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  1. It’s a common complaint these days that there is so much marketing build up to big Hollywood movies that you by the time you finally see the finished product, you feel like you’ve seen the entire thing. Most of us haven’t even laid eyes on Terminator Genisys yet, but if you’ve been paying attention to the glut of trailers, clips, and TV spots, you know they’ve revealed some huge spoilers. According to director Alan Taylor, there is one big reason for that. Taylor, who also directed Thor: The Dark World, recently talked to Uproxx and made it clear that he’s not a fan of all these twists being revealed in the marketing. He does, however, understand that they’re trying to differentiate their film from what came before and set it apart. He said: I think they felt like they had to send a strong message to a very wary audience that there was something new — that this was going to new territory. They were concerned that people were misperceiving this as kind of a reboot, and none of us wanted to reboot two perfect movies by James Cameron. I think they felt they had to do something game-changing in how the film was being perceived. If you’ve been keeping away from Terminator Genisys spoilers up to this point, good for you, that’s no easy task, but you may want to move on now, as we’re going to hit on them beyond this point. The biggest reveal has obviously been that this iteration of John Connor, the savior of mankind, played by franchise newcomer Jason Clarke, is himself a machine. Or at least he becomes a machine, or is a machine disguised to look like John Connor. We’re not exactly sure how it plays out (at least there will be some surprises left), but we do know that someone or something we and the characters have been led to believe is John Connor is in fact a new generation of Terminator. That’s a pretty big deal. For a time, a lot of people thought that since it has been all over the marketing campaign, this is something that happens early on. That is still entirely possible, and it sounds like there are some other reveals that have been kept under wraps, but to hear Taylor talk, that isn’t something he expected, or wanted, to be public knowledge going into his movie. He said: I certainly directed those scenes with the intention that no one would know. There are still some big questions that remain to be answered about Terminator Genisys, like the nature of Matt Smith’s (Doctor Who) character, how the new film rewrites and interacts with the existing timeline, and what era, or eras, the bulk of the action takes place in. So we don’t quite know everything, but we’ll surely find out when the film opens this Wednesday, July 1.
  2. Ever since Iron Man came out in 2008, most of Marvel’s movies have followed each other chronologically. Excluding flashbacks, the only exception so far has been 2011’s Captain America: The First Avenger, and even that caught up to the present when Steve Rogers awoke from suspended animation. ABC’s Agent Carter provided Marvel fans with another period piece, but so far there haven’t been any other movies that have taken place in the past. However, according to Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige, that may be subject to change at some point in the future. During an interview with io9, Feige admitted that it’s possible that one of their future big screen projects could take place in the past. Feige said: Certainly we could [set another one in the past]. There are no rules. I think the majority of them will be chronological, but not all of them necessarily. For the sake of argument, let’s assume that at least one of the already-announced Marvel movies is set in the past. Which one could it be? Although it was originally said not to be an origin story, perhaps Doctor Strange will show us how Stephen Strange studied the mystical arts a decade or so before the modern day MCU events kick off. Captain America: Civil War is introducing an established Black Panther, so maybe T’Challa’s solo movie will show how he became King of Wakanda and embraced the royal costumed identity. However, there’s one movie in particular that’s ripe to take place outside of the current timeline: Inhumans. Spoilers for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 2 are ahead! Although their solo film doesn't hit theaters until July 12, 2019, the MCU has already started getting viewers familiar with the Inhumans through Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. In the show’s sophomore season, one of its main characters, Skye (Chloe Bennet), was exposed to the Terrigen Mist, which awakened her Inhuman cells and gave her earthquake powers. In the season’s second half, she met others like her and learned how the Inhumans descended from a group of humans who were experimented on by the Kree thousands of years ago. Although a good portion of the MCU’s Inhumans live in the community Afterlife, many of them are spread across the globe, and those of you who saw the Season 2 finale know that their population is about to increase. Because Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has a good handle on what’s going on with the Inhumans in the present day, the film could very well provide background on how their society got to this point. It’s a good bet that the main characters in Inhumans will be the Royal Family of Attilan, which, in the comics, consists of Black Bolt, Medusa, Gorgon, Crystal, Medusa, Karnak, Triton, Maximus the Mad, and the gigantic dog Lockjaw. Because Attilan is secluded from human society, either in a hidden area of Earth or out in space, there’s no reason it has to include any human players at all and thus frees it from the same chronological constrictions that nearly all the other movies have dealt with. Plus, considering that Inhuman technology surpasses what humans have, no matter if the movie takes several decades ago or even several centuries, we’ll still get something that’s futuristic and visually appealing. Setting Inhumans in the past also has another advantage: it gives the fans a breather. The film comes out only two months after Avengers: Infinity War Part II, which will not only see the culmination of the battle between the Marvel heroes and Thanos, but wrap up a storyline that’s been building since the MCU’s inception. It doesn’t take Sherlockian skills to deduce that Phase Four is coming, but that doesn’t mean that Marvel has to immediately follow up on its aftermath. Look at how Ant-Man is acting a buffer between Avengers: Age of Ultron and Captain America: Civil War. Inhumans can serve the same way and give fans a break from the present by giving them an exciting adventure in the past. This origin story will not only give fans a cool history lesson (that may foreshadow things happening in the present), but also familiarize people who don’t watch Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. with the Inhumans. It’s a win-win. What do you think? Would you like to see Inhumans take place outside the present? What upcoming Marvel movie would you rather see set in the past? Let us know in the comments below.
  3. It’s not a secret that Bing has some of the most stunning wallpapers on the whole web and Microsoft knows this very well, so every day it showcases a new photo which not only makes its homepage look prettier but also promotes certain places across the world and tells a new story. Since wallpapers have already experienced a terrific success, Microsoft is now ready to go one step forward, so today it announced that its Bing homepage will also come with sounds to let you listen to the animation displayed on the site. It’s all because users asked for such an option, Microsoft says, so every time a new homepage that supports sound is added, just look in the bottom-right corner of the screen to enable it. By default, audio is disabled on the Bing homepage, so you need to click it manually every time you listen to it. “Our fans shared that they would love to hear rushing waterfalls, distinct animal calls, or waves lapping the shores of a faraway beach when they see these evocative images on Bing,” Microsoft says. “Let us know what you think and what other sounds you’d like to hear. Contact us at Bing Listens, because we love getting feedback—and we’re listening.” The feature is now being rolled out for users out there, so if you don’t see it just yet, wait a little bit more and try again in a while.
