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AKH's Content - Page 22 - InviteHawk - Your Only Source for Free Torrent Invites

Buy, Sell, Trade or Find Free Torrent Invites for Private Torrent Trackers Such As redacted, blutopia, losslessclub, femdomcult, filelist, Chdbits, Uhdbits, empornium, iptorrents, hdbits, gazellegames, animebytes, privatehd, myspleen, torrentleech, morethantv, bibliotik, alpharatio, blady, passthepopcorn, brokenstones, pornbay, cgpeers, cinemageddon, broadcasthenet, learnbits, torrentseeds, beyondhd, cinemaz, u2.dmhy, Karagarga, PTerclub, Nyaa.si, Polishtracker etc.


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Posts posted by AKH

  1. Hi there -  You'll notice that there are some MAJOR additions to ABT - we now have ebooks as well. I have decided to merge RNS with ABT, we have transferred all content over, you now have ebooks as well as audio to enjoy, I hope that you will take advantage of this and download lots and lots of books.  Remember, nothing pleases an uploader more than lots of downloads!!!!  Enjoy yourself and have a happy and SAFE EASTER folks!!!!  Staff

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  2. Pirate Set-Top Box Seller Has Jail Sentence Overturned Due to Prosecution Error  A man who was sentenced to three months in jail for selling piracy-configured set-top boxes will not be imprisoned following a successful appeal. The original prosecution, carried out privately on behalf of companies including the Premier League, relied on an earlier decision that was later overruled, resulting in a sentence that was "manifestly excessive."  All around the world, content creators, distributors and associated anti-piracy groups are grappling with the thorny issue of piracy-configured set-top boxes.  These cheap devices were initially embraced by the tech-savvy but later attracted a broad audience among the general public, rendering piracy both easy and cheap to access for the masses.  Numerous legal actions have been launched in Europe and the United States but in recent years the fight has migrated to Asia too. In January 2018, it was reported that telecoms, broadcasting, and sporting giants SingTel, Starhub, Fox Networks Group and the Premier League, had teamed up to launch a pioneering private prosecution against those involved in the supply of devices in Singapore.  The action targeted set-top box distributor Synnex Trading and its client and wholesale retailer, An-Nahl. The rightsholders also named Synnex Trading director Jia Xiaofen and An-Nahl director Abdul Nagib as defendants. Last April, Nagib’s case was concluded with a small fine of less than $1,000 but nevertheless marked the first successful prosecution of a ‘pirate’ box seller in the country.  The case against Synnex Trading and director Jia Xiaofen was less straightforward. After pleading guilty to four charges of criminal copyright infringement, in October 2019 the director was sentenced to 12 weeks in prison and ordered to pay a fine of S$5,400 (US$3,800) while his company was fined S$160,800 (US$113,500). However, the Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) quickly filed an appeal, claiming that the sentencing was flawed.  According to the AGC, sentencing submissions made by the parties involved in the private prosecution relied on an earlier court decision where a man was initially sentenced to eight weeks in jail for selling modified Playstation2 consoles and copying pirated software to customers’ machines. However, that jail sentence was later overruled and replaced with a fine. As a result, the jail sentence handed down to Jia Xiaofen was excessive, the AGC argued.  In submissions late March 2020, three Deputy Public Prosecutors wrote that the AGC should assist the court with sentencing in the Jia Xiaofen case, to ensure that an appropriate sentence was handed down based on accurate precedents.  “This responsibility undergirds a crucial aspect of the administration of criminal justice in Singapore — that all offenders are punished appropriately,” the DPPs wrote, as cited by TodayOnline.  “It is in this context that the Public Prosecutor has taken the unusual but necessary step of filing the present appeal against the sentence of 12 weeks’ imprisonment imposed upon (Jia).”  During the prosecution, neither the defense nor the prosecution in Jia’s case mentioned the fact that the earlier prison sentence had been overruled, which meant that the District Court handed down a similar sentence when there was no precedent. As a result, this week the High Court overruled Jia’s 12-week prison term but the defendant didn’t escape punishment.  On the advice of the DPPs, Jia Xiaofen was handed a fine of S$32,100 (US$22,000) and the original and much larger fine against his company was ordered to stand.  What this means for sentencing in future cases isn’t yet clear but with no precedent for relatively harsh periods of imprisonment, larger fines in their place seem a potential solution.  

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  3. It would seem that our hosts are beset with pixies again...this is beyond our control so we will just need to sit tight until things settle.  On a happy note, tomorrow is TVC's 13th birthday!

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  4. Hide & Seek  Coming soon on BiT-TiTAN  We can play our hide-and-seek game from April 10th 2020 12:00 to April 13th 2020 midnight !!!  Smilies are hidden somewhere in the torrent details of the "Movies" category. If you find one, simply click on it. Then this file is marked as found and your points will be credited directly to you. The smiley will then also disappear from the torrent details.  If you play along and mark a file as found, your nickname will appear in the Hide & Seek statistics, EVEN IF YOU ARE ANONYMOUS !!!

