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Posts posted by RoadWarrior

  1. Sveiki,

    atsiprašome visų, kad nebuvo įmanoma paremti per PayPal per pastarąsias kelias dienas. Atsirado keletas problemų, kurias vakar jau pašalinome. Šiuo metu vėl galima paremti per PayPal (bet, kaip ir praeitą kartą, toks paramos būdas yra laikinas, dėl to ši informacija nebus atnaujinta paramos puslapyje). Dėl tolimesnės ar papildomos informacijos kreiptis į Desinity.

    Šiek tiek praplėtėme paramos galimybes, todėl dabar galima papildomai gauti ne tik VIP+pakvietimų, bet ir VIP visam laikui, tik pakvietimų, išsiųstus duomenis ir atsisiųstų duomenų atstatymą.

    Esamų galimybių vertės:

    VIP+pakvietimai - kainos paramos puslapyje.
    VIP neribotam laikui - 27€ (atstoja paramą už 3 metus).
    1 papildomas pakvietimas - 1€.
    100GB papildomų išsiųstų duomenų - 7€.
    200GB papildomų išsiųstų duomenų - 12€.
    Atsisiųstų duomenų atstatymas (atsisiųsti duomenys: 0B): [esamas kiekis GB-aitais / 30], suapvalinta iki vienetų.

    Parama nėra privaloma ir vartotojas gali paremti savu noru. Kainos gali kisti (atpigti/pabrangti), o parama gali būti bet kuriuo metu sustabdyta dėl įvairių priežasčių.


    Google Translate:


    Sorry all, it was not possible to support through PayPal during the last few days. Appeared some problems which yesterday already removed. At the moment again be supported through PayPal (but, like last time, the way support is temporary, because this information is not updated support page). For further information or additional contact the Desinity.

    Slightly extended support options, so now you can not only get additional VIP + invitations, but also VIP permanently, by invitation only, the data sent and downloaded data recovery.

    The current value of the options:

    + VIP invitations - price support page.
    VIP indefinite period of time - the 27 € (serves as support for 3 years).
    1 additional invitation - 1 €.
    100GB of additional outgoing - € 7.
    200GB of additional outgoing - € 12.
    Downloaded data recovery (download data: 0B): [GB-existing content AITA / 30] rounded up the pieces.

    Support is not required and the user is able to support its own volition. Prices may vary (Cheaper / more expensive), and assistance may be suspended at any time for a variety of reasons.

    Good luck.

  2. As many of you will know we have been having some issues here with the tracker. First we were attacked which took the tracker offline. We worked with one of our hosting providers and got it put back online after a few days. This was however a waste as just a few hours after returning the tracker was once again under attack and was back null routed. After another discussion with our host it was decided it was time to move on so we did just that. We moved to another host and added ddos protection into the mix for the tracker. It was here that we hit a snag with ongoing ddos and the number of peers hitting the tracker at the same time the ddos protection was taking legitimate traffic out too.
    This is where we had to go back to the drawing board and rethink our infrastructure. So it is we come to our current situation where we have a new default tracker url of moose.awesome-hd.net this is now the default across all torrents that are downloaded from the site. We have also however kept tracker.awesome-hd.net around so as not to needlessly loose those peers that were pointed to that url. We will be moving away from that url in the future, we will however give plenty of notice as to when that will happen.
    If anyone is still having issue connecting to the old tracker (first restart your client as we have had to go through yet another ip change) there are a number of options


    • Edit your torrents so that instead of having the announce url of http://tracker.awesome-hd.net:34000/PASSKEY/announce change it to http://moose.awesome-hd.net/PASSKEY/announce so that it uses the new address
    • Redownload the torrents from the site and point them at your existing data.

    We once again would like to apologise for the inconvenience caused during this period and would like to thank you for your patience and help during this time

    The Staff

  3. Devido as mudança de servidor tivemos que gastar todos os recursos financeiros do site e estamos no zero.
    Sua contribuição é muito importante para que possamos continuar.
    O serviço vence dia 25 e precisamos alcançar nossa meta, caso contrário o site vai fechar definitivamente.

    Google Translate:

    Due to server change had to spend all the financial resources of the site and are at zero.
    Your contribution is very important for us to continue.
    The service wins the 25th and we need to achieve our goal, otherwise the site will close permanently.

