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This Fake TV Series Is Going Viral


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In this age of Netflix, it feels like there are new films and series emerging every day, so it comes as no suprise that some of those announcements turn out to be "fake news." But while sometimes those are easy to spot, other times you have to look twice.

Too Real to Be Fake

The series in question is called Stairs and is the new project from Ross Reedlon, the award-winning director of Sally the Demon Smasher. Sound fake? Not necessarily. Sound familiar? Definitely. This sounds awfully similar to Joss Whedon and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And instead of Sarah Michelle Gellar, Sally starred Jenna Estelle Greene.

But that's not all. One of the lead actors, Amy "A-Hole" Hollister, seems to be a parody of Jennifer "J-Law" Lawrence. First, there's the name, and then there are the YA movies both starred in, and the quirky down-to-earth personalities both have.


There are twitter profiles for all of the six lead actors as well as the director, the aforementioned Jenna Estelle Greene, and one for the series. And they are not only empty profiles. Most of them are actually active; tweeting, liking, and retweeting posts and pictures.

Apparently Amy (@amy_ahole) is very in your face and over the top, Diego Schmidt (@DiegoJFSchmidt) is an Argentinian who loves his grandmother, and Caroline Bush (@CarolineMBush) is exactly what her name sounds like.

Fake Series, Real Fans

In spite of the weirdness and the fakeness, these guys have amassed tons of fans. The Holes - which is the ship name of Amy and Peter Hollister - even have a fan account on Twitter.

And to be honest, I don't blame them. After all I've read about the project and the cast, I'm almost disappointed it's not real. would actually love to watch it now.

Don't get me wrong, though. All that work wasn't for nothing: It was promo material for a play.

The play is called "Stairs" just like the series, and seems to be following the production of the sitcom. It is an original project of a German student theater group and is going to premiere soon.

Whether or not all the tweets helped promoting the performance remains to be seen.

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