  4. One of the features that users have been asking for since forever and that’s yet to be implemented in Windows 10 is tab support for the built-in file manager, but for the moment, Microsoft doesn’t seem to be willing to introduce such an option. Tab support in File Explorer could allow users to work with their files more effectively and Microsoft knows that very well, which makes many wonder how come the company isn’t interesting in bringing this functionality in its file manager. But in the meantime, concept designers across the world are putting their imagination up to work, so concepts like this one show that implementing tab support in File Explorer isn’t such a difficult thing to do, especially for a software giant like Microsoft. Clean design The first thing you might notice in this design created by DeviantArt user SN37 is that File Explorer still looks incredibly clean, despite the fact that it comes with tab support. Everything is very well organized in the main screen and tabs are integrated into the title bar, so it’s pretty easy to manage your tabs and know where to find the locations you’re working on. “People suggested that the Explorer should get rid of its ribbon interface and add some tabs to put on, it would look like this. An additional feature that would have is the ability to show/hide pre-populated items in the navigation pane. You see that button on the right edge,” the designer explains. Obviously, there are many ways to improve this concept and Microsoft has an army of skilled designers that can do that with minimum effort, but let’s just hope that the company has this in mind for the final version of Windows 10 and our beloved File Explorer gets the tab support it deserves.
  5. Right after you install Windows, the system drive is filled with a complex tree of directory structures to keep all files in an organized manner. In fact, each application you install usually deploys itself in a location that can take time to reach. Luckily, the guys over at Microsoft put some thought into it and came up with some simple ways to grab a long path, access it, but without making this option too obvious. There are actually several ways through which a file or folder’s path can be grabbed, because who knows when you need to access a location in a few seconds. As such, we put together a few steps to show you what you need to do to copy a path faster, as well as access it. There are also third-party applications that aim to simplify this task and put a special option in your default context menu. Here’s what you need to know: Using Windows features Copying file location or target path: If you’re already inside a folder, the easiest way to copy its path is to click the address field in the upper toolbar. Needless to say, you will also need to press Ctrl + C, or right-click and copy. Obviously, the next place to look is where all details are stored, namely the Properties panel. Next up, look for the Location section in the General tab. This works for both files and folders, just remember to be in the General tab and not to confuse Location with Target or Start In. For a desktop shortcut, you can find the location of the executable from the Properties panel, in the Shortcut tab under the Start In section. The Target section also specifies the executable file. When copying, make sure not to include the start and end quotation marks. This last method you probably didn’t know about is literally hidden in the context menu. To reveal it, hold down the Shift key, right-click the file or folder of interest, and choose to Copy as Path. Ways to access a specific location: Now that you have the file or folder path in the clipboard, there’s no need to manually go through each folder until reaching it. One method is to access any folder or My Computer/This PC, paste the clipboard content in the upper toolbar address field, and press Enter. If you want to save a second or two, press Win + R for the Run utility, paste the address there and hit Enter. An even faster method is to right-click the file of interest and choose to Open File Location. The third-party alternative Since you need an application for this part, go grab Path Copy Copy and install it. What it does is to extend the functionality of the Windows default Copy as Path function with several more options. Right-click the folder or file of interest and choose to Copy File/Folder Path. In addition, there’s an extended menu with options to grab Name, Path, or Parent Folder Path. In the Path Copy context menu entry, there’s also a Settings option, with the possibility to create custom copy profiles in case you navigate a lot through your computer. A few last words Sure enough, anyone can navigate through complex folder structures, but there’s a chance to get lost somewhere along the way. Now you know more methods to save time when reaching specific locations, either with what Windows puts at your disposal or with more complex commands offered by Path Copy Copy.
  6. The last week was almost entirely reserved for Windows 10 Mobile, as far as Microsoft’s Windows development team is concerned, so the Redmond-based tech giant is now expected to switch the focus back to Windows 10 for PCs and ship a new build very soon. The very same thing has been confirmed earlier today by Gabriel Aul, head of the Windows Insider program, who said in a short tweet that “a new PC build is coming soon.” While Aul’s message doesn’t include any release date, there’s no doubt that Microsoft is trying to a bring a new build to insiders as soon as possible, especially because we’re getting very close to the July 29 release date of Windows 10 and the company needs more time to fix any bugs and issues that testers come across. The next build is expected to bring most of the changes we’ve seen in the recently-leaked builds, which included the Phone Companion app that Microsoft announced with much fanfare and that allows users to synchronize their Windows Phone, Android, or iOS devices with their Windows 10 PCs. RTM almost complete What’s also very interesting is that some information coming via unconfirmed sources indicate that Microsoft is very close to signing off Windows 10 and pushing it to RTM, which means that development of the operating system is almost complete. Aul has already revealed that Microsoft is no longer working on new features, but only on bug fixes and improvements that would be included in Windows 10 at the very last minute, so expect the upcoming builds to be focused less on major changes. Windows 10’s launch is Microsoft big moment of the year, as the new OS is playing the role of a game changer for the company, mostly because it needs to recover after the Windows 8 disaster. Windows 10 will run on more types of devices, including smartphones, PCs, and tablets, but also smaller devices such as smartwatches and IoT.
  7. Windows 10 is projected to launch in just one month and everyone expects to see increased sales in the PC industry, mostly because as compared to its predecessor, the new operating system makes the traditional desktop much more familiar and easy to use. But as far as notebook panel makers are concerned, no increase in demand has been experienced until now, so some say that Windows 10 won’t make any difference in terms of laptop sales when it becomes available. The report comes via Digitimes, which cites undisclosed panel makers, so it’s not yet clear if production can be affected in any way. But according to the same source, some manufacturers are already switching production from notebook panels to monitors and industrial applications in order to “prevent notebook panel pricing from further declining.” Free for Windows 7 and 8.1 There’s a reason why Windows 10 is unlikely to boost new PC and laptop sales, and that’s the free upgrade that Microsoft is offering for those already running genuine Windows 7 or 8.1 on their computers. Basically, everyone already using Windows 7 or 8.1 on a PC or laptop can upgrade to Windows 10 without paying a single cent, so why buying a new device for the operating system when the existing one can be upgraded free of charge? The same thing applies for system requirements, as Microsoft made Windows 10 run flawlessly on devices already coming with Windows 7 and 8, meaning hardware upgrades won’t be necessary. So, the biggest question is why would anyone buy a new PC just for Windows 10? We asked the same thing and Microsoft said that some features would require additional hardware, such as the biometric authentication tool called Windows Hello, and only new PCs and laptops would come with it. But on the short term, there’s no doubt many users would stick to their existing hardware configuration, so boosting new PC sales will really be a tough challenge for Windows 10.
