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  1. Boy am I glad they don't host anything really dirty. I mean they may have porn on it, but they show some sort of restraint on this tracker. Anyway it's a good thing they have filters on this, so I don't have to see such things.
  2. It looks good. But the language barrier could be a handicap. Unless I use Google Translate, to translate the pages. Aside from that, looks good. Also I think they named it after a Simpsons Halloween parody of the Shining. Clever!
  3. At least it has freeleech. And that ought to help with this site. It does have a wide variety of performers I've never heard of before. But given it also deals with Classical Music, I'd think it would be worth it.
  4. Looks quite good for an alternative. As long as those Blu-rays and DVDs have English options, it could be fine for a Phoenix rising out of the ashes of its former existence.
  5. Now this could be interesting. If they have any specials or any episodes of Hey Hey It's Saturday, then I would be hooked. I wonder how I could get an invite for it?
  6. Having a site devoted to AFL recordings could be worthwhile for the fans. I'm mainly on the fence between AFL and NRL. Both are different, yet both hold an equal attraction to me.
  7. Didn't Diwana have all sorts of Australian TV Broadcasts, or did they only have sporting events? I'm sure that it had the former, given my past experience. Still it's worthwhile if you're a member, and if you are a fan of Aussie Sport.
  8. Looks like an interesting tracker. With the assortment of music, ebooks, and movies, it could be a worthwhile use of my time and effort. And it has it's own radio streams!
  9. Given the low stats, I'd give it a pass, unless I might be interested in Italian films and shows.
  10. Basically, without freeleech, what's the point exactly. I'm more of the freeleech type, allowing me to boost up my stats and ratio quite easily. Still, it looks like a good site.
  11. This ought to be interesting. A cornucopia of educational tools, texts, and shows, within an easy to use tracker system. It ought to be worth it for the NOVA and Horizon episodes featured there, and then some!
  12. That's a shame, but also a relief. Having read the documents above, the notion of making passwords each year, and being made to do that mandatory, that could cause problems all over the place.
  13. Hmmm. Paying for a torrent of a match? I really don't think that can work, without some outfits going after for blood. Remember, sport is big business, both in the figurative and literal sense.
  14. I'm glad they don't have Porn in this tracker. The fact that some trackers contain filth, I thankfully ignore and don't notice. Thank goodness for filters! This sounds like an interesting tracker, and well worth a look later on. They might have something good there.
  15. I really don't think so. Having to be forced to upload and download at the same time to gain membership. I'd pass, given there are many other trackers that don't have that requirement. Still looks like a good site though.
  16. This may be worth a gander, if some of the offerings there catch my eye. At least they have full uploads of Blu-rays, and a section devoted to invites. A double win in my own honest opinion.
  17. Looks like a good site, for Indian programs, films and translations. It will work best in its native tongue and country. But at least having Deadpool involved with this site, (whether it be legit or not) ought to be worth it.
  18. I think it would be a bit difficult to try and join, given I've heard that they expect the best from you. They may be a premium tracker, but it means you have to be prepared to devote yourself to it, as much as the other users do. Or at least wait until they have a freeleech, if any.
  19. I think it has to do with personal preference. Some people can react differently to certain things. Luckily I keep an open mind with Trackers all over.
  20. Basically it has plenty in HD content, but it's also best to have other memberships in additional HD trackers as well. There's always room for more if you want to be a completist. And there's a whole world out there for us to go through.
  21. This looks like a good place to get 3D CG art and crafting tools. It may be closed currently, but for those who want an easier means of expanding their potential, it ought to be worth waiting for registration. Only time will tell...
  22. Hulk hands always makes an ordinary situation extra-ordinary. And also, given that Disney owns Marvel, lock, stock and barrel, it seems to be a good example of cross-promotion between brands.
  23. How the mighty have fallen. Lindsey Lohan went from an actress that had great potential, to a fallen starlet, who was unable to cope with her fame. I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up dying at a young age, or otherwise going into obscurity.
  24. Slow and steady always wins the race. And that approach is paramount when reopening tourist attractions and theme parks. We just don't want to sully their reputation by cause massive clusters of Coronavirus outbreaks.
  25. $1 for a Cinema? That seems to be a good investment. It reminds me of that episode of the Simpsons, where Bart purchases a run down factory for a dollar. At least the owners of the Egyptian treated that structure with respect, unlike Bart's factory, which ended up collapsing at the end of the episode.
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