, the Cagney Update, Toys and the Cops and Robbers Pack. That's a heck of a lot of racing goodness all in one bundle. Unlike Shadow of the Colossus, however, this won't be a from the ground up remake of Burnout Paradise. The game has received visual and audio boosts, though, and the original soundtrack is actually intact. Also, we're talking 4K at 60fps on the PlayStation 4 Pro and Xbox One X. If all of that seems like a joyride worth taking, then mark your calendar for March 16 and get ready to return to the streets of Paradise City.
  5. Developer Flight Sim Labs, the makers of various types of DLC and aircraft for Microsoft's Flight Simulator series of games, recently came under fire from its own community for taking measures to combat piracy by injecting malware into the software to weed out the personal info of pirates. However, after getting caught, the studio head decided to apologize for the decision. Over on the official Flight Sim Labs website, there's a posted apology from founder Lefteris Kalamaras, who explains that after getting some pointed and highly critical feedback from the community about the discovery of malware in the software, it was decided to renege on that plan and apologize for such drastic and uncouth measures to combat piracy. Kalamaras wrote... I want to reiterate and reaffirm that we as a company and as flight simmers would never do anything to knowingly violate the trust that you have placed in us by not only buying our products but supporting them and FlightSimLabs. While the majority of our customers understand that the fight against piracy is a difficult and ongoing battle that sometimes requires drastic measures, we realize that a few of you were uncomfortable with this particular method which might be considered to be a bit heavy handed on our part. It is for this reason we have uploaded an updated installer that does not include the DRM check file in question. The "DRM check file" had reportedly contained malware. Users over on the Reddit threads commented on finding a Chrome password extractor in the A320 installer for Flight Simulator from Flight Sim Labs. The users claimed that the password extractor dumped data from their browser. Some users claimed that after installing it they found out there were fraudulent charges made from their bank account, indicating that someone had gained access to their financial data via illicit means. Obviously, this set off a firestorm of criticism directed toward Flight Sim Labs, especially when the executable file for the flight sim add-on was discovered which tested positive as a Chrome browser password extractor from security testing websites. Kalamaras doesn't exactly address the purpose of gathering personal information from users, but, previous to apologizing for the incident, he stated in the thread that the tool wasn't designed to gather legitimate customer information but was used against serial numbers of the game that were allegedly acquired through piracy. Kalamaras claimed that the executable included in the installer was designed to target pirated software copies for those who obtained the game illegally, and that the data extracted using the executable was only to gather information from pirates in the company's ongoing legal battles against piracy. Obviously, there are some serious legal issues involved with extracting personal information from customers without their knowledge, and even more serious issues involved with extracting banking data via malware. Most companies rely on DRM such as Denuvo to curb piracy and anti-tampering, but utilizing malware that extracts personal information is a step that some believe is too far. I tend to doubt this may be the last we'll hear about Flight Sim Labs and this particular issue.
  6. February has shot past in the blink of an eye with March looming just around the corner. For folks who subscribe to Xbox Live's premium service, that means there's a whole new roster of Games with Gold to get excited for, including one game which is...super hot? Go with me on this. Once March gets up and running, Xbox One and Xbox 360 owners will have a set of four fresh games to add to their digital collection. The March lineup kicks off with Superhot, alongside Trials of the Blood Dragon, Brave and Quantum Conundrum. Of course, that means that if you haven't picked up February's collection of games including Shadow Warrior, Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India, Split/Second and Crazy Taxi, you better get a move on. When March 1 rolls around, Xbox One gamers will be able to pick up Trials of the Blood Dragon through Games with Gold. Set in the same world as the Far Cry spin-off, players will trade in their guns and FPS view for a series of speedrunning motorcycle missions that have you performing stunts and sprinting across exotic locales. If you ever wondered what it would look like if the Trials series got together with a 1970s grindhouse action flick and had a baby, you need look no further. That's all well and good, but the March standout for many folks is going to be Superhot, which joins the collection from March 16 to April 15. Don't let this game's simplistic visuals fool you. It's a tough-as-nails and hugely satisfying FPS puzzler that has the player making their way through intense firefights where the world only moves when you're in motion. The Xbox 360 collection features a similar staggered launch with Brave: The Video Game, hitting Gold from March 1-15. It's not too often we get a Disney title in these monthly subscription libraries, so that alone makes it worth checking out. Also up for grabs is the woefully overlooked Quantum Conundrum, which takes a lot of the things folks love about the Portal series and does all sorts of interesting things with the formula. It'll be available from March 16-31 on the Xbox 360. As a reminder, Xbox One now has backwards compatibility with any and all games coming to the Gold lineup so, if you're gaming on Microsoft's current-gen console, you can have all four of those games instead of just two. If nothing else, the month certainly offers a nice bit of variety. Whether you're into tricky racers, colorful adventures or first-person puzzlers, the March Games with Gold library has you covered. Let us know what you think of the upcoming lineup in the comments section below. Also, is there anything from the February library folks should make sure they grab before it's gone? Be sure to share your recommendations.