  8. Lumia 1520 definitely was the best of Windows Phone devices that Nokia and Microsoft ever launched, and it’s no surprise that many people are using it these days. It has a big 6-inch screen, 2 GB of RAM, up to 32 GB of storage space, and a 20-megapixel camera with Zeiss optics for stunning photos. But it’s also no secret that Lumia 1520 is an outdated device. It was announced in October 2013, so it sort of lost the battle with the other phablets on the market, such as the Samsung Galaxy Note 3, which was considered to be its direct rival and that has already received a successor. The phablet market is undoubtedly an appealing business for Microsoft, and while the whole world expected a Lumia 1530, or a direct successor to the 1520, the Redmond-based tech giant decided to go on a different path and introduce something a little bit more affordable. Often described as a more affordable successor to the Lumia 1520, the brand-new Microsoft Lumia 640 XL is the bigger brother of the 640 and comes with hardware that’s supposed to make you take the most out of Windows Phone without making any compromise. Microsoft’s promise sure makes the Lumia 640 XL an interesting product, and a look at the spec sheet seems to confirm that this device should be able to provide you with an experience that’s at least decent in terms of performance, photos, and battery life. To find out whether the Lumia 640 XL is the best buy or not, we’ve tested an orange LTE model for about a month to see how much of Microsoft’s statements is true and how much is marketing. Operating system Windows Phone 8.1 with Lumia Denim Display 5.7” HD (1280×720, 16:9) IPS, 259 PPI, ClearBlack, Glance Screen, Corning Gorilla Glass 3 Processor 1.2 GHz quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 processor RAM 1 GB Cameras Main: 13 MP AF, ZEISS optics, Lumia Camera Front: 5 MP wide angle FF Storage 8GB + 30GB free OneDrive, micro SD up to 128GB Battery 3000 mAh battery Dimensions 157.9 x 81.5 x 9 mm; 171g Design - 1520 owners will love it If you’re the kind of phone user who loves phablets, the chances are that you’re going to love the 640 XL design too. It has a 5.7-inch screen, so it’s just perfect if browsing the web, playing games, watching videos, or sending emails is all you need to do. Otherwise, if you come from a 5-inch, the Lumia 640 XL could feel just too big, although it’s pretty clear that Microsoft struggled to cut down the bezel and make the screen expand to the edges of the phone as much as possible. Lumia 640 XL is just 9mm thick and weighs only 171 grams, so it’s lighter than the Lumia 1520 (which has a weight of 209 grams). And the best of all is that you can really feel that it’s lighter, which is clearly an essential thing for a phablet. It measures 157.9 x 81.5 mm versus 162.8 x 85.4 mm for the Lumia 1520, which is obviously bigger because it also comes with a 6-inch screen. But if you’re the owner of a 1520 and you give a try to a 640 XL, chances are that you’ll feel almost no difference in terms of screen size and you can definitely forget about the extra 0.3 inches that the 1520 comes with. Otherwise, the Lumia 640 XL is just the typical Lumia. It comes with the traditional design that’s being used by the new Microsoft smartphones, it’s available in four colors (matte white, matte blue, black, and orange) and features the modern Microsoft branding on the front and back. Display and camera - you’ll be pleased (but not impressed) Lumia 640 XL comes with a 5.7-inch display with a resolution of 1280x720 pixels and TrueColor technology that supports 16 million colors. Pixel density is at 259 ppi and ClearBlack technology is also there to make sure that black is black and not grey. Gorilla Glass 3 is offered for additional protection and Microsoft is also offering a bunch of other fancy-called features that are already available on the majority of other phones out there, such as an orientation sensor, low power mode, and a wide viewing angle. Since it’s an IPS LCD screen, the display of the Lumia 640 XL lacks the stunning quality of a super AMOLED, but on the other hand, it scores extra points for battery life, because this type of screen needs less power. On the other hand, there’s a big difference between the 640 XL and the Lumia 930, for example, with the latter providing better color contrast, higher brightness levels, and an overall better image and video quality than the first. Lumia 640 XL’s screen does not excel by any means, but it does its job decently, so while you won’t be impressed with it, you won’t be disappointed either. It’s good just the way it is. "13-megapixel rear, 5-megapixel front, Flash, autofocus, and Zeiss optics." As far as the cameras are concerned, the device comes with a 13-megapixel camera and a front 5-megapixel front unit for selfies and video calls. But let’s take them one at a time to see what they’re up to. First and foremost, the rear camera comes with autofocus and the signature Zeiss optics, which Microsoft is using for at least mid-range devices capable of shooting better pictures. The camera features auto focus, 4x digital zoom, LED flash, and backside-illuminated image sensor. Its specs are again, decent: 1/3 inch sensor size, 28mm focal length, a minimum focus range of 10 cm, f/2.0 ratio for f-number/aperture. As far as video recording is concerned, it can record at 30 fps, with a video zoom of 4x, while also supporting continuous autofocus, video zoom, and MP4/H.264 formats. The front-facing camera shoots at 1920x1080 pixels and offers support for video calls and video recording, with a focal length of 24 mm. And now, the real facts. First of all, the Lumia 640 XL camera does not excel in any way, but once again, it does its job decently well. It won’t impress you unless you have the perfect light conditions. Otherwise, the slightest move can turn any photo into a big blurred thing that can hardly be called a picture. The same for video recording, so optimal light conditions are absolutely mandatory to shoot good pictures. In low-light conditions, on the other hand, you need a steady hand and the flash. Otherwise, there’s just too much noise in every photo. As compared to the Lumia 930, which is supposed to have the best camera in the Windows Phone range right now, Lumia 640 XL’s photos lack the high contrast and color intensity that the 5-incher provides. Lumia 930 shoots photos that are sharper and just seem to be crisper, with a better automatically adjusted brightness level in any light settings. Nokia Lumia 930 camera sample. Microsoft Lumia 640 XL camera sample. Lumia 640 XL video recording at 30 fps in optimal light conditions. Power and performance - it’s just good Lumia 640 XL is a perfectly balanced device that comes by default with Windows Phone 8.1 with Lumia Denim so you won’t have to wait for six months to get the new firmware (by the way, Lumia Denim is yet to land on all devices despite the fact that the rollout started in December 2014!). It features a Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 quad-core processor clocked at 1200 MHz and 1 GB of RAM, which is enough not only to run Windows Phone smoothly, but also to fully support Windows 10 Mobile when it comes out (word has it that Lumia 640 and 640 XL will be the first to get Windows 10 Mobile later this year). "Lumia 640 XL will be one of the first to get Windows 10 Mobile this year. " It’s not a secret that Snapdragon 400 is one of the well-optimized mobile devices processors, and you can really tell that when using the Lumia 640 XL. The smartphone feels pretty fast, and you won’t notice any performance issue unless you open all the apps that you have installed. It always feels very responsive and browsing or gaming work just as expected, but this is also the merit of Microsoft and Windows Phone. Microsoft’s Windows Phone perfectly fits this device, and the impression is that with some hardware upgrades, Lumia 640 XL would easily become the flagship of the whole phone range. Battery life - the wow factor This is where the Lumia 640 XL really excels. The device comes with a 3000 mAh 3.8V battery which according to Microsoft should provide up to 37 days in standby mode and 24 hours of talk time