  4. The top 10 most downloaded movies on BitTorrent are in again. 'Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials.' tops the chart this week, followed by ‘Goosebumps' 'Another World' completes the top three.

    mazeThis week we have four newcomers in our chart.

    Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials is the most downloaded movie for the third week in a row.

    The data for our weekly download chart is estimated by TorrentFreak, and is for informational and educational reference only. All the movies in the list are BD/DVDrips unless stated otherwise.

    RSS feed for the weekly movie download chart.

    Ranking (last week) Movie IMDb Rating / Trailer
    1 (1) Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials 6.8 / trailer
    2 (…) Goosebumps (Webrip) 6.8 / trailer
    3 (…) Hate Story 3 (DVDscr) 5.0 / trailer
    4 (…) Absolutely Anything 6.0 / trailer
    5 (5) The Man from U.N.C.L.E. 7.5 / trailer
    6 (4) Criminal Activities (Web-DL) 5.8 / trailer
    7 (2) Ant-Man 7.7 / trailer
    8 (3) Another World (Web-DL) 5.3 / trailer
    9 (9) Inside Out 8.4 / trailer
    10 (…) The Walk (Webrip) 7.7 / trailer
  5. Win bonus points on irc 17 hours and 24 minutes ago

    In connection with our open signup we would like to see a lot of you on our IRC channel
    So we set off in a draw on our IRC

    You must download our IRC custom client including, if you are not already online on our channel
    torrents.php? id = 355905

    Are you online when the draw takes place, then you might be the lucky one who gets the opportunity to win. The draw of all the prizes will take place before Christmas and at Christmas.

    There will be a draw for:

    -1 x 20,000 bonus points
    -10 X 10,000 bonus points

    For your bonus points to buy GB upload to your user, custom title, etc.

    So join us and come in and have a chat for a gossip!!!

  6. Nxtgn (nextgen.biz), is shut down, and have send the following message on their twitter(english version below):

    Kære NG brugere

    Grundet den seneste tids megen opmærksomhed på NG og derved dens brugere, har vi valgt at lukke trackeren.
    Dette sker ene og alene for jeres sikkerhed, da der de sidste par uger er kommet ekstra megen opmærksomhed på NG.
    Dette har bla. betydet en større risiko for både vi i staff, men også jer som brugere.
    Derfor har vi valgt ikke længere, at ville tage den risiko, at vi eller jer skal havne i en situation som ingen af os ønsker.
    Vi vil gerne takke for den tid vi har haft sammen, med håbet om et snarligt gensyn.

    Med venlig hilsen
    NextGen staff

    English version:
    Dear NG users

    Because of the big amount of attention! NG and thereby it's users have had, we have chosen to close the tracker.
    This is happening for your security, as there the last couple of weeks have been a lot of attention on NG.
    This have increased the risk for us in the Staff, but for the users aswell.
    This is why we have chosen to no longer take the risk, that any of us should end up in a situation we do not wish.
    We want to thank you for the time we have had together, with the hope we will soon see eachother again.

    NextGen Staff

    The link for the twitter and pastebin message:

  7. The Pirate Bay usually finds itself on the wrong side of internet service provider (ISP) blocking orders, so a recent court decision in its favour comes as a surprise, Digital Spy reports.

    Although numerous countries have restricted access to the filesharing service, it will remain online in its native Sweden following a Stockholm court ruling.

    The judge declared that Swedish ISPs cannot be held responsible for what their customers get up to, and thus banning orders should not be forced upon them.

    "A unanimous District Court considers, therefore, that it is not in a position to authorize such a ban as the rights holders want and therefore rejects their request," TorrentFreak quotes presiding Chief Magistrate Anders Dereborg as saying.

    Universal Music, Sony Music, Warner Music, Nordisk Film and the Swedish Film Industry joined forces last year to file a lawsuit that would force the Pirate Bay offline in Sweden.

    It is yet to be confirmed whether they will challenge the court's ruling.