  7. While the Nintendo Switch eShop is still a no-show a full year into the console's life cycle, at least fans will soon be able to get in some classic Mega Man action via a pair of Legacy Collections. According to Capcom, the Blue Bomber will be ready to roll on Nintendo's newest hardware come May 22. This news comes to us direct from the Capcom blog, where Kellen has rolled out all of the details for both Mega Man Legacy Collection and Mega Man Legacy Collection 2. While both of those collections are available on other platforms, the Switch versions will introduce some new features that are sure to please fans old and new alike. For those looking to pick up Mega Man Legacy Collection, it includes the first six titles in the collection that originally launched on the Nintendo Entertainment System. The ability to create save states means these notoriously difficult games should be a little less punishing this time around. There's also an instant rewind button, letting you take back any infuriating deaths that would otherwise ruin your perfect run. Also included is the usual suite of art galleries, music galleries, challenges, etc. Next up is Mega Man Legacy Collection 2, which includes games six through 10. With Mega Man 11 heading to consoles later this year, now is a good time to get caught up on the more recent Mega Man outings, including the retro-themed ninth and tenth games in the series. Just like with the first collection, you'll also get a bunch of galleries, extra challenges and, yes, amiibo support. There's only one thing keeping these May 22 launches from being perfect, and that's the way the games are being packaged for the Switch. At launch, MMLC will cost $14.99 on the eShop while MMLC2 will run $19.99. If you want both, you can get a physical edition for $39.99, which comes with a Mega Man 30th Anniversary cleaning cloth for your Switch. The issue folks are already getting vocal about in the announcement's comments section is that the physical edition only includes MMLC on the cartridge, with MMLC2 available as a digital download. Unlike Bayonetta, which features a similar structure if you want to purchase both games at once on a physical cartridge, these games don't take up much hard drive real estate, which makes this move extra confusing. Some are speculating that the purpose is to make it unappealing to ever trade the game in, as nobody will want to buy a used copy of a collection that only actually includes half of the games collected (as the other, digital half can't be downloaded on a second system). There's still time for Capcom to change things up but, for now, thems the breaks.
  8. The ongoing controversy involving loot boxes and the debate about whether or not they're considered gambling has raged on since November, and now more developers and publishers are starting to chime in as legislation approaches. CD Projeckt Red, the makers of The Witcher video game series, offered its two cents on the situation. CD Projekt Red co-founder Marcin Iwinski was asked by PC Gamer about the loot box controversy and Iwinski stated... Where we stand is quite simple and you could see it with all of our past releases---most recently The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and GWENT. If you buy a full priced game, you should get a big, polished piece of content, which gives you many, many hours of fun gameplay...there's also free-to-play territory. Here we have GWENT, where you can buy card kegs and some vanity items. Again, the deal is simple---you can play the game for free and craft your desired card collection this way, or decide to spend money and get card kegs. The choice is yours, and the only thing you pay for is time and convenience. It's a very even argument on the situation. Some people have tried extending the argument that if loot boxes are gambling then so are card packs in deckbuilding games like GWENT. One of the nuances of the conversation involving card packs is that, oftentimes, you can trade cards and there is an indication of what the general theme or motif of the card pack is about. For instance, some Pokemon card packs are themed around a certain type or a certain region. And for the physical cards they can be traded, so there's a transferable value to the cards so that not only do you get something for what you purchase but you can also transfer or trade those items if you so desire. There are mitigating factors to the risk involved. This sometimes applies for games like GWENT or Hearthstone, where some cards can be traded or stored and sometimes what you get is what you're stuck with. Then again, some card packs are also available in themes, so even if the items themselves are random you have an idea of what cards you want/need from a certain category. But as mentioned, the game is also free-to-play, so there's no premium barrier to entry. Things get a little trickier when the game has random loot in random loot boxes where you're looking for something very specific. In the case of games like Star Wars: Battlefront II all of the upgrades and unlockables were tucked away behind the loot boxes, and, originally, gamers would have been able to pay to unlock the boxes to attain certain higher level items. The designation of the loot boxes were random, and so it was one of those things where you're spending money in hopes of getting something you would find useful. The idea was that the "fun" of Battlefront II would have been gated behind either lots of grinding that most gamers feel is a chore, or paying to unlock the good stuff using real money. What Iwinski is suggesting is that full priced games should be polished with content that justifies the price of entry without having to pay more to get to the fun parts. Many gamers will likely agree that CD Projekt Red handled The Witcher 3's release and its subsequent DLC with class. So, it seems as if CD Projekt doesn't intend to wade into the loot box territory anytime soon for full priced games.