on 3G. Needless to say, figures aren’t exactly the same in real life, but there’s no doubt that the phone won’t disappoint you. Our average was 2 days per charge and in heavy use (1 hour of talk time on 3G, 1 hour of browsing, 4 hours of browsing, Twitter, emails, and gaming), it was still able to get us through the day. It reached 32 hours on heavy use, which was impressive to say the least. Microsoft Lumia 640 XL battery Lumia 640 XL's battery can definitely get you through the day. How’s that possible? It’s really simple actually. Imagine that the Lumia 1520, which was often described as a battery monster (in the good way, that is) comes with a 3400 mAh battery. The 640 XL has a battery that’s very similar while also boasting a smaller display, a Snapdragon 400 processor (as compared to Snapdragon 800 on the 1520) and Lumia Denim. All of these obviously lead to a better-optimized package that in the end provides longer battery life that’s hard to be provided by any other new Lumia device on the market. Connectivity and communications - just the usual stuff Lumia 640 XL features LTE support and the standard technology that’s available on today’s modern smartphones, such as Bluetooth 4.0, Wi-Fi support (WLAN IEEE 802.11 b/g/n), DLNA and screen projection features, GSM and HSPA network support, microUSB for charging and connection to a PC and a standard 3.5mm audio connector for headphones. As far as the quality of your calls is concerned, you won’t feel any difference if you’ve ever used another Lumia before. The 640 XL audio quality is acceptable, but nothing beyond that, while video calls are decent as well, mostly thanks to the cameras we described above. Other features include NFC support for paying, sharing, and tagging, FM radio for listening to your favorite station on the go, and the possibility to turn the device into a portable hotspot with support for up to 8 devices connected at the same time. Menu and software - Windows Phone and Denim As said, Lumia 640 XL comes from the very beginning with Windows Phone 8.1 Update 2 and Lumia Denim, which means that one of the biggest headaches no longer exist. Microsoft started the Lumia Denim rollout in December last year, but some Lumia owners are yet to get it, so buying a device that comes with it from the start is really helpful. If you’re already a Windows Phone user, there’s nothing new here because the OS works, looks, and feels the same on all devices that run it. That’s one of the good things actually, as Microsoft optimized the operating system to work flawlessly on all kinds of devices no matter their price level, be they budget, mid-range, or high-end phones. You get the usual package, which includes Internet Explorer, Mail, a weather app, and tools for the typical things you do on a smartphone. Lumia Denim also brings a bunch of other goodies, such as support for Hey Cortana, a feature that allows you to wake the personal assistant by simply calling her by name. Lumia Camera is also there for better photos and so are some other subtle tweaks brought by Windows Phone 8.1 Update 2, such as native MKV video support, a new mobile data shortcut in the action center, and support for additional languages for Cortana. As mentioned, Windows Phone 8.1 seems to be perfectly optimized for this device, and if we were to choose, the 640 XL was the flagship device with some hardware upgrades here and there. CHECK OUT THE GALLERY (77 Images) The Good If there’s something that deserves all the praises when it comes to the Lumia 640 XL, it’s the battery life. Although a phablet, hence a big screen, the Lumia 640 XL can get you through the way with absolutely no problem, no matter how much you use it. Obviously, it will eventually power off if you keep its screen turned on the whole day, but even on heavy use, it performs way better than other similar devices on the market. Microsoft managed to get a pretty well-optimized device thanks to the Snapdragon 400 processor, an IPS LCD screen and Windows Phone 8.1 Update 2, and this is why battery life is so good. The camera is decent as well, and so is the screen, but there’s no chance that you’ll be impressed with these, at least not when comparing them with other and more expensive out there. Pricing is also very good, as it starts at $249.99 in the United States, and at 209.00 Euros on the Old Continent. The Bad Although the Lumia 640 XL is an overall good package, there still are things that need to be improved, and the first thing that comes in our minds is the operating system. Windows Phone perfectly fits the 640 XL, and it makes the device fast and very responsive, but only because it lacks some of the features that other similar platforms have. And yes, we know that you’ve heard the same thing over and over again, but the lack of apps is really a problem. Lumia 640 XL is the kind of device that can do better and an operating system that would unveil its full potential is what it needs. Windows 10 Mobile can deliver that, but there are some features that won’t be supported by this device, as additional hardware would be needed. Other than that, hardware improvements could also make it feel snappier, and 2 GB of RAM and a faster processor would be just good. Conclusion If you CTRL + F this review and search for how many times we’ve said “decent,” you’ll quickly understand what this phone is all about. Lumia 640 XL is a mid-ranger that’s in its essence a perfectly balanced device. It doesn’t impress, but it doesn’t disappoint either. It has a decent price, a decent camera, a decent screen, and a more than decent battery life. It boasts the typical smartphone feature lineup, with all the things that you’d expect to find, and also features a front-facing camera for selfie aficionados out there. Overall, it’s pretty clear that for a mid-ranger, the Lumia 640 XL is a pretty good device. But for those looking to get more than that, they might have to look somewhere else. And the bad thing is that, for the moment, Microsoft doesn’t seem to provide any better than that, as new flagships are said to arrive later this year. So for the moment, you might have to stick to the (somewhat) old Lumia 1520 if you really want a Windows Phone phablet.
  9. Publisher Game Troopers has just revealed a new mobile game will be launched on Windows Phone platform sometime next month. Dubbed “The Last Door,” the adventure game will be available for download for $2.99 via Windows Phone Store beginning July. On a side note, the game will also be available for purchase on Windows 8.1. Developed by The Game Kitchen, The Last Door will be ported on the Windows Phone platform after it was launched on PC, Mac, Linux, Android and iOS devices. Here is a short descriptions of the popular point-and-click adventure horror game that will soon make it debut on the Windows Phone operating system: “Set in Victorian England, when Jeremiah Devitt receives a letter from his old schoolmate Anthony Beechworth with a hidden, cryptic message, he knows something is wrong. His journey to an abandoned manor is only the beginning as he starts to remember a long-buried secret from his youth, discovering things man was not meant to know, and opening doors that should have remained closed…” Unlock new extras and bonus content Inspired by the works of H.P. Lovecraft, The Last Door features lots of puzzles, stories and four critically-acclaimed scenarios. Players will be able to unlock new extras and bonus content during their playthrough. Keep in mind that the Windows Phone version of the game comes with low-res graphics, while the Collector's Edition release that's now available on Android and iOS platforms include enhanced graphics and remastered sound. “The Last Door will arrive during July at the Windows Phone store priced at $2,99, and will feature achievements like all other Game Troopers titles. As the CEO at Game Troopers, I personally think that this is a very special title, an indie game executed with a very high level of production quality. I got impressed about the high level of production just right after playing for a few minutes. We have very high expectations about the success of this title on Windows Phone,” said Jesus Bosch, Game Troopers CEO.
