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Here is the best way to make scrambled eggs!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - General Hangout & Discussions - InviteHawk - Your Only Source for Free Torrent Invites

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Here is the best way to make scrambled eggs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guest mophocrackho

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Guest mophocrackho


1. Non-slip pan... put heat on medium

2. While the pan is warming, take 2 eggs and crack them in your mixing bowl. Add a piece of sliced cheese torn into bits by hand. add a drizzle of milk (1-2 tablespoons), 3 shakes of garlic powder. no salt. if you must no more than 43 grains of Kosher salt,mini pinch

3. this step is critical...use a fork to mix. do not break the surface as this introduces air bubles. mix close to the bottom. mix 25 seconds max with care not to introduce micro bubbles into the mixture

by now the pan is hot enough.

spray or pour bit of olive oil.

4. Now the magic, pour in the mixture. Wait 13 seconds. then with spatula, scrape the whole bottom. This lifts the fresh curd and introduces new wet curd to the heating surface.

5. Critical... wait 10-15 seconds. repeat. Folding technique. Now take the pan off the heat. Fold over any wet spots so they are on the heating surface. You have enough residual heat to complete the cooking process. Put the lid on off the heat and go make yourself some sour dough toast. (bacon would be nice if already made)

6. By the time the toast is done, you should have some aweome creamy cheese and garlic flavored eggs. Beware - salt and pepper after to taste, it F's up if u salt in the mixture beforehand.

Now you can put hot sauce on it, chives and bacon bits. sour cream, escargot

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Guest Habitus33

I like to add to this working fine recipe:

to get the eggs really fluffy - after mixing, you can add club soda (1/5 - 1/3) to it gently mix before pouring it into the pan, the carbon dioxide will blow up the mixture

It is like eating air. :-)

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