  8. Anti-piracy group BREIN says that after identifying an uploader of around 5,000 torrents on sites including KickassTorrents and The Pirate Bay, it has reached settlement with the individual. In response the man has published a warning to others, noting that while uploading may seem harmless, it's actually a damaging and expensive hobby.

    brein-newIn August 2015, BREIN announced that it had reached a private agreement with members of ‘Dutch Release Team’ (DRT), a group that had uploaded movies to torrent sites including The Pirate Bay and KickassTorrents.

    The deal entailed them deleting their files from Kickass, paying a cash settlement, and informing on remaining members of the group.

    Now BREIN has announced a new development which should herald the final nail in the coffin for another release group. According to the anti-piracy outfit it first identified and then settled with the last active member of DMT (Dutch Movie Theater).

    According to BREIN the man uploaded mostly movies and eBooks on an almost daily basis to sites including KickassTorrents and The Pirate Bay. Revealing his alias as ‘ipod020′, BREIN says that overall around 5,000 torrents were uploaded.

    On Kickass, where the man used to have an active account, all torrents have been deleted. In their place sits a warning message (Dutch, translated by TF) to other would-be releasers.

    “Illegal uploading and downloading costs a lot of money to the film industry, but also to me. Do not do it. I had to settle with BREIN for thousands of euros,” the message reads.




    Although BREIN hasn’t publicly made any connection, in November it announced that an injunction had been obtained following an ex-parte case against a 20-year-old student, who uploaded over 750 torrents to KickassTorrents.

    He appears to have been connected to the same group and also reached a compensation agreement with BREIN. His KickassTorrents account displays a message too.




    “We deal with increasingly prolific uploaders,” says BREIN chief Tim Kuik commenting on this week’s case.

    “Some uploaders pretend it is a harmless hobby, while they’re causing extensive damage and illegal sites are profiting handsomely. If you run into trouble, it is an expensive hobby for sure.”

    In closing, the anti-piracy boss warns of an active 2016 in which BREIN will continue to track down content uploaders.

    “There are more investigations in the pipeline, and next year we’ll launch an even more comprehensive approach where we will use software to trace uploaders,” Kuik concludes.

  9. After a few days of considering whether to continue bitGAMER, and seeing feedback on the poll we posted (before it was rigged), we have decided to return. Not only because there are members who want to see us continue, but also because we shouldn't let someone ruin a community that just wants to share games.

    I would also like to clear up some false reports. It's wasn't possible for our site/server to be hacked or rooted for over a year as we moved servers during February of this year (we just didn't announce it). We also don't store passwords in plaintext and never have. As previously mentioned an addional field was added to an old database we were using and was storing members passwords when they logged in. Any list of members passwords were not recent (unless a member hadn't updated their password in a long time). This is known because not only my password, but other members i have spoken to were old and had been changed multiple times since this "leak".

    It was originally thought that due to us using an older source code, a vulnerability was exploited to gain access. This was not the case, and our server was actually comprimised. Therefore we have moved to a new server (with a fresh install) and also added a lot more security before bringing the site back online.