  10. LG G4 Stylus was officially unveiled back in May, but it was only available for purchase in South Korea and United States. The smartphone made it to T-Mobile last month as LG Stylo G, while Sprint launched the smartphone about two weeks ago. Today, Greek blog TechValue reports LG has just released the G4 Stylus in Greece where customers can purchase it for around €260 ($290) outright. Greece is the first European country that gets the LG G4 Stylus, but we can safely assume the smartphone will be made available in other countries very soon. However, LG's decision to launch the G4 Stylus in Greece initially is rather unusual, since the sales will probably be insignificant. Anyway, those who wish to grab the smartphone will be able to do so via online retailer e-shop.gr, but only in Titanium Gray. It's also worth mentioning that the price mentioned earlier will only be available for one week and that shipping will commence today, June 29. Quad-core CPU and 5.7-inch HD display LG G4 Stylus is a mid-range Android smartphone that's powered by a quad-core processor. As the name suggests, the smartphone comes with stylus, though it doesn't have anything in common with the LG G4. The European version of LG G4 Stylus is equipped a 1.2GHz quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 410 processor and an Adreno 306 graphics processing unit, while the T-Mobile version of the device is powered by a 1.4GHz octa-core CPU. Furthermore, the G4 Stylus packs 1GB of RAM and 8GB of internal memory, which can be further expanded up to 128GB via microSD card slot. Another strong point of the LG G4 Stylus is the 5.7-inch IPS LCD capacitive touchscreen display that supports HD (720p) resolution and features Corning Gorilla Glass 3 coating. On the back, the phone packs a 8-megapixel camera with laser autofocus, LED flash and full HD (1080p) video recording, while in the front there's a secondary 5-megapixel camera for selfies and video calls.
  11. The Pokemon Company launched less than a week ago a new Android application called Pokemon Jukebox, which allows users to listen to music from their favorite Pokemon games. While the application is available for free, users will have to purchase the soundtrack or songs from their preferred Pokemon titles. But the good news is that owners of the Pokemon franchise will offer three new Pokemon songs each day, which can be listened to at no charge. Today, the same Pokemon Company announced the upcoming release of another mobile title in the Pokemon franchise, but this time it's not an application. The popular free-to-play 3DS Pokemon Shuffle will make its way to Android and iOS devices sometime later this year. According to developers, “Pokemon Shuffle Mobile is a new mobile game where players will battle wild Pokémon with their wits and puzzle-solving skills. By matching three or more Pokemon, players can deal damage and whittle down their opponents. Fans can even battle through difficult stages by using Mega-Evolved Pokemon.” Free-to-play but plenty of in-app purchases Those who don't own a Nintendo 3DS console and aren't familiar with Pokemon Shuffle should know that the game has been downloaded more than 4.5 million times on the Nintendo eShop. Just like the console version, Pokemon Shuffle for Android an iOS will be available for download via Google Play Store and App Store for free. However, the game will definitely feature in-app purchases such as the option to buy extra-play time after the ability to play for free depletes, as well as the ability to buy more in-game gold that you can use on various items included in the Pokemon Shuffle. Pokemon Shuffle won't be the only game released by Nintendo, as the company confirmed it would launch more titles on mobile platforms later this year.
  12. The Lumia 940 XL has been making headlines in the last couple of days, as the unannounced smartphone was spotted in different databases. The last report dates from Friday when the Lumia 940 XL made it to AdDuplex. The previous report confirmed the Lumia 940 XL's huge 5.7-inch display that supports Quad HD (2560 x 1440 pixels) resolution, but aside from that nothing else was shared about the phone's specs. The good news is Lumia 940 XL has just made it to GFXBench database, which means we get another glimpse at what's to come. As expected, the smartphone is listed as Nokia RM-1100, which seems to be the phone's model number used in all other reports about Lumia 940 XL. The listing at GFXBench confirms once again that the smartphone will boast a large 5.7-inch capacitive touchscreen display that supports Quad HD resolution. Some of the specs are wrongly reported by the benchmark In addition, the specs listed in the database mention the flagship smartphone will be equipped with a 64-bit octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 processor. Even though there's no mention of the Snapdragon 810 chipset, the presence of the Adreno 430 graphics processing unit confirms the Lumia 940 XL will be powered by this specific processor. Unfortunately, the rest of the phone's specs do not seem to be reported correctly by the benchmark. Nokia RM-1100 appears with only 1.5GB of RAM inside and 16GB of storage, but we know it should pack 3GB RAM and 32GB of internal memory. Another piece of information that we got is the 20-megapixel photo snapper on the back, which features autofocus and 4K video recording. Again, there's no mention of LED flash, but we suspect this is another reporting error of the benchmark. Last but not least, the Lumia 940 XL aka Nokia RM-1100 will also come with a 5-megapixel camera in the front for video calls and selfies.
  13. With exactly one month until the release of Windows 10, Microsoft continues to launch new apps and updates to already available ones. After releasing Office for Android phone, which has been in public testing for more than a month, Microsoft is now launching a smaller app that should come in handy when changing call preferences for operator networks. Calls+ has been around on Windows Phone platform for quite a while, but today Microsoft released a new application that should be replacing the Network+ app. The new application comes with a few extra features in tow, which will allow Windows Phone users to enable call forwarding when they don't want to answer on a certain phone/number or are simply unreachable. But, according to Microsoft, “Call Extras is a settings app that will enable you to set your call waiting and call forwarding preferences for your network.” Those who own Windows Phone devices that offer dual-SIM support can also configure the settings for both cellular networks they are using. It supports non-Lumia smartphones too If you don't have the application yet, you can now download Call+ for Windows Phone for free via Windows Phone Store. Keep in mind though that the application is only compatible with devices powered by Windows Phone 8.1. Microsoft has yet to confirm whether or not Call+ is also working on Windows 10 Mobile Technical Preview builds, but you can try it out for free. It's also worth mentioning that Calls+ will not be shown in the list of installed apps. This means that in order to benefit from its features, you will have to head over to Settings on the smartphone. Windows Phone fans that use smartphones other than Lumia will be pleased to know that Calls+ is available on their devices as well, assuming they are running Windows Phone 8.1.