  9. A lot of game developers in the indie and single-A sector are usually desperate to get news out about their games. It's hard getting eyes on your product in an industry where everyone is competing for views. However, one developer decided to do something different by giving away a single Bitcoin to the first person who beats the game. The game is MonteCrypto: The Bitcoin Enigma from developer Gem Rose Accent, and the game launches on February 20th for PC gamers via Steam. The 3D puzzle game is designed as an adventure game for multiple players. There are 24 different puzzles to solve, and the first person to solve all the puzzles will win a real life Bitcoin, as explained on the game's Steam store page. The ramifications of this is quite significant because it means a lot of people will likely want to get their hands on an actual Bitcoin for either preservation or trading purposes. For those of you who don't know, Bitcoins are part of a crypto-currency acquired through digital mining. The crypto-currency is not easy to get your hands on, and it usually requires a beefy computational setup involving lots of GPUs, plenty of fans and an electric bill that will likely skyrocket. This has actually had the detrimental effect of causing consumer GPUs to jump astronomically in price due to the supply not being able to meet the demands of crypto-mining. Obviously, a seemingly risk-free way of getting your hands on a Bitcoin without running up your electric bill or spending thousands on GPUs is playing a game like MonteCrypto and attempting to solve the 24 puzzles in order to earn yourself one free Bitcoin. The trick is, there are other players also attempting to complete the game, and you can either help or hinder them due to the way the game's puzzle mechanics are setup. Maze-like structures and dead-ends are a common occurrence you'll encounter in MonteCrypto, and getting help in order to navigate your way through the various roadblocks and obstructions could set you on your way to earning a free Bitcoin. However, some people might form groups and purposefully attempt to dissuade others from using a certain path, or, perhaps some people will mislead supposed teammates just so that they themselves can gain the lead and win the prize. It's a lot like the CBS show The Amazing Race but set in a digital world, and the prize's value is dependent on a wildly fluctuating crypto-market. I can't say that this is something that really barks up my tree, but I can say that it's an interesting game with an interesting premise, and developers Gem Rose Accent could have a real tangible way of not only getting people to flock to its game but also to gain a better understanding of the whole crypto-currency marketplace. This is all despite the fact that Steam doesn't even take Bitcoin currency anymore as a payment method. I can't say for certain if this will be a big hit but it's not a bad idea to cash in on the whole Bitcoin craze while it's still relevant. You can look for MonteCrypto to launch on Steam for PC starting February 20th.
  10. The controversy surrounding Electronic Arts and DICE's Star Wars: Battlefront II stemmed from the loot box fiasco that angered gamers over the idea of one of their most cherished properties, and most anticipated games, being pay-to-win. EA did manage to capitulate to the millions of angry voices who were dissatisfied with the loot box shenanigans, and after a call from Disney the publisher had DICE disable the microtransactions in Star Wars: Battlefront II. Many people assumed that EA was going to abandon the game, but that wasn't the case at all. Instead, the company has been updating it with new maps, modes and more. Over on the official Star Wars: Battlefront website there's a new entry for the patch notes for the game's latest update, which covers some of the new content made available, such as adding the Jetpack Cargo mode. This mode is themed around its namesake, obviously, and lets players utilize jetpacks to jet around stages in order to take out their opponents. The trick, however, is that everyone will have only rocket launchers. Basically, the Jetpack Cargo mode is based around the jetpack trooper from Pandemic's Star Wars: Battlefront II from 13 years ago, where the trooper was equipped with a jetpack and a grenade launcher. However, in this particular iteration of the unit, it's a rocket launcher instead of grenade launcher. Nevertheless, the mode should prove to be quite an interesting take on the unit class and could easily prove to be a fun way to engage in the game again. The mode is only going to be available for a limited time, so you'll want to get in on the action while the getting is good. There's no time frame on how long the mode will be available, so it's best to play it as soon as possible. But, that's not all! The update also provides all new locations in the Custom Arcade mode, which now has support for Kashyyyk, Hoth, Endor, Jakku, the Death Star II and the recently added Crait map. DICE also finally added something that gamers had asked for since before the whole loot box thing went viral, and that's customizable hero appearances. Previously, Electronic Arts executives said it wasn't possible due to how customization breaks canon with the movie series (which doesn't make a whole lot of sense for a multiplayer focused game), and that it wouldn't be right to have a "pink" Darth Vader. However, DICE appears to be giving some leeway to requests for custom skins, and have added three new skins for Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa and Han Solo in the form of the Hoth skins from Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. You'll be able to unlock the skins by completing a series of in-game challenges and you will be able to alter the skins from the "Appearances" menu. The skins are only going to be available for a limited time, though. In addition to all the new content added to Star Wars: Battlefront II, the developers also balanced out the gameplay and made some tweaks to the way certain characters handle. The update is available right now for PC, PS4 and Xbox One users.
  11. Ubisoft's Rainbow Six: Siege continues to truck along with a strong audience and a core community that doesn't seem to be letting go of the first-person tactical shooter anytime soon. In celebration of the next major update, Ubisoft decided to make 20 of the game's Operators... free. According to Gamespot, starting March 3rd when the brand new season of DLC will get underway for Rainbow Six: Siege, Ubisoft decided that it would also be giving away 20 of the game's operators for free. You'll be able to acquire them as part of the update without having to pay a dime for them, and this will apply to every version of the game other than the Starter Edition. For those of you who still want to get the Starter Edition, you'll be able to do so and acquire six Operators in the package instead of getting the original four that it used to provide. Additionally, all of the weapon attachments in the game will be unlocked from the start and you won't have to grind to acquire them. Ubisoft also made it known that future attachments for weapons will also be made available right from the start and will not require players to grind in order to unlock them. So why the decision to give away the 20 Operators for free? Well, as mentioned in the article Ubisoft originally had plans to get rid of the Starter Edition altogether and only make the Rainbow Six: Siege Advanced Edition available. Ubisoft encountered the wrath of the community for attempting to make the Starter Edition more expensive by stating that gamers would have more access to more content for a higher price. However, plenty of people countered by saying that the cheap Starter Edition made it easy for them to convince their friends to play the game, which in turn raised Rainbow Six: Siege's overall playerbase. Raising the price on the Starter Edition could diminish the number of new players joining the game. The change of making the base game offer players 20 Operators and the weapon attachments unlocked from the start is supposedly designed to make it easier for new players to jump into the game and get caught up with veteran players. Meanwhile Ubisoft will continue to offer new weapons, and new Operators. For people who want to purchase the new Operators, the Season Pass for Rainbow Six: Siege will still be available and will give gamers an opportunity to get their hands on the latest Operators to join the fray, two of whom will be part of the upcoming Outbreak event. Ubisoft will also be introducing an all-new PvP mode for the game called Pick & Ban, and this will line up with the new Outbreak event set for March. Following that, there will be additional maps, overhauls to the old maps, and some brand new layouts for some of your favorite maps. It's amazing that a game that came out in 2015 is still going so strong today, and we'll see if Ubisoft's attempt to make 20 of Rainbow Six: Siege's Operators free will help continue to bolster the ever-growing playerbase.
