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  1. GazelleGames (GGn) News GGn has 0.1x dl for next 3 days. Not a total freeleech but nearly one for 3 days.
  2. The Shinning (TSH) News Google Translation: The OnlyUp (freeleech) was unlocked until 30.08.2020.
  3. Tracker Name: Share Friends Projekt Genre: General Review Sign Up Link: Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten! | SFP S-F-P.DYNDNS.DK Additional Information: Share Friends Projekt (SFP) is a German Private Torrent Tracker for Movies / General Releases.
  4. Las industrias del cine, la televisión y la música se dirigen a los jóvenes en la campaña contra la piratería Los organismos que representan a las industrias creativas del Reino Unido han lanzado una campaña que tiene como objetivo crear conciencia sobre la piratería entre los adultos jóvenes. Tin Man Communications fue designado para crear la campaña respaldada por el gobierno luego de un lanzamiento competitivo. El impulso se dirigirá a jóvenes de 18 a 24 años para crear conciencia sobre la lucha contra la piratería para la iniciativa Get it Right From a Genuine Site de Creative Content UK (CCUK), una colaboración entre la asociación comercial de la industria de la música grabada, BPI, y MPA. que representa la industria mundial del cine, la televisión y el streaming. Tin Man tendrá como objetivo reducir la piratería, a través de su programa de contenido creativo, alentando al público objetivo a obtener su contenido de películas, música y juegos de sitios genuinos y, al mismo tiempo, apoyar la creatividad del Reino Unido. La última campaña se basa en iniciativas anteriores Get it Right, que se han estado ejecutando desde 2015. La campaña en curso busca involucrar al grupo demográfico objetivo, que según CCUK es el grupo con más probabilidades de infringir los derechos de autor creativos, a través de su amor por el contenido, en lugar de tomar un enfoque legal basado en sanciones. La agencia manejará los medios propios, compartidos, pagados y ganados por su trabajo en la campaña. Esto incluirá crear conciencia sobre el contenido de videos de héroes, creado por la agencia y compañía de producción Oh My, con el comediante viral Munya Chawawa. Habla en la película sobre cómo el entretenimiento lo ayudó a él ya sus "compañeros de casa" durante los últimos meses. James Gardiner, coordinador del programa de CCUK, dijo que la organización estaba "impresionada" con la experiencia de Tin Man al involucrar a los jóvenes y alentar el cambio de comportamiento mediante campañas creativas. Mandy Sharp, directora ejecutiva y fundadora de Tin Man, dijo: “El mensaje para los jóvenes es alto y claro: al apoyar lo que amas, inviertes en el desarrollo de nuevos artistas, creadores y más contenido excelente. Esta es una campaña actual y necesaria y esperamos verla cobrar vida y marcar una diferencia en la vida de los creadores de contenido en todo el país ".
  5. Thousands of Pirates Tricked into Downloading Fake ‘Tenet’ Torrents The official premiere of Tenet has drawn many people to the movie theaters this week. On pirate sites, there's been plenty of interest too, as thousands of people are being tricked into downloading fake copies. Pirates are not the only ones being fooled though, as Warner Bros. has its eyes set on fake releases too. All around the world, millions of people have waited in anticipation for the release of Christopher Nolan’s sci-fi thriller ‘Tenet.’ The film was initially scheduled to be released in July but, after several pandemic-related delays, Warner Bros. moved the premiere ahead to the end of August. This week, Tenet officially premiered in several countries including Australia, Canada, France, Germany, South Korea and the United Kingdom. Others, including the US, Russia, Japan and China, will have to wait a bit longer. There is little doubt that the blockbuster title will drive millions of people to the big screen in the weeks to come. And as with all major films, there will be a sizeable audience on pirate sites too, especially considering the release delays. According to one anti-piracy expert, Tenet’s release has all the ingredients for a “perfect storm for piracy.” This prediction prompted us to take a look at how Tenet is doing on pirate sites today. This question