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     Well, you messed up. However, know that other than your IP and cookies, sysops can't know who you are. If you feel like it, you can start all over from the beginning, cleaning your cookies (all of them) and changing your IP address. If you have a dynamic IP, you usually just need to reboot your internet box or shut it down for days to get a new IP. However, if your IP doesn't change, you could change your Internet Service Provider. With a new ISP comes a new IP. Get rid of your quarantined IPs, and never use them anymore, because one day you could log in by mistake to one of the sites. It wouldn't mean an immediate ban, but it will, and your account will be banned at some point, either in 1 day or 6 months. If you messed up on this point and you are still at the bottom of the pyramid (redacted-tier), just get rid of it and start all over again, because all your investment in the future could be ruined because of that day when you made a mistake: to log in on an IP you used in the past on your cabal banned accounts.

    If you are having a new identity, remember things to do: DO NOT check your old profile, especially just after joining the tracker. Some paranoid sysops are checking every new account's activity. DO NOT act the same as you were before, especially if you were an active user on forums and were uploading a lot. And obviously, don't use a similar nickname. Also, don't use the password you used to have, because they can see every users hashed password. Generally speaking, just don't draw attention on you and stay /pure/ by not inviting anyone nor donate to your trackers, ever.

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    1 ) CHEATING 

    The cardinal rule of thumb is that most cheaters end up with their account and their entire invite tree banned. Beware of any anon which recommends cheating


    Autists on /ptg/ have taken it upon themselves to report every single email they see in /ptg/ threads to various tracker staff and spam crawlers (they've gone as far as combing the archives for emails in past threads and reporting those too). Tracker staff are known to lurk /ptg/ and will ban anyone they catch sending an invite to an email posted there. If you accept an invite you begged for, you will be found out and lose any chance of acquiring a legitimate account. Especially watch out for PTP staff as they will revoke invite privileges and ban you for the smallest of transgressions (such as, but not limited to, accidentally posting IP lists in screenshots, posting the email you use for trackers). Tracker staff have been known to autistically pore over /mu/, /g/ and /ptg/ threads (archived and live) for the express purposes of finding and banning inviters/ees.


    Tracker staff really, really hate this. If you are caught trading (and you eventually will be) they will go out of their way to ban you, your entire invite tree and will cooperate with other tracker's staff so as to disable as many of your accounts on other trackers as they can. Don't go to tracker trading forums such as torrent-invites and the like, even having an account there (especially with the same username) may count as a red flag to some staff. It is reported that sites such as What.CD formerly abused bugs in the browser's web history to determine whether or not users were visiting sites such as torrent-invites and to ban people based on this activity. Site staff are also known to pose as invite sellers to trap and ban naive users.

    4 ) BUY INVITES 

    You'll lose money along with the chances of getting in legitimately. Some staff will be lenient if you ditch your seller though, probably because they want to get at the source first. Invites are usually free (and easy enough) to get from gateway trackers so it's not even worth buying invites.

    Generally speaking, you should avoid invites from random dudes on the internet if you can; you most likely have no idea of their standing and they could very well fuck up later, resulting in an entire treeban and you getting banned through no fault of your own. It's unfair, it sucks. Stick to official invites (interview, application, recruitment threads) and no one will bother you.


    Every post you make on the forum is an occasion of getting someone riled up, and that someone may very well be staff. You're here for downloading and uploading stuff, not chitchat. Don't use the forums


    Same reason as above. Don't give them any reason to ban you. If you rustle a staff member in any way, causing them to ban you, the entire staff will rally behind them even if they wouldn't have personally banned you themselves. It's the mod's word against yours, you can never win.


    Simply assume they are always right, even (and especially) when you point out that they are wrong.

    In short, either keep a low profile or suck staff's dick, as with all sites.

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     The first  thing you need to ask yourself is whether your needs are satisfied by what you currently have at  your disposal (DHT/public trackers (TPB and KAT), DDL, newsgroups, streaming, Soulseek, Tribler, DC++, Kad/eDonkey, sneakernet...among other things), because private trackers may not be actually worth your time, depending on what you want. Joining private trackers isn't hard, but it takes time. Do you just want that one specific file you've been searching in vain for weeks? If so, you'd be better off asking someone on /ptg/ (or /r/trackers) to snatch it for you and call it a day. Do you want to build a comprehensive library with consistent and superior quality such as good encodes, proper music tagging, retail ebooks? Then you should try to join one of the specialized trackers. Do you live in a copyright-cucked shithole and are afraid to get raped by the MPAA/RIAA and associates, but care little about music or HD? Then a general tracker should suit you. Depending on your goals, whether they are long-term and short-term and whether they are currently satisfied, the amount of time you will have to invest will vary.


