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  1. Google Translation: We need YOUR help! Ole Hello all Norbitsers Several active users have probably noticed that minor cosmetic changes have occurred in Norbits lately, despite several good suggestions. This can simply be explained by the fact that the staff has had enough else to do lately, where the main focus has been to keep the site in full up and operational. It now becomes harder and harder to put in place anonymous donation solutions involving VISA, PayPal etc., so we have to remove these ways of donating, and only accept BitCoin (Other crypto currencies may come in the future). This is something most large private torrent sites still in operation have been doing a while ago. Donations are what keep Norbits alive, and we have had several people who have donated regularly and new users who throw in a penny in the new and again. This may not end even though we are now switching to Bitcoins, if we still want a site to go to for our favorites of Norwegian content ... Buying BitCoins has now become very easy with an explosion of providers as the price went up. The easiest involves getting yourself an online Wallet, so it's very easy for you to buy BitCoins that you can then send straight to us. We encourage users who are technically driven within the anonnym provider / purchase of BitCoins to contribute a guide, a good guide on this will be rewarded with Custom Title and Points. That said, buying bitcoins by itself is not illegal, so you run no greater risk by donating to Norbits with a new solution than you did before! Also hope that we get a nice boost of donations right now so we'll have to build up the reserve bank again! It is the one who has kept us alive for the last 12 months and it is now empty. If we do not receive enough donations in a short time, this can mean the hook on the door for norbits. If we were unable to get enough money, those who donated will get their money back. If you have any further questions or comments you can always send us a PM. More information on how to donate to norbits with BitCoin can be found HERE. Staff
  2. Domain Name Change Notice The website visit URL is temporarily adjusted to https://pt.m-team.cc You can access the temporary address if you can't access the original address, or add a 45.**.**.*** tp.m-team.cc to the hosts.
  3. An Italian court has ordered Cloudflare to terminate the accounts of several pirate sites. The ruling comes after a complaint from local broadcaster RTI, which successfully argued that Cloudflare can be held liable if it willingly fails to act in response to copyright infringement notices. As one of the leading CDN and DDoS protection services, Cloudflare is used by millions of websites across the globe. This includes many pirate sites. In recent years many copyright holders have complained about Cloudflare’s involvement with these platforms. RTI, a company owned by the Italian mass media giant Mediaset, took things a step further and went to court. RTI complained that Cloudflare offered its services to various pirate sites, which made available its TV-shows, including Grande Fratello (Big Brother), and L’isola dei Famosi (The Celebrity Island ). The broadcaster argued that Cloudflare could be seen, among other things, as a hosting provider under the e-Commerce directive (Directive 2000/31/CE) . And, since it was made explicitly aware of the infringing actions of its clients but failed to take action, the company could be held liable. US-based Cloudflare disagreed. It countered that the Italian court didn’t have jurisdiction and that the e-Commerce directive didn’t apply to foreign companies, but those objections were rejected. In a ruling handed down by the Commercial Court of Rome late last month, Cloudflare was ordered to immediately terminate the accounts of the contested pirate sites. These include filmpertutti.uno, italiaserie.tv, piratestreaming.watch, cinemalibero.red, and various others. In addition, Cloudflare was ordered to share the personal details of the site owners and their hosting companies with RTI. If Cloudflare fails to comply with any of the above, it must pay a fine of €1,000 for each day the infringements continue. While Cloudflare doesn’t see itself as a hosting provider, the Court concluded that it can be seen as such, under European law. Among other things, its “Always Online” service hosts various website resources even when the site’s servers go offline. This means that unlike an ISP, which merely passes on traffic, Cloudflare can be held liable for the infringements of its customers, if it deliberately fails to respond properly to copyright takedown notices or similar complaints. Interestingly, most of the pirate sites listed in the complaint are still online today. Some are redirecting to new domains, but Italiaserie.org is still operational using Cloudflare. We couldn’t see any RTI content on the site, however. According to RTI’s attorney Alessandro La Rosa, Cloudflare would violate the court order if any of the mentioned sites make RTI content available through its service. This would mean that Cloudflare is liable to pay €1,000 per day. The ruling from the Court of Rome can’t be appealed and there are also two similar proceedings against the company before the same Court. These were filed by RTI and Medusa Film (both companies of the Mediaset Group) and remain ongoing. Cloudflare did not immediately reply to our request for comment. — The full list of affected domains as mentioned in the complaint reads as follows: filmpertutti.uno, piratestreaming.watch, cinemalibero.red, altadefinizione.review, guardaserie.watch, serietvu.club, casacinema.news, italiaserie.org, italiaserie.tv, cinemasubito.org, and ctrlhits.online. Source: Torrentfreak.com