  14. Great news for smartphone users in India and the Philippines, as Facebook has just announced that its Lite application is now available for download to all Android fans in these countries. While Facebook Lite has been in testing since January, it's been officially introduced earlier this month, but only in a few countries. India and the Philippines were not among the first countries to get Facebook Lite, but beginning today, Android users in these countries can download the application which is only 430KB in size. The full version of Facebook is about 250MB in size, so you can imagine that some of the features that require more storage space or data to be transferred have been cut out. In fact, Facebook Lite offers four services, which are the base of the full version as well: News Feed, Push Notifications, Messages and Status Updates. The simplified version of Facebook has been especially designed to work in areas with 2G network coverage and poor quality Internet connections. “We will get to video soon. In India over 80% of the users are on 2G network. We have worked on improving the apps performance even on spotty connections and across devices from entry-spec devices to high-end ones,” said Vijay Shankar, product manager for Facebook Lite. The app will be launched in Africa, Latin America and Europe soon In case you're wondering why it took about three weeks to bring Facebook Lite to India and the Philippines, the reason might be the fact that the team behind the application has spent a lot of time testing it in these countries. “During the development phase, the team behind the app spent a lot of time on the ground traveling across India to test and check performance of the app,” concluded Shankar. You can now download Facebook Lite for Android for free via Google Play Store. The application should be fully compatible with all devices powered by Android 2.2 and up.
  15. Lenovo's backed startup company ZUK will be launching its first flagship smartphone in the coming months, but word about the Z1 emerged earlier this month. ZUK Z1 is a high-end smartphone that will be launched in China to compete with other native handset makers like LeTV, Xiaomi, OnePlus, but also Huawei, and ZTE. The Z1 will most certainly compete with Lenovo's smartphones as well, though the Chinese company doesn't seem to care since ZUK is its own new sub-brand, which is only available in China. Although initial rumors claimed ZUK Z1 will ship with CyanogenOS, it looks like Lenovo has decided to go Android 5.1.1 Lollipop operating system after all, GizChina reports. In order to start the marketing campaign for the ZUK Z1, the Chinese company has revealed some of the smartphone's specs during a short presentation held in the Mainland. One of the previously rumored pieces of hardware that will be part of the ZUK Z1 is the fingerprint scanner, which has been confirmed at the press conference. The U-Touch scanner/gesture control system is a bit of a mystery The Z1 will feature a U-Touch fingerprint scanner/gesture control system, which will be placed below the display, not on the back of the phone under the camera. Unfortunately, since no images of the smartphone have been shown at the event, it's unclear whether the fingerprint scanner will be placed under a Home screen, like Samsung Galaxy S6, or the phone will feature a touch area. We do know that ZUK Z1 users will be able to unlock the smartphone and swipe between screens and menus using this U-Touch system. ZUK also revealed that the Z1 would be powered by a huge 4,000 mAh battery and that it would support GSM, 3G and LTE bands on China Unicom, China Mobile and China Telecom carriers. There isn't any info on the chipset inside the ZUK Z1, but the Chinese company confirmed the smartphone would boast a “latest-generation” 13-megapixel rear-facing camera with a resolution of 4160 x 3120 pixels. While there's no word on pricing options yet, ZUK Z1 is expected to be launched in China sometime in late August or early September.
  16. Before the Google I/O 2015 conference, the rumor mill was saying we should expect not one but two Nexus smartphones to be unveiled this year. But in the end, Google trolled us all and ended up unveiling squat in the Nexus department. That’s right, we got to check out some features that are slated to arrive bundled in Android M, but no information about upcoming Nexus devices was offered. Nevertheless, we still expect Google to launch a Huawei-made 5.7-inch Nexus phone, plus an LG-manufactured 5.2-inch Nexus handset, before the end of the year. And a new report gives us some more info about Google’s upcoming plans in this department. According to the folks at Geek Snack, Google is apparently preparing to release its next OS alongside one of the new Nexus devices, which is probably going to be the Nexus 5 (2015) codenamed the “LG Angler.” Interestingly enough, this report claims that Huawei will be in charge of building the next Nexus tablet, not a secondary smartphone with a larger display, which is not what we heard in the past. What will the Nexus 5 (2015) be all about? Anyway, the specifications of the redesigned Nexus 5 are quite a mystery for the time being. But according to sources, the phone won’t be that impressive visually. Nevertheless, Google and LG will be supplementing the lack of aesthetic design with high-end specs directed at power users. Still, an engineer close to the Nexus 5 (2015) project is said to have revealed that the phone would come with a major design improvement: it will make a debut with a durable body made out of a resistant carbon fiber. The phone is rumored to arrive with a 5.3-inch display (not 5.2-inch) with FHD resolution (although the possibility of a QHD panel is also to be taken into account). The new Nexus will most likely arrive with a Snapdragon 810 under the hood (or even a Snapdragon 820 if the launch gets postponed even more), 3GB of RAM plus 64GB / 128GB of internal storage. On top of that, the handset might bundle a 16MP primary camera with optical image stabilization and a 5MP selfie camera with wide-angle lens up in front, wireless charging, fast charging and a new USB Type-C connector. A fingerprint sensor will supposedly be located on the back of the device. What we are not told is whether the phone will have a removable battery or not, and whether the device will be compatible with Google’s Project Fi wireless carrier endeavor. Are you excited about the new Nexus 5?
  17. 由于众所周知的原因,可能本站不再适合存在于国内,可能交由外籍人员打理,未来可能全面英语化,完完全全的外站,主要管理层也由外籍人员担任。请大家现在不要到处问为什么是英文了,不能变中文了的问题。 具体变动还在商议中,最终决定后,会告知大家的,请大家安心下载,安心保种就行!请大家记住一点就行,任何的变动都是为了给广大会员更好的下载环境。 关于捐赠:之前的关于号召大家每月捐赠1元的倡议虽然有一千多人同意了,但实际捐助的只有几人,所以希望大家如果不是穷的1元钱都没有的人,能够向网站奉 献您的爱心,不要小看1元钱,人多也会产生大的力量,每人觉得没什么用,就会真的没什么用,如果每人觉得有用,就会真的很有用,未来站里的相关最新资源速 度也是由会员的捐赠决定,毕竟这一段时间,大部分的一些资金(特别是关于资源方面的)都由管理大部分承担,而且后期会更贵,管理组不可能完全承担,只能尽 力而为,而您的小小支持可能会给网站带来很大的变化。 之前有些人就在问,我每月捐了1元钱有什么好处,可不可以免费下载等等的,再此,我明确说明,捐助1元钱的是没有任何回馈的,唯一的回馈就是我们对您支持的默默感谢,和网站更快的资源更新速度和最快的下载。 English Translation: For reasons known, may no longer fit the site exists in the country, may be handed over to foreign personnel to take care of the future may be full of English, completely outside the station, the main management also held by expatriates. Now please do not ask why everywhere is in English, and can not become Chinese the issue. Specific changes is still under negotiation, after the final decision, will tell everyone, please feel at ease to download, ease of conservation on the line! Please keep in mind that on the line, any change is to give the general membership better download environment. About Donation: Before you call us about the initiative to donate one yuan per month, although there are a thousand people agreed, but only a few of the actual contributions, so I hope that if it is not the poor who do not have a dollar, it is possible to site dedication of your love, do not underestimate the dollar, many people also have great power, each person feel useless, you will really no use, if everyone feel useful it is really useful, the next station in Related resources speed is determined by the latest member of donations, after all this time, most of the some of the funds (particularly with regard to resources) are largely borne by the management, and the latter will be more expensive, can not be fully responsible for the management group, You can only do your best, and your website may give little support to bring great changes. Before some people asking me to donate a dollar a month what benefits can you free download, etc., and then this, I clearly stated, the donor dollar is no feedback, the only feedback is that we silently thanks for your support, and website resources faster update rate and the fastest download.
