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Jonathan Frakes Wants To Direct Star Trek 3


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The Enterprise helm was left deserted last week after Roberto Orci announced that he was no longer attached to direct the next Star Trek film. With no replacement in sight, Trekkies around the world mobilised to put a new name forward to continue J.J. Abrams’ new Trek legacy. With #BringInRiker trending on Twitter, fans entreated Paramount to enlist former Next Gen First Officer and veteran Trek director Jonathan Frakes for the job. After several days of this, Frakes himself has responded that he would happily accept the promotion.

In a radio interview with Komo News, Frakes assured listeners that he's "all over it". "I would love that job," he added. "I'm trying to keep the lid on how excited I am about the possibility, knowing it's such a long shot. But there's nothing I would like better."

According to Frakes, he has contacted Paramount to express his interest and is waiting on their response. Having directed numerous episodes of Next Generation, Voyager and Deep Space Nine, Frakes was also responsible for bringing the Borg to the big screen with Star Trek: First Contact, widely regarded as one of the best Trek films in the canon. He returned to direct the follow-up, Star Trek: Insurrection, which was less well received, featuring as it did F. Murray Abraham having facelifts and a re-pubescent Worf.

Frakes certainly has the experience and his impeccable Trek credentials would allay any fan worries but we can’t help but think that Paramount would see a Frakes-directed trek as a step backwards at this point, especially considering the ignominious Thunderbirds.

Also, with names like Edgar Wright and Joe Cornish being bandied around for the job it seems even less likely Riker will get his shot in this captain’s seat. Still, we're not ruling him out – he was Picard's right hand for seven years, after all...

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