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GazelleGames: News


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Today is a joyous one, for it marks the start of a new year for GGn. That's right! GGn is 4 years old today!

4 years ago, a small group of people came together and laid the foundations of what was to become one of the best and well known gaming trackers of all time. Starting with only a few hundred users, GGn's beginnings were humble yet the community was strong, cheerful and helpful. Within a few months, more and more people made GGn their home and the site flourished. The community faced difficult times as well but it persevered. It was after the sad demise of bG that the site underwent an exponential growth spurt, doubling our size in less than 24 hours. It is growing steadily and will continue to grow and prosper over the years to come!

And what a year it has been. Just a few of the big things that have happened:

Created the Minecraft and Starbound servers

Many spectacular and successful competitions, including the 2013 GOTY, GGn's Top Sandwich and Reseeding Competition

Expanded the GGN Blog, adding nearly five hundred articles in the past six months

Made a ton of changes and upgrades to the wiki, including an all-new Uploader's Guide, Dedicated Server Guide, BitCoin Guide and Prepaid Card Guide

Added trivia nights to IRC in the #gamingarena

Became the premiere site for board games, with over 3,300 uploads

Revised the Uploading Rules

Users created dozens of NES avatars and new custom CSS's

Completely overhauled site security

So on our 4th birthday, we bring you a day full of fun & contests, as well as awesome giveaways including upload GBs, invites, custom titles and much more! Come, join us in the celebrations of this memorable day in forums and IRC!

GGn's 4th Birthday Exclusives:

Site-wide Freeleech*

Improved Steam Uploady (thanks to Leftmostcat)

GGn's GotY 2013 Awards and Logo Contest Results

IRC Extravaganza - compete and win prizes in #gazellegames

Birthday Cardd Contest!*

Gazelle Drawing Contest!*

Stay tuned! There's more coming at the end of the contests!

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