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ChmuraNet Seedbox Review

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ChmuraNet Review

1g, 2TB box. $60/month

About me: I am a veteran of torrenting on private and public trackers, and an uploader at more than one private torrent tracker. I have used, experienced and discussed nearly all the main seedbox companies and data centers. I have no personal or monetary stake with the company reviewed.

Speed: Steady good speed. Not the fastest out there but definitely faster than 99% of home connections, as well as most other seedboxes. Only need for more speed than this provider delivers is bragging rights. The bandwidth provided is delivered via a fat pipe and is extremely well peered and perfectly located in the Netherlands. I download huge 1080p and 3d remuxes and exact bluray copies and it has been painless, definitely the bulk of any waiting is done while ftp'ing to my home.

Space: 2TB is a big amount of space for a seedbox, especially one on a 1g connection. On top of that, each 2TB drive is solely for your use, improving transfers and performance. Good quality, highly rated drives too; no skimping here, this company has done their research on every aspect of the hardware and software. I believe they offer smaller increments if specially ordered but the standard 2TB to yourself is a huge plus.

Customer Service: Hands down the best customer service I have ever experienced with a seedbox company, and I have used several big name providers. The guy who owns this company, known to me as "wB", responds to queries or issues on nearly a psychic level. My box has not gone down once in months or my entire time with this company. The custom changes I wanted to make had him on them faster than anyone I have experienced.

Customization: These are the most customizable, least restricted boxes in my experience. Anything you wanted to do on your old box, but could not, can be done with these boxes. Public trackers? No problem. Want to install custom software or a website? No problem. VPN? No problem. The list goes on and on. Ask for it and 99.9% of the time you can do it and he will help. Simply amazing. Their FAQ is great, especially the attitude expressed, breaking down to nearly a single statement: "Don't be an asshole". It's refreshing to be treated like an adult for once by one of these companies.

Privacy: From my conversation with the owner it became very obvious that anonymous box usage is very important to his company. He respects his users privacy in a way similar to his own expectations, which were quite high. From my discussions with the owner I could see that this was not just a company out for money, but one looking to express a philosophy which I admire and share.

This is a user review, for more detailed hardware information or stock setups please visit their website.


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Guest Weaselbuddha

Has anyone on here tried these boxes?

I have, but then I one of the guys that is Chmuranet. Gotta say I like the service :D

Do you have a question about the service?

And thank you, Kilgore ( Vonnegut Fan maybe? ) for the review, appreciate it.

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