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Here is the best way to make bacon

Guest mophocrackho

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Guest mophocrackho

Take your bacon package, I freeze them. One-hand held frozen bacon. Throw it in high heat, frozen as a rock. If have testted and you gain nothing by defrosting it or trying to spread out the pieces. throw that bitch in there solid.

1. At some point you are going to have to flip it, do so

2. It will be close to done when all that snap, crackle, and pop goes away. Silence in bacon cooking means pay attention. This is when all oils are in a loose state and true frying is occuring, here is where lack of vigelence allows oils to heat beyond desired temps.

all the bacon will have self-separated, curled a bit and now it comes down to how charred and crispy you want it before retreating it to a paper-towel lined plate

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Guest elv8

I often like to go to a restaurant and have it served as I always stuff it up with the egg either too runny or too hard.

Having said that I usually throw the bacon in a saucepan with some oil, before it gets too dry move it to one side, crack a few eggs, wait for them to cook the way you like and while thats cooking throw some toasts in the toaster and by the time there done throw your bacon and eggs on them and they will make the best meal of the day.

Also, don't over-doo it on the bacon especially late at night, I must say that I used to get bacon on my burgers and hot dogs and after about 3 mths of abusing it from the local deli I got a beer gut and must say its easy to get one but getting rid of it is another thing especially when you need to leave your computer.

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Guest crashtinkle

That's exactly the reason I was surprised to find out that the Atkins diet is very bacon heavy!

I was like 'bacon made me fat, and now they are saying I should eat more of it?'

still... good to know the hint about waiting for it to go quiet. I did not know that.

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