    This is the easiest step. All trackers have to start small and build up a decent userbase before they can afford to limit entry, and thus some trackers are open to signup for a time. Numerous websites keep track of these (opentrackers.org, opentrackers.net, btracs.com, /r/OpenSignups), unless you're looking for something specific, just go to rutracker (rutracker.org). Yes, it's entirely in Russian, but who cares? All registration forms look the same, and you weren't going to post in the forums anyway, right? (More on that later). Rutracker is really nice because it's comprehensive, well-seeded and has high standards despite having very few ratio restrictions. In fact, 99% of the needs of most users are met there. If you are looking for porn, it is recommended to open pornolab (pornolab.net). Yes, it's in Russian too. Here's a guide from a Russian speaker to rutracker.

    From now on, it is assumed that you are familiar with most top trackers in their respective niche; if you aren't, please consult the flowchart everyone's been passing around these days. Past this point, all trackers restrict random user registration to a limited number of cases, mostly invites from existing members and a few other special cases for some trackers:

    2 ) PAY2PIRATE 

    Some trackers will invite you for a fee (most notably, IPTorrents). The idea is to prevent potential cheaters from abusing the system (in ways defined at the discretion of the staff) since any fuck-up would cost them their account, and thus their money. For reasons that would take too long to explain here, IPTorrents is generally despised by other reputed trackers and a proof of good ratio there won't open the way anywhere else. It is still a very large source of general content though.


    Some trackers have a special page with an application form in one way or another (most notably AnimeBytes and 32pages). Their goal is to keep a moderate influx of new members they can control by assessing your willingness to join and what you have to offer. Different trackers have different requirements: some will require proof of good ratio on other trackers, some will only require that you show genuine interest and good will in your application form even if you are new to the tracker scene. Some mostly care about what material you have to offer to the site. Try to be sincere, honest, lengthy and don't forget to provide an email address so they can notify you of their response.

    4 ) INTERVIEW 

    A few trackers have an interview system; it means that you are going to join an IRC channel and answer questions to their staff. It's mostly a way to control members' origin as almost all of them will ask that you join from your home connection.


    READ THIS GUIDE FOR REDACTED.CH and THIS ONE TOO before interviewing. Generally, the best way to get into good trackers. The interview is extensive and similar to what.cd (easier because the spectral analysis section appears to have been toned down). You can fail if you don't take this seriously. Currently, the most reputed tracker known to maintain an interview system (essentially the new what.cd)


    This is more of a chat, questions are mostly about the rules, you will not pass or fail so there is no need to worry.

    7 ) OPPAITIME 

    more of a chat, and questions are mostly about the rules.


    More of a 3-minute chat about whether or not you understand the rules.


    Once you've established a good standing on one of the aforementioned trackers you've hopefully managed to get in, you will be able to move on to more restrictive ones. Most top trackers require new users to have a past of good standing (i.e. Power User or Elite user class) such as one that can be shown on a tracker whose staff they trust - the tracker scene is a small world, and tracker staff often cooperate (or fight) with each other. As such, there are recruitment threads on various trackers so they can exchange good-standing users for the benefit of all.


    Once you've made it to the big ones, the rest is up to you - you may try to join some of the ultra-closed trackers such as EXIGO or HDBits (don't even try Art of Misdirection though) but at this point your needs should be pretty much covered unless you are looking for something really specific or just doing it for epeen.

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    This depends entirely on the precautions of the operator. Some are shady and will use your information for profit; and some are not. Two important precautions to take:

    1 ) Never use the same password across multiple trackers. Operators of shady sites often use that common vulnerability among people to steal accounts to other trackers which they can then use to cause further harm (such as leaking peer lists to the public or selling the accounts and its invites on invite forums). Using two-factor authentication is also advised, where available.

    2 ) Don't tie any personal information to your tracker accounts. This includes a non-throwaway email address or personally identifiable information of any kind. Information like that could be used to harm or track you down should it fall into the wrong hands. The tracker staff may be legitimate, but the site itself can be busted or defaced by hackers. Don't post about yourself in the forums and for fuck's sake, don't post in those "post a pic of you" threads. Torrent trackers aren't social networks.

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    The best software trackers have been collected  , you can move to the tracker by clicking "LINK"



    3. FOST || RUSSIAN || LINK

    4. DLER || CHINESE || LINK


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    The best trackers for open games( which do not need  to log in and are not subject to the laws of the special sites ) , have been collected with the link for each site , this list is for beginners in the torrent until they get invitations or accounts and can always be relied upon permanently , you can move to the tracker by clicking "LINK" 






    6. DOWN.ALI213 || CHINESE || LINK



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    The best trackers for open games( which do not need  to log in and are not subject to the laws of the special sites ) , have been collected with the link for each site , this list is for beginners in the torrent until they get invitations or accounts and can always be relied upon permanently , you can move to the tracker by clicking "LINK" 






    6. DOWN.ALI213 || CHINESE || LINK



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     The best general RUSSIAN trackers are collected with a link for each site , you can go to the tracker by clicking "LINK"


    2. RUTOR || LINK

    3. 7TOR || LINK

    4. KATUSHKA5 || LINK





    9. SEEDOFF || LINK

    10. EMTREK || LINK

    11. BITRU || LINK

    12. KASTORKA || LINK

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    The best RUSSIAN trackers for movies and series have been collected with the link for each site , to go to the site , click on "LINK" 











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