    - All user accounts are up to date (including ratio, seed points etc).
    - We have lost some torrent files due to them being corrupted, so we need your help to re-upload them.
    - ALL accounts passwords have been wiped, and you will need to recover a new password in order to login.
    - A site wide free leech has been activated until January 1st 2016.
  10. Below is the email going around.
    Titled HDBITS.org
    Hey buddy ! How are you ?
    I'm sorry for the trouble...I hope you don't mind I'm asking...
    I sent you this email because I was wondering if you are interested to join on HDBits...
    I am in p2p world since 2008 and I can proudly say I know what I'm doing , my ultimate goal is to help as many peoples as I can to get into their dream tracker , I love that !
    HDBits.org is the most wanted tracker in the world. Its quality and rarity make everybody want to join! Fast downloading speeds, good pre-times, P2P and Scene releases, and a good community are some of this tracker's advantages.
    Many well known release groups call HDBits.org "home". The most important of these are: CtrlHD, DON, NTb, CRiSC, EbP, ESiR, SbR, BS, ThD, RZF, SFH, wAm, EucHD, iNK, EA, LolHD, ToK, TayTO, ESPNtb, PerfectionHD, H@M, AtZLIT, NorTV, NiP and more...
    Starting on 20th March 2006,began the epic journey of one of the most important and cherished HD tracker " HDBits.org". Soon after its start it picked up a position of great respect among the bit-torrent community. It is a tracker which specializes in high-definition contents. Among the contents are scene HD release,user encodes. After reaching its maximum user limit it went invite only, which too soon closed. Last time HDBits opened their invite system was on 16th December 2009, after that it completely shut down its invite system ( except for staffs and VIP's who can invite )
    Being one of the greatest HD tracker in the bittorrent world, HDBits holds a lot of contents and surprises for its users. It has by far the largest number of internal encoders, release qualities are awesome and pretimes for scene releases are also very good. Let us come to the contents of this tracker. Well, with 90+ internal encoders, what do you expect? This tracker has the most number of internal releases which are superb in quality. They sure do know, how to encode. The HDTV caps are also perfect. They have got a request page as well as offered page in the forum. Requests are filled real quick. So if you are a HD maniac. You need HDBits.org!
    Now about speeds, you will find the torrents there very well seeded so far speed is awesome. No complain about that. Well all that remains is the community. They have quite a large userbase with over 19,000 users. The forum is real busy with lots of daily posts, so is the irc. Whats most amazing about the forum is their tutorials on HD encoding and HDTV capping. Overall, at this moment HDBits.org is one of the most respected High definition bittorrent tracker and is the dream of many HD lovers!
    This being said here is your chance to come aboard ! If you are interested to become a member of this awesome community just reply on this email
    Looking forward to hear back from you !

    Spammers email [email protected]

  11. After more than five years the Department of Justice has released the Torrent-Finder.com domain, which is now back in the hands of the original owner. The authorities had a very weak case and decided to accept the torrent site's “offer in compromise."

    dojThis week the FBI announced that it had helped take down 37,479 websites, most of which sold counterfeit goods.

    The enforcement action was a continuation of operation “In Our Sites” which began in 2010. At the time, several piracy related websites were among the prime targets including torrent search engine Torrent-Finder.com.

    The torrent site, which didn’t host or link to any infringing content, had its domain name seized for allegedly infringing copyrights and the authorities announced that an investigation was ongoing.

    Torrent-Finder’s owner Waleed Gadelkareem was genuinely surprised by the actions of the US authorities and became determined to fight the seizure. He had never run into copyright issues before and maintained that his Egypt-based business was perfectly legal.

    With help from U.S. lawyer David Snead, TorrentFinder decided to appeal the seizure. The Department of Justice (DoJ) opted to do this outside of court, through an administrative enforcement process.

    This process lasted nearly half a decade and a few days ago the authorities informed TorrentFinder that they would no longer pursue the case. The DoJ accepted the torrent site’s “offer in compromise,” which among other things states that it will comply with takedown requests.

    The seizure banner

    The Torrent-Finder.com domain was officially released late November and is now in the hands of the original owner again, who is redirecting it to the torrent section of his new search engine AIO.

    While the authorities don’t officially endorse the site, it’s clear that their case against it wasn’t strong enough to follow-up with a prosecution.

    Despite the positive outcome, Torrent-Finder’s former lawyer David Snead says that it’s disappointing that it took the authorities half a decade to reach their final decision. Avoiding a court battle actually slowed down the process.

    “The procedure we used was presented to us as an alternative to litigation, and possibly speedier,” Snead told TF this week.

    “The length of time that it took for this matter to be resolved is very troubling. It indicates that the domain name seizure process does not have built into it respect for due process that is the hallmark of the U.S. legal system.”

    Due process is important as Torrent-Finder’s traffic was hit hard by the seizure, a drop many other websites may not have survived. The torrent search engine didn’t give up though, and it’s successor is still around today.

    We spoke to Torrent-Finder’s operator who told us that he’s happy to have his domain back. Still, he’s not pleased with how the U.S. Government handled the case.

    According to Gadelkareem the entire case was based on inaccuracies and mistakes. A lot of the evidence was factually incorrect, something he could only highlight after his domain was taken away.

    “A child would have made a stronger case. I think they did not expect any response from my side. That is how they came up with the most hilarious evidence you could imagine,” Gadelkareem says.

    The evidence summed up in the affidavit (pdf) was indeed weak. For example, Homeland Security’s Special Agent Reynolds cited several articles from Torrent-Finder’s news section as proof of criminal copyright infringement.

