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Ps3 or xbox 360

Guest odell421

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Guest odell421

hey guys im planning to buy a console which is better im lookinng for overall price, graphics, quality, duration, and amount of gb

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Guest odell421

i prefer x-box..i dont ever tough ps3 so i dont know


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Guest Philm1

I have both ps3 has not been turned on in last 9 months xbox rocks dude

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Guest BrizBrenz

PS3 for me... Yeah they got hacked but I don't have to pay to play.. If I do pay I get select free games and discounts from the store...

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Guest Rocco

hey guys im planning to xbox 360 key buy a console which is better PS3 Jailbreak im lookinng for overall price, graphics, quality, wifly,duration, and amount of gb

I have both ps3 has not been turned on in last 9 months xbox rocks dude .

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Guest tuvlive

X-box is too noisey, damn after some hours gaming it sounds like a jet plane :D

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Guest netrippa

much of the muchness really,we have both consoles and ps3 is used 60percent of the time

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Guest autolux

depends on what you want to do.

i've had both since launch and have been active in the "mod" scene for each console once they began and prefer the ps3..

majority of games are multi-platform of course but ps3 gets the nod for having a few better exclusive games, also gets the nod for the ease of playing 'backups' (stick a 500+gb drive in and kick back), and for being a streaming media center (just run ps3 media server on your pc and you are laughing). plus given whats taken place in the last 9 months, the ps3 has some exciting times ahead for custom firmware and homebrew.

xbox gets the nod for online play, where you are of course paying for that premium xboxlive experience.

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Guest iMember

Both are equally good. PS3 and Xbox both have good games and I don't see there is much difference in graphics except for blu-ray in PS3. Anyway if I was you I'd go for PS3 because there are games I really wanted to play like Heavy rain, Uncharted, Final Fantasy, MGS 4. Good luck! :)

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Guest kingscrapy

XBOX 360 is the best.

PSN sucks, XBOX live rule :D

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Guest Ah2themax

I love my 360, although its old and very noisy, it plays all the games and still is kicking (got one of the original arcades)

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Guest Santoron

I have both. Pretty similar capabilities overall, but if I were only gonna keep one I'd prolly stick with the PS3 this late in the gen. Free online is nice, BluRay player is a plus, and Sony produces a lot more first party games that appeal to me. But since most third party games come to both, I don't think you can make a bad decision. And I like the 360 controller more :P

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Guest MaxxRyder

Well the first thing to consider is which console do your friends have ?

Then are there particular game franchises that you want to play which are console specific

Halo = Xbox

Killzone = PS3

I personally find the xbox 360 with an xbox live account to be the best.

But the PS3 does have the fact that it is a bluray player going for it.

But i have to say that i haven't bought a dvd let alone a bluray for years.

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Guest mythicalcreature

For what your looking for I would have to suggest the PS3 which I would suggest to anyone. The PS3 has very realistic graphics as the X-Box 360 has a cartoonish look to their graphics. You can upgrade and change out the PS3 hard drive yourself. It's so easy a caveman could do it...lol. Also the internet is free on PS3 and you have to pay for your internet on the X-Box 360. The only thing I would really say that is better about X-Box which is for the die hard fans of the game would be that X-Box 360 has Halo and the PS3 doesn't. But this is all just based on my opinions. No one can make that decision for you. It's all comes down to which one would you rather have. ;)

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