is not hard to answer, as there is no ‘real’ pirated copy of the film out there. Instead, sites are overwhelmed with fake Tenet releases. Fake torrents are not a new phenomenon. Pretty much all reasonably popular films have at least a few. However, given the broad interest in Tenet, we cautiously decided to take a closer look. We didn’t have to look far. Most torrent sites and other download portals have plenty of Tenet copies. Or at least, that’s what uploaders lead users to believe. This includes The Pirate Bay, which faces a moderation backlog, by the looks of it. https://torrentfreak.com/images/tenettpb2.jpg Most seasoned pirates will know how to avoid these fake torrents. That said, major titles such as Tenet often attract the attention of many novice users too, who will undoubtedly be disappointed. And not just because they can’t see the film. These suspicious releases can lead to all sorts of malware, viruses, and worse. The two we downloaded appeared relatively harmless. They included a 700MB video file that shows a still image, asking people to check the readme file. https://torrentfreak.com/images/faketenet.jpg The readme message itself sends people to a suspicious site that requests credit card details “for verification purposes”. Needless to say, we declined that offer. Generally speaking, these fake torrents are boosted by fake seeders. While we’ve seen these here as well, there also appear to be thousands of ‘real’ people sharing these torrents. These will all be bitterly disappointed. Pirates are not the only ones who are being fooled by fake pirated copies – Warner Bros. is also chasing ghosts. Over the past few days, the movie studio’s anti-piracy partner has sent several takedown requests targeting URLs where pirated Tenet copies are allegedly being shared. These links often point to the same fake files. We assume that Warner Bros. is better safe than sorry in this case, which makes sense. That is the exact opposite of the pirates’ strategy, who are more likely to be more sorry than safe. Source: Torrentfreak.com
  6. Fuzer (FZ) News Google Translation: Freeleech On 33:01:14:05 ------------------------------- Announcement | Freeleech and registration opening until the end of the holidays In honor of the end of summer and the closure of the holidays that are approaching us, we open the registration and put the site in a freeleech mode until the end of the holidays. Just to mention that even in this situation there is an obligation of sharing according to the rules.
  7. Anthelion News Freeleech Pool Tipped! ***** has triggered the Freeleech Pool! The following film(s) have been randomly selected and are now freeleech for the next 48 hours. Here Thanks to users who donated to the pool. Now go drop some of your own orbs into the next pool!
  8. LosslessClub News - Freeleech Google Translation: Freeleech 24-hour freeleech from n****!!
  9. Hello!!! Welcome to IH. Enjoy the site.
  10. Hello!!! Welcome to IH. Enjoy the site.
  11. @darrickbm Hello!!! Welcome to IH. Enjoy the site.
  12. Hello!!! Welcome to IH. Enjoy the site.
  13. @Villanelle20 Hello!!! Welcome to IH. Enjoy the site.
  14. @knite Hello!!! Welcome to IH. Enjoy the site.
  15. Tracker Name: Fuzer Genre: General Review Sign Up Link: Fuzer - חוקי האתר WWW.FUZER.ME Closing Time: Open for a month Additional Information: Fuzer (FZ) is an Israeli Private Torrent Tracker for Movies / TV / General Releases. Note: You can register via Gmail only.
  16. @rickyman Hello!!! Welcome to IH. Enjoy the site.
  17. @howiamnowissky Hello!!! Welcome to IH. Enjoy the site.
  18. @Balerophon Hello!!! Welcome to IH. Enjoy the site.
  19. @Zaki245 Hello!!! Welcome to IH. Enjoy the site.
  20. @Loiff Hello!!! Welcome to IH. Enjoy the site.
  21. Tracker Name: HDAtmos Genre: HD Sign Up Link: HDATMOS :: 注册 - Powered by NexusPHP HDATMOS.CLUB Closing Time: Soon!!! Additional Information: HDATMOS is a new Chinese Private Torrent Tracker for HD Movies / TV / General Releases. Note: New accounts include a newbie task.
  22. Hello!!! Welcome to IH. Enjoy the site.
  23. Hello!!! Welcome to IH. Enjoy the site.
  24. Привет!!! Добро пожаловать в IH. Наслаждайтесь сайтом.
  25. Hello!!! Welcome to IH. Enjoy the site.
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