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  1. Welcome on board! Hope you find what you're looking for here
  2. https://img.bitsexy.org/images/2021/04/20/Anastasiia-Nude--Sexy-26-Nude-Photos-26.jpg
  3. Ok i admit i once was. And i also used to condemn meat-eaters and the entire livestock industry. But not anymore lol. Meat tastes good and i'm done denying it.
  4. @cryterion Great invite GA! I'm applying for a Jpopsuki
  5. this tracker has some weird policies: if you use a seedbox you cannot enjoy freeleech, meaning freeleech torrents still counts to your download you can only seed to a ratio of 3:1 in the first 72hours after the torrent is posted. If you seed more than 3:1 within this time, the surplus seed amount doesn't count to your upload, and only does so after the 72 hours. Also, speed isn't that great for some new torrents. Might take days to download. But on the flip side HnRs is not a problem here. You can download partially and delete the torrent if you want, so long as you maintain your share ratio. And you can send bonus points to other users. So if you enter ratio watch you can ask a friend to send you some BP to fix it.
  6. Thread is anything about your dating experience. Write a small story about your memorable date. You can brag, or whine, or share some shits you've been through, or how you've grown over the time, or talk about your ideal type, or whatever the fork you wanna lemme start. I once got talked into having sex without protection. Thank fucking god i didn't get any STDs. Had to spend a buncha money doing test and checkup at a hospital the next morning. Still gave me a fright though . It was a one night stand. Till now I still wonder how the fuck i got so retarded that day. Lesson: gotta stop being a fucking people pleaser
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