  4. Twilights is back better then the past 2 years For at least the last few years we have been having major issues with Twilight. Trying to fix this or that. Cutting out parts to increase the speed. As some may know we crashed the server intentionally in the past months auguring with server support over code and also with control panel support. Everything happening over the past few years just did not make sense and especially things that were happening over the past months . Finally the control panel folks agreed with me that all these issues have to be some hardware thing. The things happening were not at a related, Our server supplier after I pit in a new ticket demanding that they check our server hardware .Their response to me was they checked both disks and all checks are good. I then demanded that the check all the memory and the motherboard as I am 100% we have a hardware issue. My next answer from them was amazing. We do apologize for an inconvenience that you and your users have been put through.The motherboard checks fine but found numerous errors in your memory stick and they have all been replaced, Again we apologize for any inconvenience this may have cause over time, This was a little over a week ago. You may notice things you have not seen in a while like the scrolling movie banner and more. A lot of this was taking out for resource reasons. Our site now flys like in the old days and all our issues should be gone. I pity any coder trying to keep a site going for years with memory screwing up it no fun. I am happy to say the OLD Twilight is back
  5. Google Translation: Update on the current situation of the tracker Hello everyone, The situation of XKT as well as our staff lately was very complicated. For various reasons, I preferred to communicate without restraint in order to be as transparent as possible with our members. Indeed, I announced this deadline of July 20th concerning a possible closure of the tracker for the following reasons: - On the one hand: having personal problems in recent months, I had no time to invest fully and fulfill my role as administrator. - Another: the main developer of the tracker abandoned the project a while ago, leaving the changes in progress and those to come in standby. - And to finish: I had difficulties to assume almost alone the payment of the servers necessary for the life of the tracker. And not running after the donations, the situation got worse little by little. A very generous contributor from our staff has fortunately helped to meet the needs of the tracker these last 2 months (Many thanks to him for the support). At present, we have found members who are ready to do what is necessary to keep our community alive for as long as possible! There are no words to express our gratitude. But we are still looking for motivated people to help us manage XKT, from both a development and moderation perspective. In short, a complete staff to recompose! If people are interested to help XKT: they do not hesitate to contact me by private message if it took them the desire to be part of our staff! Yours truly, D****
  6. Google Translation: We have a tiebreaker for the best album of the month of APR of 2109. We need your opinion ... Tell us which do you think should be the album of the Month? Vote will be open until this Saturday.
  7. Image hosting/uploading is undergoing planned maintenance
  8. HTTPS:// - 'https' has now been re-enabled so you may wish to login in using this from now on, also all the new torrents as of today should be seeded through https://announce the older ones may still use http://announce
  9. CrazyHour All torrents free and triple upload credit! starts in 09:34:32
  10. Google Translation: New paypal for donations The new paypal is created for donations. Let's see how long it stays working. That is, on the donation page, just click on the amount you want and will be redirected correctly. Regards, Y*******
  11. Uploaders UPLOADERS WANTED FOR E-BOOKS/AUDIO-BOOKS/POD-CASTS/RADIO-SHOWS FOR MORE INFO PLEASE SEE FORUMS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIP TORRENTS ONLY VIP'S CAN DOWNLOAD TORRENT'S WITH A GOLD COIN
  12. Google Translation: FREELEECH! Time left: 5d 23h 49m 27s
  13. Crazyhour All torrents free and triple upload credit! starts in 23 Hours 34 Minutes 20 Seconds => on Thu July 11, 1:33 pm
  14. Hey everyone, Are you bored, nothing on cable TV or Netflix? Come check out my REIGNFLIX Plex Servers, over 10 000 movies, 1500 tv shows, 1/4 million song tracks. Ill give a free trial for a few days to check it out and see if you like and would be interested in subscribing. PLEX is a media manager that i have implemented on my servers, allows me to give you access to all my content for streaming purposes If interested join my discord server here... https://discord.gg/8vge5Nc or you can pm me here on site for further details on this great REIGNFLIX (Plex) service. As an added bonus to all subscribers you will get free access to my google drive which has the entirety of Reignflix on it for download and offline play.
  15. Crazyhour All torrents free and triple upload credit! starts in 14:18:20 at July 11 2019, 02:49 AM
  16. BHDStudio Reborn BHDStudio is an HD Release Group that was started as a side project by FraMeSToR encoders nearly 2 years ago. This project was started for new encoders with minimal to no experience to learn the basics of encoding and eventually learn high quality encoding techniques and encode for FraMeSToR. Over time and after many discussion, we decided we were better off together than apart so we merged both groups and all encoders released for FraMeSToR only and BHDStudio was all but forgotten. With the ever changing torrent economy and the demand for streaming platforms over traditional cable, BHDSTudio has been re-established and the group standard redefined for mobile, pc, and streaming platforms. BHDStudio already has 100's of releases which can be found HERE. Every BHDStudio release has been archived by our encoders so if there is an underseeded release, feel free to request a reseed. If there is something you would like to see encoded and optimized for mobile and/or streaming platforms feel free to open a REQUEST. Alternately, if you are freelance encoder, experienced encoder, new encoder, or looking to learn and contribute to the community and the expanding catalog of BeyondHD, you are welcome to apply to be an internal encoder for BHDStudio HERE and title your inquiry BHDStudio.