  18. It’s a testament to the popularity of Spider-Man that we still can’t stop talking about him. After one film trilogy and a near instantaneous reboot into two more we’re still wondering what’s going to happen when we see him next, in his third iteration in a decade. All signs point to Spider-Man ver. 3.0 being very different than the first two however, and the man behind the MCU has some specific detail about how Spidey will fit. President of Marvel Studios Kevin Feige spoke to Zap2it about the future of the Spider-Man character and how the Marvel film version would differ from what we’d seen before. While we already have some information, like the fact that we won’t see an origin story for the wall crawler, but now Spidey is going to enter the MCU and according to Feige this new universe is going to effect the wall crawler differently. The biggest thing ... is that it takes place in this universe. It's the first time that you'll be able to see Spider-Man like he was in the comics, as a very different type of hero when compared to the other heroes in the universe. Since all previous Spider-Man movies had the web head by himself there have never been other heroes for him to contrast against. In casting 19 year old Tom Holland in the role of Spider-Man they will have a young man who looks up to these established heroes, and is trying to figure out where he fits. All of our heroes so far chose to get powers, or were born with them. Even Hulk was looking for powers, just not what he ended up with. Spider-Man will be a kid with powers he wasn’t even looking for. What does he do with them? It should make for a compelling story. While we know that Spider-Man will not be filling the role in Captain America: Civil War that he did in the comics version of the arc, Feige did say that the schism within the MCU will still have an effect on him when we meet him next summer. Peter Parker will need to decide if he wants to be like these heroes, or wants nothing to do with them. It could potentially be a traumatic experience for a young Spider-Man. The Peter Parker who dealt with all the heroes taking sides in the comics was an adult. One expects a kid will have a very different reaction to it all. Whatever happens to the web slinger in Civil War will then set up his solo venture for July of 2017. We’re surprised how much we’re still looking forward to seeing Spider-Man in the movies again after everything he’s been through. By 2017 we’ll probably even be ready for another starring role.
  19. Cara Delevigne may be attached to a highly-anticipated DC superhero film, but that apparently isn’t stopping the young starlet from sharing exactly how she feels about the industry that is about to kickstart her acting career. The model-turned-actress made a few opinionated comments about portrayals of women in superhero movies calling them ‘totally sexist’... that is except the roles in Suicide Squad, of course. While discussing her upcoming role as the terrifying sorceress Enchantress in David Ayer’s Suicide Squad with Empire Magazine, Delevingne opened up about her concerns with female superheroes, and why the portrayal of them in most superhero films is sexist. She told the magazine (via Yahoo): Female superheroes are normally naked or in bikinis. No-one would be able to fight like that. Wonder Woman, how the hell does she fight? She would be dead in a minute. Delevigne adds another voice to a growing debate of women’s portrayal in action movies. We’ve had our fair share of powerful women, from Lara Croft to Sarah Connor to Black Widow, but in some action films the women tend to placed more so for sex appeal than badassery. There’s certainly been a forward progression in giving female superheroes stronger roles, but when they are kicking butt in five inch heels wearing skin tight leather gear that perfectly shows off optimum cleavage. Well, come on. It is a bit surprising Delevingne is so open to diss the industry that just gave her her biggest role to date, though. But of course, she does make sure to express that Suicide Squad is different from the rest, telling Empire: There are only three girls in ['Suicide Squad’] but in my opinion they have the best roles. Generally though, superhero movies are totally sexist. The three women that Delevingne alludes to are herself, Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, and Karen Fukuhara as Katana. All three are rocking totally different looks as you can see in the full cast photo. And then we’ve got Viola Davis added into the mix, who has already claimed her character Amanda Waller to be completely bad-ass saying that even "Superman would quake in his tights". Delevigne will also star alongside a powerhouse male casting of Will Smith as Deadshot, Jared Leto as The Joker, Jai Courtney as Boomerang, Joel Kinnaman as Rick Flag, Adawale Akinnuoye-Agbaje as Killer Croc and Jay Hernandez as El Diablo. Suicide Squad is currently in production and is scheduled to hit theaters on August 5th.
  20. Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn has been promising new and exciting changes ahead for the franchise. As progress is made on the sequel to his Marvel Cinematic hit, the director loves to tease fans with news on what’s to come. And this time around, the director emphasized just how different Guardians of the Galaxy 2 will be from its predecessor, calling it an overall more emotional movie. James Gunn has always been closer to the side of indie movies than big blockbusters. With smaller budget films like Slither and Super at the core of his resume, Guardians of the Galaxy was an entirely new territory for the filmmaker. That’s why, when he claims that Guardians 2 is going to be much more emotional, we can trust him. He explained what ‘more emotional’ meant while quizzed by the press at the Saturn Awards on Thursday (via Collider): Well I think I've said so much already... I think it's a more emotional movie. It's both a bigger movie and a smaller movie because we focus more intensely on some of the characters. We learn a lot about fathers in the second movie and I think we focus a lot on that. And if you’ve seen any other James Gunn films, you know he’s a master with those smaller films. Give him the material to make it bigger, and well, you get something like Guardians which was able to produce thoughtful characters with interesting stories, along with the big picture action a Marvel movie requires. We went through a bunch of different feels in the first film of the franchise, from that opening number with child-sized Chris Pratt, all the way to the emotional finale as Groot sacrificed himself for the team. There was certainly no lack of emotion in the first film, but it did also need to serve the purpose of setting up a story, and served as more of an introduction to this ragtag team we would be joining on an adventure. Now that the team is set, the sequel can focus more on deeper seeded issues in the characters, particularly, Chris Pratt’s Peter Quill, who will be exploring his paternal roots. We’ve been told we are in for an emotional roller coaster by Peter Quill himself just a few weeks ago when Chris Pratt admitted that James Gunn’s idea for the sequel actually brought tears to the actor’s eyes. Of course the mega movie star wasn’t able to divulge any further details, but if simply an idea can bring about tears, we are in for quite the ride. The first draft of the sequel’s screenplay was completed just three weeks ago, so we still have plenty time to gauge just what this movie is going to be all about. If we’ve learned anything from James Gunn, it is that he loves to tease his fans, and give them sneak peaks into his world of filmmaking, so plenty to look forward to on that front. As for the final product, Guardians of the Galaxy 2 is scheduled to hit theaters on May 5, 2017.