  12. For a limited time only you can take part in a classic World of Warcraft raid. Yes, Blizzard is reaching deep into its pool of classic raids from bygone eras of its most popular MMO, and resurrecting them for gamers who may have missed out back when the raids were all the rage. Over on the official World of Warcraft website, Blizzard announced that the Wrath of the Lich King Timewalking event has brought back the Ulduar raid. It's available right now and will last up until the middle of this current week. More specifically, until February 20th you'll be able to boot up your copy of the massively multiplayer role-playing game, and take part in the classic raid sessions from the Wrath of the Lich King expansion from a decade ago. The news piece explains that the raid difficulty is set to normal and that it won't be available through the Raid Finder. The minimum level of participation is 80 or higher, so you'll have to put in a bit of time to earn your right to take part in the raid. Like most raids in World of Warcraft, you'll be able to bring anywhere between one and 30 players with you into battle. If you're tough enough you can attempt to solo it, but obviously having 30 people will likely make things go by a heck of a lot smoother than if you attempted Leroy Jenkins your way through the raid. However, be sure to keep in mind that the raid will scale in difficulty based on how many people are in your raiding party and what gear you're decked out with. You'll have to gather your party and travel to the Dalaran located in Northrend. Once you speak to Vormu you can then access the special Timewalking event version of the classic Ulduar raid. While you won't be able to search out the raid from the in-game finder you will be able to use the new Group Finder utility to help create a raiding party to go take on the challenge. Alternatively, you can make use of the newer World of Warcraft features like the "Premade Groups" in order to quickly lob yourself into a party and go adventuring. The Timewalking event takes players back a whole decade. The Ulduar raid was featured in the original release of Wrath of the Lich King, which was one of the early major expansion packs for World of Warcraft and helped redefine and reshape how a lot of gamers played Blizzard's MMO. There have been lots of new expansions released since then, and countless updates to patch, fix, modify, and upgrade the long-standing MMO to keep up with today's times. It's kind of crazy to think that some of the people who helped make the expansion have gone on to lead development on games like Blizzard's Overwatch, which is currently available for home consoles and PC. Nevertheless, if you want to take part in a small journey back in time via the Timewalking event, you can do so right now in World of Warcraft with the Ulduar raid.
  13. >>> Change to the OnlyUP system! <<< Generally there is no, duration or regular OnlyUp. 1. File OnlyUP increased from 5GB to 8GB (except older files) >>> Buy OnlyUP <<< 2. All OnlyUp down from 3 seed points per 1MB to 1.5 points per 1MB. 3. Singel OnlyUP from 1 seed point per 1 MB up to 1.8 points per 1MB. To ask why the AllOU costs less points than the SingelOU we are a community we all live by giving and taking, who only in themselves think, you have to reach deeper into his seedpoints.
  14. Just like their seafaring historical counterparts, internet pirates are adept at staying a step ahead of the law. This week The Pirate Bay – the web’s most notable file-sharing website – was almost captured in the Caribbean, before retreating to regroup at a tiny island in the South Atlantic. The website, which originated in Sweden, had been operating from the domain thepiratebay.sx, based in Sint Maarten, the Dutch half of the Caribbean island of Saint Martin. On Monday night, however, that domain was seized by the authorities, and the website fled instead to thepiratebay.ac, a domain belonging to Ascension Island, a windswept volcanic outcrop just south of the Equator, some 1,000 miles from the coast of Africa. The British-owned island is home to under 900 people, including the population of RAF Ascension Island, a Royal Air Force station that played a crucial strategic role for the Allied forces in World War Two, and for the British military during the Falklands War. While Ascension has now proven to be a safe harbour for The Pirate Bay, too, it is only the website’s online address that has moved there, not its physical operations or staff. And, given that the UK is hostile to web piracy, the visit is expected to be little more than a stopover before the site sets sail again. A Pirate Bay insider told the file-sharing blog Torrent Freak that the site’s next destination would be Peru, and a .pe domain name. The site’s operators say they still have dozens of other domains to which they could escape. The Pirate Bay catalogues links to torrent files for films, television shows, music, games and other media, which are often shared in breach of copyright. The website’s front page features an image of a pirate ship, flying a sail ironically emblazoned with the logo of the 1980s anti-copyright infringement campaign, Home Taping Is Killing Music. The site has now been forced to move homes five times in 2013 alone to avoid falling foul of copyright laws. In April, it switched domains from Sweden to Greenland and later Iceland, before heading south to the warmer climes of Sint Maarten. According to Torrent Freak, its latest eviction was the work of the Dutch anti-piracy group BREIN, which had lobbied the local authorities to act. The Pirate Bay was founded in 2003 by the Swedish anti-copyright group Piratbyrån. In 2007 its founders set up a fund to buy Sealand, a “micronation” established on a World War Two fort in the North Sea near Suffolk, whose owners had decided to offer their tiny state for sale. Yet the Sealander government rejected The Pirate Bay’s approaches. In 2009, The Pirate Bay’s four founders were tried in Stockholm for facilitating illegal downloads of copyrighted material. They were sentenced to a year in prison and a fine of 30 million Swedish Krona (£2.8m). Their prison sentences were reduced on appeal the following year, but the fine was raised to 46 million SEK. The piracy movement nonetheless remains especially strong in Sweden. The Pirate Bay has links to the political Pirate Party, which won more than 7 per cent of the Swedish vote at the 2009 European Parliament election, and now has two MEPs.
