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ABTorrents (ABT) News


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Easter Update

Hi there -

As you well know, there have been quite some changes made the past few months to site. We've upgraded the software to conform to better security standards and we also made extensive changes in the backend code to enable us to run site much much more efficiently. This has been done with a minimum of downtime and fuss and bother to you, as you will have seen. We are now in the final throes of implementing a different tracker in the backend, namely XBT and when that is done and running the final step will be the implementation of two new templates for site, one a DARK version and one a LIGHT version. We've been using these in our development environment and quite frankly, it's awesome. FAST, clear, easy to read ... all the right ingredients. Chat has been COMPLETELY replaced, we still have a few small nigglies to resolve but thanks to j****'s attitude of "I won't give up" everything gets solved. There are a few rather big surprises coming after April, but more on that later haha .. but it will make ABT a much better and nicer site yet again.

With all that said, I need to mention that - no idea what the reason is - but all donations seem to have disappeared? Guys, we DO have to pay the site related costs every month regardless of things like the unfortunate Corona crisis, and related problems. Please, if you have a spare fiver, consider keeping us alive as well?

I sincerely hope that those celebrating Easter do so safely and for the rest of you, spend it at home, safe and with your families.

Be good,


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