  17. Next Happy Hour Starts Wednesday 10th July 2019 at 10:35 pm
  18. Open registration activated!
  19. John Steele, one of the attorneys behind the 'copyright troll' law firm Prenda, has been sentenced to five years in prison. The attorney was one of the masterminds behind the fraudulent scheme that extracted settlements from alleged pirates. Because of Steele's cooperative stance, his sentence is significantly lower than that of co-conspirator Paul Hansmeier. Over the years, copyright trolls have been accused of involvement in various dubious schemes and actions, but there’s one group that has gone above and beyond. Prenda Law grabbed dozens of headlines, mostly surrounding negative court rulings over identity theft, misrepresentation, and even deception. Most controversial were the shocking revelations that Prenda itself produced adult videos and uploaded their own torrents to The Pirate Bay, creating a honeypot for the people they later sued over pirate downloads. The allegations also raised the interest of the U.S. Department of Justice, which indicted Prenda principals John Steele and Paul Hansmeier late 2016. The US Government accused the pair of various crimes, including money laundering, perjury, and wire fraud. As the case progressed both defendants signed plea agreements, admitting their guilt in the fraudulent scheme. Last month this resulted in a 14 year prison term for Hansmeier, and today, John Steele learned of his fate. During a hearing this morning, U.S. District Judge Joan N. Ericksen convicted Steele to a five-year prison sentence. In addition, the disbarred attorney must pay his victims little over $1.5 million in restitution. Today’s sentencing ironically comes 11 years after Steele was first admitted to the bar. The lower sentence, compared to Hansmeier, comes as no surprise. It was specifically recommended by the prosecution, which stressed that Steele didn’t shy away from the ugly truth of his crimes and was very cooperative following the indictment. “Unlike co-defendant Hansmeier, Mr. Steele accepted responsibility for his actions and immediately began zealously and passionately cooperating with the Government,” the prosecution said previously. “Even before the Government shared the evidence with the defense, Mr. Steele was in their office speaking to numerous law enforcement agents and prosecutors about everything he did. He never lied and never minimized his actions.” According to the US Department of Justice, Steele deserved a significant prison term. However, his cooperation and genuine remorse should be taken into account. Based on the sentencing guidelines Steele faced a potential prison sentence of more than 12 years, but Assistant U.S. Attorney Benjamin Langner recommended five years in prison instead. Judge Ericksen went along with this recommendation. The Judge noted that courts “are not a tool in the box for anybody’s hustle,” adding that the five-year sentence was “imminently fair,” as the Star Tribune report. “I condemn the actions that you took in committing this crime. I congratulate you, however, on the actions you took” in responding to the charges, Judge Ericksen said. Although both Hansmeier and Steele have been sentenced, the Prenda saga is not completely over yet. Hansmeier previously informed the court that he is appealing both the sentence and conviction. The Prenda principal challenges the reasonableness of the sentencing and the application of the sentencing guidelines. A request from Hansmeier to await the result of the appeal as a free man was previously denied. — source: torrentfreak.com
  20. ATTENTION!!!!! We are very sorry, but we have had an over 7,5GB database with a server overload 2,5. We have had a cleaning already - no we are back on 5,4GB and no overload (0,5-0,7). This means a lot of logs were deleted. I know this is a pain, but the server was too occupied and we were afraid about a crash, so the sysops decided for cleaning. Sorry for your loss!
  21. Tracker Name: Nebulance Genre: TV Review: Sign Up Link: https://nebulance.io/register.php Closing Time: Soon Additional Information: Nebulance is a Private Torrent Tracker for TV Releases.
  22. Monthly Well we have about one week to go until the bills are due. Any help is appreciated
  23. Tracker's Name: The Shinning Genre: General Sign-up Link: https://theshinning.me/register/null Closing date: Open until 10.07 Review's Link: Additional information: The Shinning (TsH) is a German Private Torrent Tracker for 0-Day / General Releases.
  24. Congratulations to t****** who won lottery 2019-27 Results for Lottery 2019-27 *** people entered, with a total sweetening of ****GB. Winners were: FIRST PLACE 100GB t****** SECOND PLACE 50GB ***** THIRD PLACE 30GB *****
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