  15. A Dutch court has lifted a ban on the torrent website The Pirate Bay, calling it “ineffective” at reducing copyright infringement. The Hague Appeals Courts has since told local internet service providers (ISPs) in the Netherlands to reinstante access to website. The court heard that web users were getting around the ban by concealing their location with special software, or by simply using alternative torrent websites. Evidence also showed that while Dutch traffic to The Pirate Bay had decreased, the amount of torrenting in general had not. “This blockade imposed a violation of the basic freedom of commercial activity of the providers with insufficient justification,” the court's ruling said. It added: “It is of great significance that the providers themselves were not violating copyrights.” The reversal follows a 2011 order imposed on the ISPs to stop links to the file-sharing website working. The decision is a victory for ISPs Ziggo and XS4All, who argued that the ban stopped subscribers accessing free information. While The Pirate Bay does not publish copyright-infringing content, it supplies links that do lead to protected content including films, TV shows, and music. The anti-piracy group Brein, who lodged the appeal, must now pay €400,000 (£330,000) of the ISPs’ legal fees. But the group said it may still put forward a further appeal with the country’s Supreme Court. Brein's director, Tim Kuik, said the ruling undermined efforts to encourage the public to pay for legal downloads. “The purpose of blocking The Pirate Bay is obviously to reduce copyright infringement via The Pirate Bay,” added Mr Kuik. “It is paradoxical that although the court finds that this goal is indeed achieved, it rejects the blockade because users are going to other sites.” When Brein failed to force The Pirate Bay remove the links, it persuaded a Netherlands court to stop users from accessing the website. One UK-based ISP said it was assessing the ruling to see if there were any implications for a similar block imposed by the British High Court. “We will look carefully at what this means for the UK, but we do remain beholden to the UK courts,” said Gareth Mead, head of media relations at Virgin Media told the BBC.
  16. Recently, two security bugs were found in uTorrent in how it sets up its web interface (affecting both uTorrent Web and uTorrent Classic). The full bug report can be found here: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/project-zero/issues/detail?id=1524 More information can be found here: https://torrentfreak.com/bittorrent-client-utorrent-suffers-security-vulnerability-180220/ uTorrent web Basically, this security hole allows an attacker to remotely get access to your uTorrent via the WebUI, and use that for malicious activities, like downloading viruses to your computer. Because of this, I strongly recommend that all users currently using the uTorrent webUI, disable it for the time being. (This applies to both uTorrent web and the WebUI inside 'normal' versions of uTorrent) uTorrent Classic Even if you have the WebUI disabled, there is another security bug that can be exploited. Among other things, this bug allows for crashing of uTorrent, and stealing of torrents. to prevent this, I strongly recommend that all uTorrent users disable the 'net.discoverable' setting. Some older uTorrent versions might not have this option. If you cannot find it, you might be safe from this bug. To disable this setting, simply follow the instructions in the image below: (Thanks to mrpoot @RED) After applying the setting, you should restart the client. (File>Exit, then starting it again) This post will be updated if that is necessary. If you have any vital information regarding these bugs, please send a StaffPM.
  17. uTorrent client ban February 20, 2018 WARNING! IMPORTANT! UPDATE2 (00:44 21.02) : We checked the uTorrent 3.5.3 beta classic and the security hole was patched in it - RPC is disabled now by default (uTorrent listened by default on port 10,000 before). The Web version is still vulnerable, FOR YOUR SAFETY, PLEASE DO NOT USE it. The classic 3.5.3 beta version has been added to the allowed clients. You can download it here ====> from the official uTorrent site. Dear users, Today information about serious security holes has appeared in all versions of the uTorrent Web and uTorrent Classic client. In the case of uTorrent Web the hole is so serious that entering a properly crafted page may result in the download and launch of any attacker application on your computer. The hole in uTorrent classic allows (also just a visit to a maliciously crafted website) browsing everything you downloaded using uTorrent, and then downloading it from your disk without your knowledge . For security reasons we blocked all uTorrent versions. New versions will be unlocked as long as the developers patch these holes. UPDATED1 (23:48 20.02): For those who have a large amount of torrents added in their client, we advise you to disable uTorrent, then install qBittorrent and wait for the tool (including the source code) to help you migrate these torrents to a new client. You can do it manually, just download the .torrent files again and add them to qBittorrent (or another client) by selecting the folder where the content was downloaded (then the client will not download them again, only check if they are complete).