  21. The comic rougue Lee Nelson dashed on to the Pyramid stage and started dancing with the bemused rapper before being forcibly removed by security. Kanye West's Glastonbury slot was the topic of hot debate even prior to the stage invasion. The comedian ran on to the iconic stage during the fourth song with West trying to continue with the song, Black Skinhead, only to break off for security to remove him before restarting. Lee Nelson, whose real name is Simon Brodki, also managed to sneak into a photograph with the England football team before last year's World Cup in Brazil. The headline slot drew tens of thousands to the Pyramid stage, having been one of the most controversial bookings in recent years. An online petition against West's appearance garnered more than 100,000 signatories. Television presenter Jonathan Ross was one of the stars watching the show from a viewing platform at the side of the stage, taking selfies with fans before the headline act began. During Touch the Sky, Kanye walked off stage only to reappear being lifted high into the sky on a platform above the crowd. He closed the lack-lustre set with the track All Falls Down from his debut album, before declaring: 'You are now watching the greatest living rock star on the planet.' Many festival goers left feeling dissappointed with the hyped Glastonbury set. https://youtu.be/F4knBSt49TM
  22. Harry Styles is apparently "stuck" in the rockstar lifestyle. The One Direction star is often touted as the edgiest one in the group with his cool sense of style and friendships with the likes of Cara Delevingne and Chris Martin. While it might seem like he's living the dream, the 21-year-old is thought to be becoming disillusioned by it all. "It's like he's stuck in the rock'n'roll lifestyle," an insider said to British magazine Star. "It used to be so much fun, but he's beginning to feel unfulfilled. And the exhaustion is starting to show." It's a tough time for the band, who had to cope with Zayn Malik leaving in March. Now Harry, Niall Horan, Liam Payne and Louis Tomlinson are holding down the forte as a four-piece and there are rumours they're no longer a solid unit. There's constant gossip a break-up is imminent, which is also thought to be getting to Harry. His response is to go out and have fun, but this is just running him down. "The pressure and uncertainty are getting too much for Harry," the source continued. "He needs to take care of himself but he just wants to party through everything." Meanwhile, Zayn, who left the band because he wanted a "normal life", apparently isn't getting the calm he craves either. There's dispute over his supposedly leaked track No Type and it's thought to be a worry for the 22-year-old. His pal Naughty Boy claims MC Righteous leaked the song, but Righteous says Zayn wanted him to release it. "He doesn't need this," an insider said. "It's freaking him out. He left One Direction to get away from this kind of stress, but now he's getting it from all sides. The last thing he needs is more trouble from the label and his friends fighting."
  23. In this week's Billboard cover story some of musics biggest stars talk about Amy Winehouse's lasting legacy, tragic end and eye-opening new documentary. In Winehouse's story, many of the perils of 21st-century fame collide. She was hounded not only by paparazzi -- the famously aggressive British tabloids painstakingly tracked her movements around her London home -- but by talking heads insensitive to addiction and mental-health issues. One disturbing sequence in the film shows Winehouse as a punchline for talk-show hosts. 'She was ill. You had people who had praised her and now they were murdering her,' says Darcus Beese, president of Island Records and Winehouse's former A&R man. 'Hopefully, when they see their faces on the screen they'll feel embarrassed.' Sam Smith on how Winehouse impacted his career: 'Her song 'You Sent Me Flying' is the reason why I sing,' Smith tells Billboard. 'At 11 years old I was belting out 'F--- Me Pumps' and soaking in all the language and honesty.' Her friend and co-manager Nick Shymansky & former band member Dale Davis on who is to blame for Amy's death: 'There was a huge chain of selfishness and negligence around Amy,' says Shymansky. 'I remember an expert saying on the news that she could drop dead at any minute. But there were still gigs being booked. I would never have anything to do professionally with someone in that state.' Says Davis: 'The finger can be pointed at certain people, but in many respects we can all be blamed. I've gone through all those feelings myself. I would have had to be there 24 hours a day to try and help.' Davis on speaking to Amy hours before she died: A few hours before she died, Winehouse spoke to Davis on Skype. 'She said, 'I've been ­watching videos of myself on YouTube, and I can sing,' ' he recalls. 'And I said, 'Of course you can sing!' There had been doubts, but for her to realize that was one of the nicest things she could possibly say.' Director of 'Amy' Asif Kapadia on making the film: The film is a riveting collage of audio interviews and mostly unseen footage. It took the filmmakers two years to win the trust of Winehouse's friends, many of whom hadn't spoken publicly since her death. 'At the beginning nobody wanted to talk to me,' says Kapadia. 'Then ­everybody did.' Only Mitch Winehouse has since criticized the project, calling it 'unbalanced.' Gay-Rees says that the initial three-hour cut was 'too painful to watch.' Even the final 128-minute ­version is ­overwhelmingly sad. Says Shymansky: 'You see this happy, witty spark of an artist and then this ­desperately high, lost, ­overexposed, ­overharassed wreck of a ­person.'
  24. The Rolling Stones special guest for the City of Fountains aka Cow Town or Kansas City show on Saturday night was Ed Sheeran. Ed Sheeran opened for The Stones and then returned to perform 'Beast of Burden' in their set. 'Ed Sheeran! That was great! I loved that one,' Mick Jagger said at the end of the song. 'Ed wanted to do Trap Queen but we didn't rehearse it'. The Stones then played a song that they had not played live since 1963, 'Kansas City', the Little Willie Littlefield cover from 1952. 'This next song used to be the opening number of all our blues sets back in 1963, I mean that for real. We haven't played it in a long time,' Jagger said diving into the blues classic. The Rolling Stones, Milwaukee, June 23, 2015 Start Me Up (from Tattoo You, 1981) Its Only Rock and Roll (from It's Only Rock N Roll, 1974) Tumbling Dice (from Exile On Main Street, 1972) Doom and Gloom Doom and Gloom (from GRRR, 2012) Beast of Burden (with Ed Sheeran) (from Some Girls, 1978) Kansas City (Little Willie Littlefield cover) Bitch (from Sticky Fingers, 1971) Wild Horses (from Sticky Fingers, 1971) Street Fighting Man (from Beggars Banquet, 1968) Honky Tonk Women (single, 1968) Before They Make You Run (from Some Girls, 1978) Happy (from Exile On Main Street, 1972) Midnight Rambler (from Let It Bleed, 1969) Miss You (from Some Girls, 1978) Gimme Shelter (from Let It Bleed, 1969) Jumping Jack Flash (single, 1968) Sympathy For The Devil (from Beggars Banquet, 1968) Brown Sugar (from Sticky Fingers, 1971) You Can't Always Get What You Want (from Let It Bleed, 1969) Satisfaction (from Out Of Our Heads, 1965) The next Rolling Stones Zipcode tour show will be in Raleigh, NC on July 1, 2015. The Zipcode tour will conclude in Quebec on July 15, 2015.
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