    “I was able to view posts by the user ‘Torrent Finder,’ including ‘Top 10 Most Pirated Movies on BitTorrent,’ ‘Piracy in The Music Industry,’ ‘The First Episode of ‘The Walking Dead’ Leaks to BitTorrent,’ and ‘Piracy domain seizure bill gains support,’ he wrote.

    Torrent-Finder allegations

    The cited articles were actually copies of TorrentFreak news. These were automatically pulled from our RSS feed and of course did not link to any copyright infringing material.

    While Torrent-Finder.com is now in the hands of its original owner once again, it was almost scooped up strangers. The DoJ remained sloppy until the end and simply let the domain expire instead of transferring it as promised.

    “I kind of expected this to happen, so I created a backup account to catch the domain if it expired, and that is where the domain ended up,” Gadelkareem says.

    “If I didn’t create that backorder then I would not have the domain name back right now.”

    TorrentFinder’s operator is still frustrated about the trouble he’s had to go to but is glad that he can now put the matter behind him. Defeating copyright infringement claims from the U.S. Government is quite an achievement and seeing the feds run into problems of their own helped to ease the pain.

    “Seeing scandals such as the NSA spying program brought me some peace in the end,” he concludes.


  12. Do The Time Warp...AGAIN... So, those 2 months...yea... We brought them back. ~Re-loading all the site images (again)~, but we should be returning to normal shortly.

  13. Sveiki,

    šiuo metu galima paremti per PayPal (bet toks paramos būdas yra laikinas, dėl to ši informacija nebus atnaujinta paramos puslapyje). Dėl tolimesnės ar papildomos informacijos kreiptis į Desinity.

    Šiek tiek praplėtėme paramos galimybes, todėl dabar galima papildomai gauti ne tik VIP+pakvietimų, bet ir VIP visam laikui, tik pakvietimų, išsiųstus duomenis ir atsisiųstų duomenų atstatymą.

    Esamų galimybių vertės:

    VIP+pakvietimai - kainos paramos puslapyje.
    VIP neribotam laikui - 27€ (atstoja paramą už 3 metus).
    1 papildomas pakvietimas - 1€.
    100GB papildomų išsiųstų duomenų - 7€.
    200GB papildomų išsiųstų duomenų - 12€.
    Atsisiųstų duomenų atstatymas (atsisiųsti duomenys: 0B): [esamas kiekis GB-aitais / 30], suapvalinta iki vienetų.

    Parama nėra privaloma ir vartotojas gali paremti savu noru. Kainos gali kisti (atpigti/pabrangti), o parama gali būti bet kuriuo metu sustabdyta dėl įvairių priežasčių.



    Papildomos naudingos nuorodos, nesusijusios su parama:

    Nėra torrento, kurio ieškote? Paprašykite čia.
    Esama parama per PaySera, „Perlo“ terminalus, WebMoney ir kt. | Esama parama per Bitcoin.
    Yra bet kokių klausimų, susijusių su torrentais ar LinkoManija? Kreiptis į: Desinity, HD,  cell.
    Norite tapti uploaderiu? (kategorija: „Noriu tapti uploaderiu“).






    currently available support through PayPal (but the way support is temporary, because this information is not updated support page). For further or additional information, contact the Desinity. Slightly extended support options, so it is now possible to supplement not only for VIP + invitations, but also VIP permanently, by invitation only, sent data to and downloaded data recovery.

    Existing options value: VIP + invitations - price support page. VIP indefinite period of time - the 27 € (serves as support for 3 years). 1 additional invitation - 1 €. 100GB of additional outgoing - € 7. 200GB of additional outgoing - € 12. Downloaded data recovery (download data: 0B) [GB-existing content AITA / 30] rounded up the pieces.

    The support is not required and the user is able to support its own volition. Prices may vary (Cheaper / more expensive), and assistance may be suspended at any time for a variety of reasons. Good luck. --- Additional useful links unconnected with support: No torrents were looking for? Ask here.


    There is support within PaySera, "Pearl" terminals, WebMoney, etc. | There is support through Bitcoin. There are any issues related to torrents or LinkoManija? Contact: Desinity, HD,   cell. Do you want to become Uploader? (category: "I want to become Uploader).

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