  18. BitTorrent client uTorrent is suffering from an as yet undisclosed vulnerability. The security flaw was discovered by Google security researcher Tavis Ormandy, who previously said he would reveal a series of "remote code execution flaws" in torrent clients. BitTorrent Inc. has rolled out a patch in the latest Beta release and hopes to fix the stable uTorrent client later this week. With dozens of millions of active users a day, uTorrent has long been the most used torrent client. The software has been around for well over a decade and it’s still used to shift petabytes of data day after day. While there haven’t been many feature updates recently, parent company BitTorrent Inc. was alerted to a serious security vulnerability recently. The security flaw in question was reported by Google vulnerability researcher Tavis Ormandy, who first reached out to BitTorrent in November last year. Google’s Project Zero allows developers a 90-day window to address security flaws but with this deadline creeping up, BitTorrent had remained quiet. Late last month Ormandy again reached out to BitTorrent Inc’s Bram Cohen, fearing that the company might not fix the vulnerability in time. “I don’t think bittorrent are going to make a 90 day disclosure deadline, do you have any direct contacts who could help? I’m not convinced they understand the severity or urgency,” Ormandy wrote on Twitter. Nudge While Google’s security researcher might have expected a more swift response, the issue wasn’t ignored. BitTorrent Inc has yet to fix the problem in the stable release, but a patch was deployed in the Beta version last week. BitTorrent’s Vice President of Engineering David Rees informed us that this will be promoted to the regular release this week, if all goes well. While no specific details about the vulnerability have yet to be released, it is likely to be a remote execution flaw. Ormandy previously exposed a similar vulnerability in Transmission, which he said was the “first of a few remote code execution flaws in various popular torrent clients.” BitTorrent Inc. told us that they have shared their patch with Ormandy, who confirmed that this fixes the security issues. uTorrent Beta release notes “We have also sent the build to Tavis and he has confirmed that it addresses all the security issues he reported,” Rees told us. “Since we have not promoted this build to stable, I will reserve reporting on the details of the security issue and its fix for now.” BitTorrent Inc. plans to release more details about the issue when all clients are patched. Then it will also recommend users to upgrade their clients, so they are no longer at risk, and further information will also be available on Google’s Project Zero site. Of course, people who are concerned about the issue can already upgrade to the latest uTorrent Beta release right away. Or, assuming that it’s related to the client’s remote control functionality, disable that for now.
  19. Today we bring you the next episode of the Steal This Show podcast, discussing renegade media and the latest decentralization and file-sharing news. In this episode, we talk to Chris Beams, founder of the decentralized cryptocurrency exchange Bisq. If you enjoy this episode, consider becoming a patron and getting involved with the show. Check out Steal This Show’s Patreon campaign: support us and get all kinds of fantastic benefits! In this episode, we meet Chris Beams, founder of the decentralized cryptocurrency exchange Bisq. We discuss the concept of DAOs (Decentralised Autonomous Organisations) and whether The Pirate Bay was an early example; how the start of Bitcoin parallels the start of the Internet itself; and why the meretricious Bitcoin Cash fork of Bitcoin is based on a misunderstanding of Open Source development. Finally, we get into Bisq itself, discussing the potential political importance of decentralized crypto exchanges in the context of any future attempts by the financial establishment to control cryptocurrency. — Steal This Show aims to release bi-weekly episodes featuring insiders discussing copyright and file-sharing news. It complements our regular reporting by adding more room for opinion, commentary, and analysis. The guests for our news discussions will vary, and we’ll aim to introduce voices from different backgrounds and persuasions. In addition to news, STS will also produce features interviewing some of the great innovators and minds. Host: Jamie King Guest: Chris Beams Produced by Jamie King Edited & Mixed by Riley Byrne Original Music by David Triana Web Production by Siraje Amarniss
  20. The exploit is unpatched putting Nintendo Switch devices at risk. Usually, hackers compromise a gaming console to be able to play pirated versions or cracked copies of their favorite games, which has become quite difficult now, or they want to run the software of their choice. Perhaps this is the reason Nintendo Switch has been hacked to run Linux OS. Reportedly, hackers using the Twitter handle fail0verflow managed to boot Linux on Nintendo Switch and got the hybrid console to act like a Linux based computer. Fail0verflow is a team of hackers and their claim to fame is the various exploits of the Nvidia Tegra hardware, which is installed inside the Switch. After fulfilling this seemingly great feat, fail0verflow took to Twitter to brag about this achievement and embedded a video in the tweet in which it was demonstrated how Nintendo Switch run like a Linux PC. A few weeks back the same hacker collective posted an image on Twitter showing the hybrid console Nintendo Switch booting Linux and now they have proven their claim by posting a video. The video shows that Linux OS is running immaculately on the tablet like a console to such an extent that it provides touchscreen support, browsing capabilities and a GPU-powered demo app too. This was made possible, as per fail0verflow, through exploiting a bug in the Switch, which doesn’t need a modchip and hasn’t been patched in the recently released hardware and the Linux OS was successfully run on the console using code execution method. The flaw is present in the boot ROM of Nvidia’s Tegra X1 Chipset. This chip is so important for the device that it can easily be termed as the nucleus of Nintendo Switch. https://twitter.com/fail0verflow/sta...54316892119040 The flaw is hard-coded into the Tegra X1 chips due to which it is almost impossible to patch it and it might need recalling of Switch consoles and equip them with new batch of Tegra X1 chips that have flawless ROMs but since it is a time-consuming, expensive and complicated task so the Japanese gaming giant Nintendo might not want to adopt this strategy. But why would one need to run Linux on Switch? Well, the catch is that you can easily enable the Switch to open up to emulators, homebrew software, and games, etc. Such as there is no Virtual Console available for Nintendo Switch that could allow running retro Nintendo games but through illegal emulators, users can play classic Nintendo games on the Switch as well as run the well-known gaming platforms Steam on the console as it is compatible with Linux. Users might also be able to play PC games provided if these are compatible with the Tegra X1 chipset.
  21. Después de leer y contrastar varias noticias de bloqueos de webs por parte de la Guardia Civil,por seguridad de nuestra web quedan desactivadas las invitaciones hasta nuevo aviso. La administración de Xbytesv2 GOOGLE TRANSLATION: After reading and contrasting various news of website blockages by the Civil Guard, for security of our website invitations are disabled until further notice. The administration of Xbytesv2
  22. While blockbuster movies are everywhere, there's one subgenre that has always struggled towards success: video game movies. From Super Mario Bros. to Assassin's Creed, bringing gaming characters onto the silver screen has proven extremely difficult. But audiences have certainly responded to the Tomb Raider property and protagonist Lara Croft. Angela Jolie played the role for two films in the early 2000s, which were modest financial successes. Now we're getting a brand new Tomb Raider movie, starring Alicia Vikander. The actress has been open about how much physical conditioning when into the role, although it appears that it was a double edged sword. According to Vikander, the muscle mass went away in just a matter of weeks. She said, It takes three weeks for you to lose it all. That is the sad bit. I thought I was gonna stay like this for [a while]. Crazy. After getting into Lara Croft shape, Alicia Vikander was hoping to enjoy her new extra jacked physique. But whatever regimen Vikander was on during filming (I'm going with "Croft-Fit") ended after it wrapped, and the actress ended up rapidly losing her muscle mass. So while we'll be seeing her kick major ass throughout the course of the film, it appears that she's returned to her Croft-less body. At least until a sequel is made. Alicia Vikander's comments from her recent appearance on The Graham Norton Show make a great deal of sense, given how much goes into physically preparing for an action heavy role like Lara Croft. Vikander was likely on a strict diet, taking plenty of supplements, and working out non-stop. After wrapping production, she obviously deserved to return to normal. It's just that she didn't expect it to happen so damn quickly. All eyes are on what the Academy Award winning actress will do when Tomb Raider finally arrives in theaters. While once again following the adventures of Lara Croft, the new film feels almost nothing like its predecessor. This is based off the recent video game reboot, which was grittier and combined survival skills and heavy combat with the puzzle solving the franchise is known for. Indeed, there are almost shot for shot moments from the 2013 Tomb Raider video game present in the trailer for the accompanying movie. It seems the source material is going to be honored, putting Alicia Vikander's Lara in some truly insane scenarios. Check out the below side by side, courtesy of IGN. https://youtu.be/3gcGxLwC29I I've got goosebumps. Lara Croft has been gone from the silver screen too long, and Alicia Vikander is the perfect actress to bring her back. It's just a shame that she couldn't magically keep all the benefits of inhabiting the character. Tomb Raider will arrive in theaters on March 16, 2018. In the meantime, check out our 2018 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.
  23. Denis Villeneuve's Blade Runner 2049 is not for everyone, as evidenced by its box office performance. Despite a star-powered cast and special effects befitting a summer blockbuster, the long-awaited sequel is a deliberately paced and contemplative film that is more interested in asking philosophical questions than having four quadrant appeal. This is not unlike the original Blade Runner, which earned a cult status over decades. So if anyone were to appreciate what Denis Villeneuve's film did you would think it would be one of the stars of the original film. But that is not the case with Rutger Hauer, who played Roy Batty in that 1982 classic. The actor recently spoke about why he doesn't like Blade Runner 2049, saying: I sniff and scratch at it. It looks great but I struggle to see why that film was necessary. I just think if something is so beautiful, you should just leave it alone and make another film. Don't lean with one elbow on the success of that was earned over 30 years in the underground. If there is one thing Rutger Hauer hits the nail on the head about and one element of Blade Runner 2049 that is beyond reproach, it is that it does indeed look great. Beyond that, the actor seems to question the reason for the sequel's existence. A cynic would say that the film is necessary because it is a recognizable name with a loyal fanbase in a Hollywood climate obsessed with franchises and brand recognition. Rutger Hauer's argument while speaking with The Hollywood Reporter that something so beloved should be left alone is a common refrain among film fans fearful that cherished films will be ruined with ill-advised attempts at reboots or sequels. But the world brought to life by Ridley Scott years ago is a fascinating one and one that can still be the soil from which compelling stories can grow. The original Blade Runner took decades to be truly appreciated. The film is hugely influential and is held up as one of cinema's greatest sci-fi achievements. Like all great science fiction, Blade Runner asks some fundamental questions and holds up a mirror to humanity to help us truly know ourselves. But for Rutger Hauer, Blade Runner 2049 does not live up to its predecessor in this regard, and falls short in others as he explained: In many ways, Blade Runner wasn't about the replicants, it was about what does it mean to be human? It's like E.T. But I'm not certain what the question was in the second Blade Runner. It's not a character-driven movie and there's no humor, there's no love, there's no soul. You can see the homage to the original. But that's not enough to me. I knew that wasn't going to work. But I think it's not important what I think. Rutger Hauer is right in that the sequel does not contain the same kind of quirkiness and humor that the original has. Hardly a box of laughs, Blade Runner had some enjoyable weirdness in large part thanks to Hauer's Roy Batty character. Blade Runner 2049 is more serious in this regard, but in my opinion it is not without love. The relationship between K and Joi is arguably far more developed than the one between Deckard and Rachael in the original film. Blade Runner 2049 does not necessarily ask any new questions as huge as the one the original film posed, but it does expound on what it means to be human, offering new wrinkles to that unanswerable question. In some ways Denis Villeneuve's film has more soul than the original, beyond love, touching upon family, our need to be special and the importance of choice. Blade Runner 2049 is up for five Oscars at next month's Academy Awards where, if the world is just, Roger Deakins will win for Best Cinematography for his incredible work on the film. For all the latest excerpts from the dream journals of synthetic life, stay tuned to CinemaBlend.
  24. Star Wars: The Last Jedi hasn't entirely left theaters yet, but if you love the movie so much that you just need to own it, you're going to have that chance soon, as the Blu-Ray and Digital releases have just been dated. The most recent rumors of the forthcoming release have proven to be accurate, as the physical Blu-Ray and DVDs for The Last Jedi are set to arrive in just over a month, on March 27. The film will be released on Digital platforms a few days earlier on March 13. Along with the confirmation that the home release was coming, we have a full list of the additional features that will be included. While we knew that the movie would include a number of deleted scenes, it has been revealed that the film will actually include a total of 14 sequences that were dropped from the movie. That's an impressive number of additional scenes, especially considering that Star Wars: The Last Jedi didn't exactly end up as the shortest Star Wars movie to begin with. Those deleted scenes will include commentary from director Rian Johnson, and Johnson will also provide a feature-length commentary as well, something that will probably be full of interesting information about the various decisions the director made. For people who take issue with Rian Johnson's handling of The Force in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, there will be an entire featurette, entitled Balance of the Jedi, which will deal with the topic. There will also be what looks to be a primary "making of" extra, entitled The Director and the Jedi. Additional extras will examine the creation of The Last Jedi's opening space battle, the motion capture work done to create Snoke, and detail the final battle on Crait. One final extra that sounds particularly intriguing is called Andy Serkis Live (One Night Only) which will apparently contain two sequences of Andy Serkis' performing as Snoke, before any of the digital work was done to create the character. Anybody who is interested what Serkis' performance was like on the set will want to check that out. Finally, for the audio/video geeks out there (of which I am one) who have top of the line home theater systems (which I do not) Star Wars: The Last Jedi will be released in 4K Ultra HD Blu-Ray, a first for Disney, and will also contain Dolby Vision HDR video and a Dolby Atmos audio track. Fans who want to recreate the theater experience as perfectly as possible will have the tools to make that possible. If you're looking to complete your Star Wars film collection digitally you only need to wait until March 13 for the film to be available on the Movies Anywhere service. If you're a physical media collector, be ready March 27. Either way, fans of Star Wars: The Last Jedi will be able to own the second film in the new trilogy very soon.
  25. Justice League only skimmed the surface of Arthur Curry's Atlantean heritage, but at the end of the year, we'll get to fully explore the underwater culture in Aquaman. Jason Momoa's eponymous hero and Amber Heard's Mera will be joined by numerous new faces to the DC Extended Universe, including Nereus, who will be played by Dolph Lundgren. Just like in the comics, it appears that Mera and Nereus will share a close relationship on the big screen, but in a major departure from the source material, it could be as father and daughter. In Geoff Johns' run on the Aquaman comics earlier this decade, Mera was betrothed to Nereus before she departed from Xebel, another underwater society, to spy on Atlantis, specifically Aquaman. However, Mera ended up falling in love with Arthur Curry, and when she returned to Xebel years later, Nereus was furious to learn that she's now intimate with his enemy's ruler. In sharp contrast, apparently Nereus will be Mera's father in the Aquaman movie. Given the age difference between Amber Heard and Dolph Lundgren, it would make sense not to have the latter's character be thrown into a love triangle with Arthur Curry. Besides, this dynamic still allows Nereus to maintain his position as someone powerful within the DCEU's underwater realm. Although Nereus was introduced to the comics as an Aquaman foe, director James Wan said last year that Dolph Lundgren's iteration of the character will not serve as one of the main villains alongside Black Manta and Ocean Master. While I originally suspected that Nereus could still be presented as a rival to Aquaman, similar to T'Challa and M'Baku in Black Panther, that may not be how he's used either. Along with reporting about Mera and Nereus' changed dynamic, the Review Journal also provided a quote from Dolph Lundgren about how Nereus fits into Aquaman. The actor said: Basically, I try to keep the peace down there along with Amber Heard who plays my daughter. Then you have Nicole Kidman as Aquaman's mother. We're trying to avoid war between the surface and Atlantis. Given that Aquaman will see Arthur Curry taking the Atlantean throne, it sounds like Dolph Lundgren's Nereus will remain Xebel's ruler. However, rather than having an adversarial relationship with Atlantis and King Arthur, Nereus and his people may actually have peaceful ties with the fellow underwater kingdom, and it's only when war between the surface world presents itself that things start to get dicey. Presumably this also means that Mera wasn't sent to Atlantis as a spy, though that doesn't mean that she and Arthur won't have to deal with other challenges in their burgeoning relationship. Aquaman swims into theaters on December 21, so keep checking back with CinemaBlend for more updates about the movie. Don't forget to also look through our DC movies guide to see what other DCEU projects are in development.
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